Chapter 3

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Rosie's POV I had to practically drag Jordan down to dinner. Eating in my room wasn't an option tonight. He had his arm wrapped around the top of my shoulders and had me pulled tight against him as we walked down the spiral staircase. I knew as soon as we got near the bottom, he would put some distance between us. We got close to the bottom, and like I thought, he pulled away slightly. He took his free hand and rubbed his hand across my cheek and towards my ear, tucking a strand of hair behind it. Something he does often, but something that never gets old. He kissed my forehead lightly. Holding me close to him for a minute. We turned away from each other and finished walking down the stairs. I didn't even notice Jordans dad standing at the bottom with a suspicious grin across his face. He kept looking between me and Jordan like he was trying to figure out if something more was going on between us, then what we led on. "Hi Beta Kurt. I hope you weren't waiting on us." He cleared his throat and went back to his emotionless self. "Don't worry, dear. I wasn't waiting long. Are you two ready for dinner?" Jordan whispered in my ear. "Think if I say no, he will let us go back upstairs?" I elbowed him his side. "Ouch, take that as a no?" I shook my head at him. I guess he wasn't as freaked out as I was over his dad, catching us. Jordan and I don't show each other much affection outside of my room. That's twice in one day that people have seen us. I'm sure his dad has questions now. I would be shocked if he hadn't already linked my dad. We took the private staircase from the Alpha and beta floors. How Beta Kurt knew we would be taking that particular staircase, I have no idea. It's why Jordan and I didn't think we had to be as careful. Maybe it's time for it all to come out. I mean, let's be honest, us keeping it under their noses this long was truly a miracle. Jordan and I have been best friends since we were in diapers. Him being there for me through all this and sleeping in the same room didn't startle or suprise them. We did it often growing up. I just don't think they knew Jordan became more of a permanent resident the last year and that we were doing more than just sleeping. I'm sure those questions are swirling in Betas Kurt's mind right about now. We entered the ranked members private dining room. Something that doesn't get used very often anymore. I haven't eaten in here since before my mom died. I guess I should have guessed this is where we would be eating. I just knew my dad and Beta Kurt either are in their offices or in the dining hall with the rest of the pack. My mom always encouraged eating with the other pack members often. She thought it connected us with them. But every Sunday, we would eat in our dining room with the ranked members and ate a meal that she always cooked herself. Without thinking, I took my usual seat. I looked over to see the empty chair that sat between me and my dad at the head of the table. It looked silly to have such a large gap between us, but I couldn't move. Hell, I couldn't breathe. My dad looked at the empty chair. I think it just dawned on him that this was the first time we sat at dinner together since then. You could see the sadness and heartache in his eyes. He shocked me by standing and taking a seat next to me in my mother's chair, so he was across from Beta Kurt. Alec and Zina and their son Kyle sat next to Kurt and across from us. Jordan took the seat next to me like he always did. Our parents tried separating us, but it never worked. So eventually, they gave us permanent seats next to each other. Jordan grabbed my hand and squeezed it. He knew I needed the comfort. Right now, I was fighting my usual meltdown that would come after I would get flooded with memories of my mom. I'm really starting to think my dad is right for sending me away. I'm having a hard time letting go when everywhere I turn, I'm being haunted by memories. After everyone was settled and a glass of wine was poured in everyones glasses, my dad cleared his throat loudly to get everyone's attention. "We all know why we're gathered here tonight, and that's to send my beautiful daughter off to live with her aunt for nearly a year. I hope during this time you learn and grow and turn into the most confident women you can be. I know when you return, it will be near your eighteenth birthday, and I just hope you find your mate and your true love and share the love that your mother and I had." He raised his wine glass along with everyone else. I turned to clink my glass with Jordan when I saw his jaw tighten, and he looked aggravated and possessive. I looked around to see if anyone else noticed, and the Gammas all had their heads down and smirking. Great, so they obviously know something is going on between us. I hesitated before I looked at Beta Kirk. I wasn't sure if I wanted to know if he noticed. I finally looked him in the eye, and once again, he was looking back and forth between me and Jordan. This time, he wasn't smiling. He looked worried. I quickly linked Jordan. "You need to calm down. Everyone is looking at you." I placed my hand on his thigh, and he placed his hand on top of mine. I could feel his body relax next to mine. I looked over at my dad and noticed he's completely oblivious to what's happening around him. Go figure. He can run a pack and know all the ins and outs but can't even notice what's happening between his daughter and the future Beta. The rest of dinner was awkward with a lot of non sense conversations. Beta Kurt remained oddly quiet even for him. We all headed our separate ways. Jordan and I headed for the spiral staircase when we were stopped by his dad. "Wait, you two. Is there something you want to tell me?" I gulped. Jordan placed his hand on my back, rubbing small circles, to help calm down my nerves. Jordan was calm as ever. "Dad, I think you already know." "You're right. I do. I just didn't realize how serious it is. Jordan, your wolf was coming forward at dinner. He's practically claiming Rosie already. He got jealous over the possibility of Rosie having someone else for a mate. You two don't even know if you're fated mates yet. If you're not, this could end very badly for your wolf Jordan if he's set on Rosie and her wolf." Wait, what? How did I miss Jordan's wolf coming forward. Beta Kirk took his direction toward me now. "Rosie, there's a good chance you could be mated to another Alpha. They are even more possessive. This could be very dangerous for all of you. It's why we all warned you guys not to get serious with anyone but your mate." I felt the guilt wash over me. I didn't realize how bad it could get. "Granted, I've never seen a wolf get possessive over someone that's not there, mate, but it does occasionally happen. I've just never seen it." Jordan looked annoyed. "Dad, just calm down. Like you said, Rosie could be my mate. That could be why my wolf's acting like this." "I honeslty hope so Jordan." He stomped away. Jordan was still calm as can be as we headed up the stairs. I, however, was not. "Are we going to talk about what your dad just said?" "No, we're not. I'm not worried. What I am worried about is not being able to spend our last night together the proper way." "What do you mean?" He stopped walking and turned towards me, slowly backing me against the wall. He brought his lips just centimeters from mine. I felt his hot breath when he spoke. " What I mean is I've spent over the last year sharing a bed with you and having you in my arms. I'm going to enjoy every last minute I can with you." He placed both of his masculine arms on both sides of me, caging me between them. His voice turned sultry. I could see the desire deep in his eyes. "I plan on taking you upstairs and f*****g you in every way possible and with so much passion and so much love that you will think of me everytime you touch yourself while your gone." Holy. Shit.
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