Chapter 2

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Rosie's POV I got home from school, and I knew i needed to start packing. If my dad found out I hadn't even started, he would have my ass handed to me. Jordan and I were walking up towards my room when we passed my dad in the hallway. He had one eyebrow rasied at me. "Rosie, I had the omegas lay your luggage out on your bed. Remember, whatever is in the luggage is what you will take, so if you pack nothing, you go with nothing. Am I clear?" Shit. Well, so much for thinking he wouldn't find out. "I know, Daddy. I'm headed to do that now." He shook his head at me in disapproval. "Rosie, make sure you dress nicely tomorrow. I know your aunt would appreciate it. The ranked members are the only one's that will know what pack you're from unless you want to tell them, okay?" "I know." Jordan gave me a questioning look. I had to look away from him. My dad looked between the two of us trying to figure out what was going on. Luckily, he decided to ignore it. "Alright, well, I'll leave you to it. Get busy, Rosie. We leave at seven in the morning." I sighed. "Okay, dad." When we put a safe amount or distance between me and my dad, Jordan grabbed me by the arm, so I had to face him. "What did your dad mean back there? Are you not telling anyone there that you're an Alphas daughter or that you're from one of the largest and most powerful packs in the States?" I bit my bottom lip. I could tell from Jordan's tone that he was upset, and I really hated upsetting him in any way. "I asked my dad if we could keep it a secret." "What, why?" "Because I'm tired of people being fake with me, and if they know who I am, they will know what a mess I am. I don't want to start a new school and deal with the same s**t I do here. I know it's made its way around that im a mental case. " "What do you mean?" "Come on, Jordan. It's no secret that you're my only friend. I'm a freak, an outcast, and everyone has made sure that I knew that." "You never mentioned people were giving you such a hard time." "I didn't need you to protect me. It would just give people more reasons to be fake to my face, and I'm so tired of it." "So what happened with Lydia today? Was that her being fake?" I didn't know if or how to tell him. He likes Lydia. He thinks she's a little high maintenance but still a good person and an honorable pack member. If he only knew the truth about little miss perfect. I'm well aware those two used to hook up before Jordan became a recurring member in my bed. Do I hate it? Absolutely, but not enough to act like a jealous girlfriend because technically, I wasn't. So, I had no right to make comments about the other women he slept with before me. "Jordan, it doesn't matter. We will be running this pack soon enough. As much as I don't want to leave, it wouldn't do me any good to go to another pack just to deal with the same s**t. Maybe this way, i can finally heal or move on or do whatever it is I'm supposed to be doing." He sighed. "I understand. I just hate that you hid this from me. I mean, I knew you didn't want to leave your bedroom. Hell, im with you half the time. I just didn't realize pack members were giving you a hard time." I was slightly irratated. "You heard Lydia. She wasn't concerned. She was making fun of me and implying that I was weak. Most of this pack doesn't think I'm capable of running it because of my depression." "That's not true." "Yes, it is. Everyone looks at me like I'm crazy and they think that I should be in a mental hospital. All because it's not common for wolves to get depressed." "I'm sorry I should have known." He pulled me into his chest and wrapped his arms around me. I breathed in his natural musky scent. Just the smell of him brought me a wave of comfort. It's a smell I grew accustomed to having around me all the time. We opened the door to my room and saw three large pink luggage sets opened and ready to be packed on my bed. Jordan could tell by the long frown on my face that I really wanted nothing to do with packing up my room. "Oh, come on, Rose. I'll help you. I might even let you take a few of my shirts and your favorite sweatshirt of mine to take with you." Okay, now he has my attention. "Okay, throw in your pillow, and you have a deal." He started to laugh. "Fine, you can have my pillow." We packed up basically everything I would need in about two hours. I felt bad because we had to get another luggage from storage. I didn't realize how much stuff I wanted to take and needed to take. My aunts pack was ten hours away and was a lot warmer than what we dealt with up here in the mountains, so i had to pack everything. Fall may be in full bloom here, but it won't be as cold where she's at. Once everything was zipped up and packed and all was left was my bathroom stuff, we crashed on my bed. I turned my body to face Jordan, and he did the same to face me. He looked like the depressed one now. "I wish i could go with you." "I know me too. I just hope my dad is right about doing this. I don't want to be broken my whole life." "You're not broken. You've been through trauma. Everyone heals differently. You just have to let yourself do it." "I'm really going to try." "Rosie, can you promise me something?" "Of course I can." "Promise me you won't fall in love with anyone over there." I was utterly shocked what he was asking me to do. We weren't mates. Well, not that we knew of anyway. But what he was asking me felt like it wouldn't matter if it was my mate or not. I don't think he wanted me falling in love with anyone, period. Jordan meant everything to me, and I had no intention of being in any sort of relationship while I was over there. I just wanted to focus on school and healing. That's it. So what would be the big deal in me promising him something that I really had no intention of doing anyway. I pushed his mahogany colored hair out of his face. He kept it longer on top, and i absolutely loved it."I promise not to fall in love with anyone while I'm there." "Good." He pulled me by the waist so our bodies were pressed together. I felt the tip of his nose rub against mine. His warm, minty breath invaded my nostrils. He was doing things to me, and he knew it. He knows everything I like. He moved his nose down under my chin and rubbed it against my neckline and behind me ear pressing light kisses along the way. Once he hit my go-to spot on the side of my neck. He started nibbling and sucking till little moans escaped my mouth. I'll give it to Jordan. That boy sure does know how to use his mouth. He makes me forget my own name half the time. A loud knock on my door took us out of the trance we were in. Jordan ran his fingers through his hair in frustration. When we both didn't move to get the door, there was another knock even louder than the one before. I got up to get the door and opened it, and found an omega behind it. She cleared her throat and looked at Jordan in my bed and around my room and then back to me. "Sorry to disturb you ma'am but your father wants both of you down in the dining hall for one last meal before you leave tomorrow." "Why didn't he link me?" "Oh, um." "He sent you up to check to see if i was packed, didn't he?" She got suddenly nervous and put her head down. "Yes, ma'am."
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