Chapter 1

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Rosie's POV I laid in bed admiring Jordan's very toned biceps and abs. I felt like a creep checking him out profusely while he slept. He's been my rock, my best friend and my everything lately. I'm not sure how I would have gotten through the last year without him. I guess technically, I really haven't gotten through it. I knew he understood. He's probably one of the few that did in this pack. He's the future beta of our pack. It was our birthright for us to run this pack together. My mother was killed in front of me. I was sixteen. I should have had my wolf, I should have been able to shift. Unfortunately, i didn't get my wolf till a month after she was gone. I was the first born Alpha. I was destined to be the Luna of this pack, yet I couldn't even protect my mother. I am a skilled trainer. Actually, i am one of the best in the pack. A lot of packs didn't think it was necessary to train the women, but my dad always made sure to make it a priority. The rogues had my mother ripped to shreds before I could even grasp what was happening. I killed a few with my bare hands. I am strong, very strong, actually. In that moment, I understood why we trained so hard in human form. There were just too many. My dad showed up a few minutes later. He was just too late to save my mother, and I was in rough shape. They doctor told me that my dad had to donate blood because I had lost too much, and It was touch and go of me making it out alive. Apparently, he wasn't the only one who had to donate. He doesn't blame me for what happened. It just doesn't stop me from blaming myself. Jordan lost his mother a few years before I lost mine. I knew the ranked members mates were targets it was just rare that both of ours got easily murdered. My eyes continued roam over his body. His voice came out groggy. " I can feel you staring, Rose." Oops, busted. Not that I was embarrassed by it. We've been having s*x for the last six months and sleeping in the same bed since my mom died. All the late nights of him holding me as I cried and all our talks. We grew closer than we ever have, and we've always been pretty close. I'm not exactly sure when my feelings changed to more than just friends, but they did. We weren't an official couple. As far as everyone at the pack and school knew we were just friends. We made sure to keep our s****l relationship a secret from everyone, well, mostly our fathers. We weren't sure how they would take it sense we weren't old enough to find our fated mates. I'm not sure about Jordan, but I've been secretly hoping he would be my fated mate. Life would be so much easier if he was. I'm just not sure if he feels the same way. We were raised to believe in the moon goddess and to always follow our destiny. Our parents always drilled to me and Jordan not to get attached to someone who wasn't our mate. I think they made that rule thinking me and Jordan would never get together. I know both of our fathers secretly want us to be fated mates, too. I think mostly because our mothers used to gossip that we would be. Jordan rolled over to his side and pulled me into him. "I don't want to go to school." I sighed. "Well, you know I never do. One of the many reasons why my dad is sending me to go live my aunt for the rest of the year." I may be the Alphas daughter and the future leader of this pack, but it doesn't stop everyone from thinking of me as the pack outcast. I just haven't had a sense of belonging since my mom died. We both still go to school and train, but that's about it. I never leave my room unless it's for those two things. I won't even go down to the dining hall to eat. Jordan spends most of his time with me. He still has friends, unlike me. So he does go hang with them frequently but always comes back to my room. I can't even remember the last time he slept in his own bed. I tapped his chest with my hand. "Come on, we better not be late again. I don't want my dad giving me any more crap than he already does." I slowly got up out of bed and stretched. I heard Jordan groan behind me. I knew my silk camisole and short set started to ride up when I stretched. Exposing my bare skin to him. I may be teasing him a little. He arched part of his body up to the side. "You sure we have to go? I can think of something better for both of us to do." I moved out of his reach. I knew if he got ahold of me, we wouldn't be leaving this room for the rest of the day. I walked into my closet and grabbed a pair of flared jeans and a sweater. It was starting to get crisp outside. Living in the mountains, it tends to get a lot colder here. I grabbed Jordan jeans, a t-shirt, and a sweatshirt and tossed them at him. Most of his clothes were in here anyway. I'm honeslty not even sure how our fathers haven't noticed, or maybe they did. I knew they knew about Jordan staying with me when my mom first died. It just never stopped. I watched him stretch out his perfectly naked body. I'm starting to reconsider this whole staying locked up in my room idea. Jordan noticed that I was practically drooling. "To late now, missy, you had your chance." I should have known he was going to mock me. I finished getting ready in the bathroom while he got dressed. I didn't put too much effort into my appearance. I stopped caring long ago. I'm not saying I was unattractive. I was well aware that I was. I just was more modest than most female ranked members I've ever met. Hell, half the females in my school dress like sluts. Leaving very little to the imagination. I put my dirty blonde hair into a fishtail braid and added a little mascara and blush. I came out, and Jordan placed a kiss on my cheek. "Beautiful." I used to get hit on quite a bit before my mom died. I was just never sure if they liked me for me or if they just wanted to be with me because of my rank. I guess it doesn't matter now. It all stopped when she died. All the males were scared to come near me. Like I was damaged goods and I no longer appealed to them. My dad had to check me into the pack hospital a few times because of depression. I had to stay there for three weeks the first time, and now I'm considered mental and weak. A few females at school make sure to continue to remind me of that. Jordan and I headed down the kitchen to grab an apple before we headed to his truck. For the most part, we road to school together unless he had other plans or extra training his dad makes him do from time to time. As soon as we got to school and I stepped out of Jordan's truck, I felt a sudden sadness wash through me again. I guess it truly didn't hit me till now that today would be my last day here. I leave for my aunts pack tomorrow. I keep trying to convince my father to let me stay here. He wasn't budging. Just kept saying I needed a change of scenery and a woman's influence. He continued to try to reassure me that it would only be until a few months after graduation, but it didn't help. Jordan picked up on my sudden mood change. He really shouldn't be too shocked as frequently as it happens over the last year. He didn't say a word and just pulled me into his arms for a tight embrace. He didn't care that everyone was staring. I felt eyes burning holes in the back of my head. I knew we were making a scene. We're usually so good about not showing affection in front of anyone. Besides him occasionally putting his arm around my shoulders as we walked. He must be feeling bold because he kissed my cheek. "It's less than a year, Rose, that's it. You can do this. I'll be there for a visit in two months. Our dad's already gave the go for that. I'm going to miss you so much." I tried hard to hold my tears back. "I'm going to miss you too." I dug my head into his chest, not caring who saw now. Once I felt calm enough to get out of his embrace, I turned around so we could head into school. I knew I felt eyes on us. I guess I didn't realize it was half the school that was watching us. Lydia Wright was throwing daggers my way. I knew she had the biggest crush on Jordan. Which meant she would be giving me hell throughout the rest of the day. She picked on me when I was at my weakest and couldn't fight back. I never told anyone that I let her beat the s**t out of me. The rumor circled the pack, I just denied it to my father. I knew he didn't believe me. I just didn't care. Jordan put his arm around my shoulders, and we headed inside. I could tell when we walked by Lydia that she wanted to say something, but she bit her tongue because Jordan was with me. She does a good job covering up who she truly is. We got a good distance between her, and I honestly thought we were in the clear. I guess she just couldn't help herself. I heard her call my name. "Rosie." I flinched slightly. She purposely disrespected me by not calling me Luna or Alpha Rosie. She was testing me, and right now, I just wasn't strong enough to deal with her ass and she knew that. I turned around with Jordan's arm still around me. "What Lydia?" "Rosie, I just wanted to say how much we're going to miss you while you're gone. We all just hope you get the mental help you need." I didn't miss the jab she made at me. I saw Jordan look at me in confusion. He could tell I was pissed he just couldn't figure out why. Like most of the back, he thought Lydia was a saint. He never truly seen the monsterous slut she really is. He actually thought she was being genuine. My depression wasn't exactly a secret. She was just determined to use it against me any chance she could. "Thanks, Lydia. Im just spending time away from here with my aunt before I take over MY pack. My dad just wanted me to watch my aunt in how she handles things as a ranked member. I'm so excited to be your LUNA." I watched her gulp slightly. I wanted to make sure she knew I would be returning and will be running the pack very soon. The slight fear she once shown for a brief second was gone, and it turned into an evil smile. I watched her bat her eyelashes at Jordan. Whelp, this should be good. I look over and notice that Kyle and Bentley are on the other side of Jordan. Well, that explains why Lydia is about to say something to Jordan. She's showing off. She rubbed her hand against his arm that wasn't around me. "Have you been doing extra workouts, Jordan? Your muscles are getting huge. They look really sexy." I couldn't help myself and snorted. I gave Jordan a cheeky smirk. "Yeah, Jordan doing any extra workouts?" His eyes got huge, and he looked down at me, giving me the same smirk that I had given him. Hopefully, no one caught onto what I was implying. Right now, I just didn't care. Lydia was getting under my skin, and that's exactly what she was trying to do. Lydia looked between Jordan and I. She was clearly trying to process what I just said. Jordan chuckled, which also made me chuckle right along with him. He pulled me closer, and he turned us to head in the direction of our class. I felt his warm breath on my ear. "Are we a little jealous, Rose?" I smacked his chest. "Shut it." He kissed the side of my head. "I don't know. I kind of like this possessive, jealous side of you." "If everyone wasn't gossiping before they sure are now." He stopped me from walking and turned me to look at him. He pushed a piece of hair that fell out of my braid behind my ear. "I don't care anymore. I really haven't for a while. I just knew that's what you wanted." I was actually kind of shocked. He pulled me back into him, and we finished walking to class.
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