Episode 17

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Chhavi’s POV     He is always busy with his mobile. I was waiting for him for a long time, but he is not showing up. I am not understanding what happened to him suddenly, that he disappeared after dropping me at the palace.     I came out of the chamber and saw Nihal and Payal were talking about something and I cleared my throat to gain their attention and they both turned towards me.     “Where is the king?” I asked looking at Nihal and he thought for some time and said, “Tomorrow he is having an exam, so, he might be preparing for that only, you just relax,” and turned towards Payal and smiled and went away from there.     Why didn't he inform me that he is having an exam, I would have helped him, I thought and then thought, “how can I help him when I don’t even know what exam he is writing?” and sat on the bed and waited for him.     After he returned to the chamber, I pulled him over to sleep near me, but when I woke up, he was not there. I think he is taking this exam very seriously and walked towards the washroom.     It was just 6 in the morning. I thought he might be in the backyard doing exercises, but he was not there. I slowly walked towards his private room and saw he was in a miserable state with messy hair and his eyes were swollen as if he had not slept the whole night.      I went and stood behind him and asked, “how will you write your exam if you don’t sleep. Don’t you know your mind should be fresh before going to attend the exam?” He turned towards me and hugged me tightly and I took him near the couch and made him sit, but suddenly he laid his head on my lap and in no time he went into a deep slumber and I was just massaging his hair, so that he would wake up fresh. In one hour, he woke up and smiled looking at me and pecked my lips and said, “thank you for coming into my life,” and arose from his place and started to walk out of the chamber. I am happy that you came into my life, though it is unexpected, but still I am happy. Vikram’s POV         I spent the night thinking about the consequences, and in the middle of the night, I even went near the river.     “Dad, please show me the path, I am stuck,” I said, but there was no response from him. I don’t know what happened to him today, why he is not responding to me.     I stood there for some time hoping that I would get a response, but the water was calm, and suddenly I felt a hand on my shoulder.      “King, I think it is not safe to be here at this time,” said Naresh.     I looked at the water again, but it was still calm. I turned towards Naresh and asked, “when will the parents stop responding to their kids?”     Naresh smiled and said, “when they make a grave mistake or they won’t listen to them carefully.”     I looked at him and asked, “do you think I have made any mistake?”     He looked at me confused and I turned towards the water and asked, “I didn’t make any mistake, why are you angry at me? Why are you ignoring me?” and suddenly I remembered the slip given by Chhavi to me, the evidence, which I think I erased on that day itself, now I don’t have any proof that Sarah has given something in the written form, which might have saved Chhavi.     I fell on my knees and started shouting in frustration and suddenly a cold breeze touched my face and I know I will get some help, but I don’t know in what way, but I will be prepared to face the consequences. I can’t become weak in front of those kings, who have already planned everything to punish my Chhavi and I am not going to let them win, making me weak in any way. I am not going to plead them in any way.     I reached the chamber and was in my own thoughts when Chhavi came and stood behind me. She has some magic in her eyes. She took me near the couch and I rested my head on her lap. That's it. I don’t know what happened after that. I woke up at 7 and I know I have very less time to get ready and reach King Shekhar’s palace.     When I was about to leave the palace, Chhavi came to me running and came and stood in front of me and said, “all the best for your exam, my king,” and raised her legs and kissed my forehead and looked into my eyes and said, “if you can’t pass this exam, then I don’t think any other person can pass this exam, you are the best and you are always going to be the best,” and looked here and there and pecked my lips and moved aside. This was what I was planning to do with her yesterday before her exam, but I failed, but she did with me today and she passed.     As soon as I reached near the car, one boy came and stood in front of me and said, “I know my dad is going to go to against my sister, but remember one thing, he might choose his blood over his adopted daughter, but he forgot, today or tomorrow she will show her true colours again and he will fall down, I might be small and can’t attend the meeting, but I will always support my sister in all ways possible,” and handed me one paper and started to go away from there.     “Prince, don’t you think you should not go against your dad?” I asked.     “When the king can’t make correct decisions, then he can’t be treated as a king,” he said and went away from there.     “Nihal, look after his security, with whom he came here,” I said to Nihal and he ran behind him and came after some time and said, “he is in secure hands.” I looked at him and winked my brow and he said, “he came here with Survi,” and opened the car door for me. As soon as Nihal started the car, I opened the slip and saw it was the same slip, which was written by Sarah, but it was not the original one, he just took the other page of that notepad and scratched it with the pencil. The boy is smart, but I don’t want to use this and make the relationship sour between father and daughter. She is innocent and I can’t involve her in all these. I promised that I will protect her and I will protect her in my way. I folded the slip and kept it in my pocket and thought, “I will make sure that she doesn’t get any harsh punishment, but I will make sure she will get the punishment in which she can become confident that she can face any situation.” “Naresh, we are becoming late,” I reminded Naresh who was driving the car slowly. “King, we will reach there in 10 minutes, and don’t worry, no one has reached there till now,” said Nihal looking at his mobile. He was sitting beside Naresh. As soon as we reached King Shekhar’s palace, I was welcomed by his men and taken to his private room and I saw King Shekhar was already present there with some other kings. I greeted him and walked towards my seat and saw Mr. Rajput was sitting on the third chair on the left of King Shekhar. I went and sat on my seat and one king started saying something and then they all turned towards Mr. Rajput and he slowly arose from his seat and said, “my daughter just went to buy the cake as it was Chhavi’s birthday on the same day of her marriage and suddenly she was kidnapped. I know she is not here to prove her innocence, but about Chhavi, I can just say that she always dreamed of becoming a queen and she took this as an opportunity and got married to King Vikram.” All turned their attention towards me, and I smiled looking at, Mr. Rajput, and said, “I am happy by getting married to her and I don’t have any problem with spending my whole life with her as well, but if you still feel that she has deceived me, then that is up to you.” “We want you to divorce her,” they said in unison and I just smiled and said, “I am not going to divorce her, you can decide whatever punishment you want to decide for her.” They discussed between themselves for some time and asked, “are you preferring any specific punishment for her?” I just smiled and asked, “what punishment are you planning to give her?” “We want her to get tortured for one whole month by whipping her daily and providing her with chilly food,” they said and I smiled and said, “I want you to send her to exile for some days,” and all looked at me in shock. “I also read the rules book and if she has deceived me then the punishment will be of my choice, and I just want to send her to exile,” I said firmly. They started their discussion again and turned towards me and said, “Okay, she will be sent to exile for three months, where she will be wearing only white saree and she will not be wearing any jewelry and she will be eating the food, which she will get there or which she will cook by her hands, no food will be sent from the palace.” “I am not okay with that punishment, she can’t remove all the jewelry, she has to wear a nuptial chain as well as some bangles, as I am still alive, and other things, I am ready to send her to exile, but not for three long months, I just can send her one month,” I said. “Sorry King Vikram, we can’t decrease the punishment,” said King Shekhar, suddenly his mobile started ringing and he looked at it and sweat beads formed on his forehead. He answered the call and said, “I can’t decrease the punishment, but make sure she completes the punishment before you both start physical relationship,” said King Shekhar and walked away from there. I turned towards Mr. Rajput, and said, “I thought you were a good king, but today you proved me wrong by doing all these,” and walked out of the chamber and saw King Shekhar was still talking on his mobile. I went and stood near him and asked, “is it King Mahesh?” and he nodded his head as yes. I smiled and greeted him and walked away from there. Everybody is waiting for King Mahesh’s one weakness, if he becomes weak at one point, then they are planning to throw him out of his palace, but no one is going against him though King Shekhar is promising them that he will give them security. He can’t become weak because he lost his love when he was young and after that he has not fallen in love with anybody and he has no kids as well, so there is no point in him becoming weak and I am happy that I was able to save my Chhavi, I just have to send her to exile and I have to make sure that she is safe there. I went and made myself comfortable in the car and Nihal entered the car and said, “congratulations king, came to know you passed the exam.” “Nihal stop it,” I said, looking at my mobile and asked, “where is Sarah?” “She is with her boyfriend in Malaysia, I have some CCTV footage of that hotel,” said Nihal. Now, I am sure that one day her boyfriend will ditch her with those photos and videos, and I will wait for that day.
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