Chemistry with Tanveer Kurd.

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Chemistry - Coal and Petroleum Introduction The resources, which are present in unlimited quantity in nature and are not likely to be exhausted by human activities, are known as Inexhaustible Natural Resources. E.g. sunlight, air. The resources, which are present in limited quantity in nature and are likely to be exhausted by human activities, are known as Exhaustible Natural Resources. E.g. forests, wildlife, minerals, coal, petroleum, natural gas etc. Exhaustible natural resources were formed from the dead remains of living organisms (fossils); therefore, these natural resources are also known as fossil fuels. E.g. coal, petroleum and natural gas. Coal Coal is hard as stone and black in color. Coal is one of the fuels used to cook food. Coal Coal is used in thermal power plants to produce electricity. Under high pressure and high temperature, the dead plants those got buried inside the Earth, got slowly converted into coal. Coal contains mainly carbon. The slow process of conversion of dead vegetation into coal is known as carbonization. Coal is formed from the remains of vegetation; therefore, it is also known as fossil fuel. When coal burns, it produces mainly carbon dioxide gas. When coal is processed in industry, it produces some useful products such as coke, coal tar, and coal gas. Coke is a hard, porous, and black substance. Coke is pure form of carbon. Coke is largely used in the manufacturing of steel and in the extraction of many metals. Coal tar is a black, thick liquid with unpleasant smell. Coal tar is mixture of about 200 substances. The products, those are obtained from coal tar, are used as starting materials for manufacturing various substances used in everyday life and in industry. E.g. explosives, paints, roofing materials, synthetic dyes, drugs, perfumes, plastics, photographic materials, etc. Naphthalene balls, obtained from coal tar, are used to repel moths and other insects. Bitumen, obtained from petroleum product, is used in place of coal-tar for metalling the roads. During the processing of coal to get coke, coal gas is obtained. In 1810, for the first time in London, UK, coal gas was used for street lighting and in 1820, in New York, USA. At present, coal gas is used as a source of heat. Petroleum Petrol and diesel are obtained from a natural resource known as petroleum. Petroleum was formed from the organisms living in the sea. Over millions of years (the dead organisms buried inside the earth), in the presence high temperature, high pressure, and in the absence of air, the dead organisms transformed into petroleum and natural gas. In 1859, the world’s first oil well was drilled in Pennsylvania, USA. In 1867, oil was stuck at Makum in Assam, India. In India, petroleum is largely found in Assam, Gujarat, Mumbai High, Maharashtra, and in the river basins of Godavari and Krishna. The following image illustrates the layer of gas and oil − Deposits of Petroleum and Natural Gas Petroleum is a mixture of various constituents such as petrol, petroleum gas, diesel, lubricating oil, paraffin wax, etc. The process of separating the various constituents of petroleum is known as refining. The different useful substances, which are obtained from the petroleum and natural gas, are known as ‘Petrochemicals.’ Petrochemicals are used in the manufacturing of detergents, fibers (polyester, nylon, acrylic etc.), polythene and other man-made plastics. Hydrogen gas, which is obtained from natural gas, is used in the production of fertilizers (urea). Because of having the great commercial importance, petroleum is also known as ‘black gold.’ Natural gas is normally stored under high pressure and hence known as Compressed Natural Gas (CNG). CNG is used for power generation and fuel for vehicles. The following table illustrates various constituents of petroleum and their uses − Constituents of petroleum Uses Petroleum Gas in Liquid form (LPG) Fuel for home and industry Petrol Motor fuel, aviation fuel, solvent for dry cleaning Diesel Fuel for heavy motor vehicles, electric generators Kerosene Fuel for stoves, lamps and for jet aircrafts Lubricating oil Lubrication Paraffin wax Ointments, candles, Vaseline, etc. Bitumen Paints, road surfacing. Firemen Extinguishing Fire If electrical equipment is on fire, water may conduct electricity and damage those trying to douse the fire. Water is also not a good extinguisher for fires involving oil and petrol. For fires that involve electrical equipment and inflammable materials such as petrol, Carbon Dioxide (CO2) is the best extinguisher. Fire Extinguisher One of the ways to get CO2 is to release plenty of dry powder of chemicals such as sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) or potassium bicarbonate. Phosphorus burns in air at room temperature. The amount of heat energy produced on complete combustion of 1 kg of a fuel is known as its calorific value. The calorific value of a fuel is measured in a unit called kilojoule per kg (kJ/kg). The following table illustrates the Calorific Values of Different Fuels − Fuel Calorific Value (kJ/kg) Cow dung cake 6000-8000 Wood 17000-22000 Coal 25000-33000 Petrol 45000 Kerosene 45000 Diesel 45000 Methane 50000 CNG 50000 LPG 55000 Biogas 35000-40000 Hydrogen 150000 Combustion of most fuels releases carbon dioxide in the environment. Increased concentration of carbon dioxide in the air is most likely causes global warming. The rise in temperature of the atmosphere of the earth is known as Global Warming. Global warming causes melting of polar glaciers, which leads to a rise in the sea level that ultimately causing floods in the coastal regions. Oxides of sulphur and nitrogen dissolve in rain water and form acids; such type of rain is known as acid rain. Chemistry - Introduction Introduction Chemistry is a branch of Natural Science that studies about the structure, composition, and changing properties of matters. Chemistry studies the smallest part of a matter i.e. atom (along with its all properties) to the large materials (e.g. gold, silver, iron, etc.) and their properties. Chemistry also studies the intermolecular forces (that provide matter the general properties) and the interactions between substances through the chemical reactions. Introduction In 1998, Professor Raymond Chang defined Chemistry as − "Chemistry" to mean the study of matter and the changes it undergoes. It is believed that the study of chemistry started with the theory of four elements propounded by Aristotle. The four theory of elements states that “fire, air, earth, and water were the fundamental elements from which everything is formed as combination.” Because of his classical work namely “The Sceptical Chymist,” Robert Boyle, is known as the founding father of chemistry. Boyle formulated a law, became popular as ‘Boyle’s Law.’ Boyle’s law is an experimental gas law that analyzes the relationship between the pressure of a gas and volume of the respective container. By advocating his law, Boyle rejected the classical ‘four elements’ theory. The American scientists Linus Pauling and Gilbert N. Lewis collectively propounded the electronic theory of chemical bonds and molecular orbitals. The United Nations declared 2011 as the ‘International Year of Chemistry.’ The matter is defined in chemistry as anything that has rest mass and volume and also takes space. The matter is made up of particles. The atom is the fundamental unit of chemistry. The atom consists of a dense core known as the atomic nucleus and it is surrounded by a space known as the electron cloud. The nucleus (of an atom) is composed of protons (+ve charged particles) and neutrons (neutral or uncharged particles); collectively, these two are known as nucleons (as shown in the image given below). A chemical element is a pure form of a substance; it consists of single type of atom. The periodic table is the standardized representation of all the available chemical elements. A compound is a pure form of a substance; it composed of more than one elements. Compound A molecule is the smallest indivisible part of a pure chemical substance; molecule has distinctive set of chemical properties (see the image given below). Chemistry - Branches The following table illustrates the branches of chemistry − Branch Sub-branch Definition Physical Chemistry Physical Chemistry Study of the physical properties of molecules Chemical Kinetics Study of the rates of chemical reactions Electrochemistry Study of the interaction of atoms, molecules, ions, and electric current (i.e. electron transfer between the electrode and the electrolyte or species) Surface chemistry study of chemical reactions at surfaces (of substances) Thermochemistry Study the relation between the chemical action and the amount of heat absorbed Quantum Chemistry Study of application of quantum mechanics in physical models Spectroscopy Study of spectra of light or radiation Photochemistry study of the chemical effects caused by light Organic Chemistry Organic Chemistry Study of structure, properties, and preparation of the chemical (carbon) compounds (e.g. fuels, plastics, food additives, and drugs) Stereochemistry Study of the relative spatial arrangement of atoms (in molecules) Physical organic chemistry study of structure and reactivity (interrelationship) in organic molecules Polymer Chemistry Study of polymer molecules (composition and creation) Organometallic Chemistry Study of chemicals that contain bonds (especially between a carbon and a metal) Medicinal chemistry Study of designing, developing, and synthesizing the drugs & medicines Inorganic chemistry Inorganic chemistry Study of all materials that are not organic (such as minerals, metals, catalysts, crystal structures, etc.) Organometallic Chemistry Study of chemical compounds containing bonds (especially between carbon and metal) Solid-state Chemistry Study of chemical compounds that contains bonds between carbon and metal Nuclear Chemistry Study of radioactive substances Geochemistry Study of chemical composition the earth (e.g. rocks, minerals & atmosphere) Bioinorganic Chemistry Study of interactions between metal ions and living tissue Coordination Chemistry Biochemistry Biochemistry Study of chemical reaction (and changes) in living beings Molecular Biochemistry Study of Biomolecules along with their functions Clinical Biochemistry Study of chemical changes in living beings, caused by caused by different diseases Molecular Biology Study of the different types of DNA, RNA, and protein biosynthesis (and their relationships) Agricultural biochemistry Study of chemistry of fauna (i.e. plants) Analytical Chemistry Study of standardized experimental methods in chemistry (i.e. quantitative determination of chemical properties of a substance) Astrochemistry Study of the reactions of chemical elements and molecules found in the universe Cosmochemistry Study of the chemical composition of the matters found in the universe Environmental chemistry Study of chemical and biochemical phenomena that occur in the environreactors. chemistry - Radioactivity Introduction The process of emission of particles from nuclei because of the nuclear instability; is known as radioactivity. The substance that releases such energyays is known as radioactive substance. The invisible rays released from such radioactive substance are known as radioactive rays. Likewise, radioactivity is a nuclear phenomenon that happens (naturally) because of the nuclear instability of atoms. In 1896 Henri Becquerel first observed the phenomena of radioactivity, but the term ‘radioactivity’ was coined by Marie Curie. Marie Curie discovered the radioactive elements namely Polonium and Radium in 1911. For her discovery, Marie Curie won the Nobel Prize. Radioactive Rays After long years of experiment, Ernest Rutherford along with his colleague (Hans Geiger and his student Ernest Marsden), discovered alpha rays, beta rays, and gamma rays. Radiation These rays emitted as the result of the disintegration of atoms. Alpha (α) Particles Alpha particles are usually composed of two protons and two neutrons, which are tightly bound together. Alpha particles are being released during radioactive decay (or alpha decay) from the nucleus radio nuclides. The alpha particles are identical to the nucleus of either normal helium atom or doubly ionized helium atom. In comparison to other particles (i.e. Gamma and Beta), alpha particles are heavy and slow. Therefore, alpha particles have very small range in the air. Because of slow speed, Alpha particles have very weak penetrating powers; these particles are even stopped by a thin paper sheet (see image given above). Because of having the double positive charge, alpha particles are highly ionizing. Beta (β) Particles Beta particles are the fast moving electrons emitted by some radio nuclides during the radioactive decay (also known as beta decay). Beta particles are of much lighter weight and carry a single negative charge. Beta particles are rarely ionizing than the alpha particles. Because of having lighter weight, beta particles can travel much farther than alpha particles; however, beta particles can be stopped by several sheet of papers or one sheet of aluminum. Beta particles are negatively charged and get attracted towards positively charged particles. Gamma (ү) Particles Gamma particles are the bundle of high energy namely electromagnetic energy (photon) emitted by the radioactive elements during the radioactive decay. Among all three particles (alpha, beta, and gamma), gamma particles are the most energetic photons. Gamma particles, which are the form of electromagnetic radiation(EMR), originate from the nucleus. The wavelengths of gamma are the shortest among all three. Gamma particles have no charge and they are neutral; therefore, they are unaffected by magnetic and electric fields. Uses of Radioactive Elements Radioactive elements are used in − Medical field (treatment of many diseases) Industrial process Energy production – Nuclear reactorsbomb.Chemistry - Nuclear Energy Introduction Nuclear reactions release tremendous amount of energy (known as nuclear energy), which are being used to produce electricity in a nuclear power plant. Nuclear Reaction The nuclear energy normally produced by nuclear fission, nuclear fusion, and nuclear decay. In 1938, German chemists Otto Hahn, Fritz Strassmann, and the Austrian physicist Lise Meitner conducted the experiments in which the products of neutron-bombarded uranium. As result of this experiment, the relatively tiny neutron split the nucleus of the massive uranium atoms into two roughly equal pieces and released massive energy. The nuclear experiments of Otto Hahn and his colleagues are popular as nuclear fission. Nuclear Fission The process of nuclear fission produces free neutrons and gamma photons, while doing this also releases a very large amount of energy. Nuclear fission is an exothermic reaction, which can release large amounts of energy in the forms of electromagnetic radiation as well as kinetic energy. Nuclear fission, sometimes, can occur naturally (i.e. without neutron bombardment) as a type of radioactive decay. Types of Nuclear Fission Following are the major types of Nuclear Fission − Chain Reaction and Fission Reaction Let’s discuss them in brief − Chain Reaction When one single nuclear reaction causes one or more subsequent nuclear reactions, it is known as chain reaction. Such chain reaction increases the possibility of a self-propagating series of nuclear reactions. The nuclear chain reactions release million times more energy per reaction than any other chemical reaction; therefore, it is also known as explosive or uncontrolled chain reaction. When a heavy atom experiences nuclear fission, it normally breaks into two or more fission fragments. During the process, several free neutrons, gamma rays, and neutrinos are emitted, and ultimately a large amount of energy is released. Following are the two examples of chain reaction − 235U + → neutron Fission fragments + 2.4 neutrons + 192.9 MeV 235Pu + → neutron Fission fragments + 2.9 neutrons + 198.9 MeV In atom bomb, chain reaction technology is used, as it required consistent source of energy. Fission Reactions The fission reaction in which neutrons (produced by fission of fuel atoms) are used to induce yet more fission for the release of sustainable energy, is known as fission reactions. Such reactions are slow and controllable; therefore, also known as controlled chain reaction. The power (electricity) producing nuclear reactor is an ideal example of controlled chain reaction. Based on the properties and type of usages, fission/controlled chain reaction is classified as − Power reactors Research reactors Breeder reactors These power reactors generally convert the kinetic energy of fission products into heat; further, the heat is used to heat a working fluid that drives a heat engine, which ultimately generates mechanical or electrical power. Basic components of Nuclear Reactor Following are the essential components of a nuclear reactor − Nuclear fuels − Such as Uranium (233U, 235U), thorium (Th232), plutonium (Pu239). Moderators − Used to control the emitted neutrons. E.g. heavy water, beryllium, graphite, etc. Coolant − It is used to cool the reactor. E.g. water, steam, helium, CO2, air, molten metals, etc. Control rods − It is used to run and stop the fission reaction. E.g. cadmium or boron rods are used for such purpose. Nuclear Fusion The process by which two light nuclei are fused to form a heavy nucleus is known as nuclear fusion; during this process, a tremendous amount of energy is being released known as nuclear energy. The best example of nuclear fusion is – hydrogen bomb. A hydrogen bomb is about 1,000 times more powerful than an atom bomb. Chemistry - Metals Introduction The material (which could be an element, compound, or alloy) that is characteristically hard, shiny, opaque, and has the property to conduct heat and electricity, is known as metal. Metals are naturally found in the earth’s crust in impure form i.e. ores. And, it is extracted through mining process. Among all known 118 elements (of the periodic table), about 91 elements are metals. Metals Features of Metals Following are the significant features of metals − Metals are generally malleable - it means, its shape can be changed permanently without breaking and cracking. Metals are fusible – it means; it can be fused or melted easily. Metals are ductile – it means; it can be given any shape even a thin sheet or wire. Metals are good conductor of heat and electricity; heaver, lead is an exception, as it does not carry electricity. Metals naturally react with various non-metals and forms compounds. Metals can react with bases and acids. E.g. 4 Na + O2 → 2 Na2O (sodium oxide), etc. Alloys An alloy is a product of the mixture of two or more elements in which metal dominates. In order to produce or manufacture a desirable product, different metals (in different ratios) are mixed (i.e. alloys). E.g. alloys of iron namely stainless steel, cast iron, alloy sheet, etc. contribute a large proportion of both by quantity and commercial value. Metals are usually made alloys with the purpose to make it more resistant to corrosion, less brittle, to give attractive colors, etc. Metal Terminologies Base Metal − In chemistry, the meaning of base metal is – the metal that can be easily oxidized or corroded as well as reacts easily with HCl (dilute hydrochloric acid) and forms hydrogen. E.g. iron, nickel, zinc, lead, etc. Ferrous Metal − "Ferrous" is a Latin word, which means the substance "containing iron." E.g. steel, etc. Heavy Metal − The metal which are much denser than the normal metal is categorized as heavy metal. The heavy metals are toxic or poisonous at low concentrations. E.g. mercury (Hg), arsenic (As), chromium (Cr), cadmium (Cd), thallium (Tl), and lead (Pb). Precious Metal − The metallic elements, which have rare metallic chemical element of high economic value, is categorized as precious metal. E.g. platinum, gold, silver, palladium, etc. Noble Metal − The metals that are resistant to corrosion or oxidation. E.g. ruthenium (Ru), rhodium (Rh), palladium (Pd), etc. Application of Metals Following are the significant applications of the metals − As metals are good conductor of heat and electricity; therefore, it is used as electric wire and in many other electric appliances including electric motors, etc. E.g. copper, silver, aluminum, etc. Heavy metals are being used in the constructions of bridge, pool, and for many such purposes. Many metals are used to manufacture various home items, such as, utensils, pots, stoves, etc. Metals are frequently used to manufacture many types of tools ranging from a simple screw driver to a heavy rod roller. Precious metals have beautiful look and they are attractive (e.g. gold, silver, etc.); therefore, they are used as ornaments. Some specific metal is used for heat sinks that protects the sensitive equipment from overheating. Radioactive metals (e.g. uranium and plutonium) are used in the generation of nuclear energy. Mercury is a metal that remains in liquid form at room temperature; it is used in thermometer. Calcium Component Calcium metal has comparatively a higher electrical resistivity than aluminum or copper. Occurrence Calcium occurs usually in sedimentary rocks. The minerals (sedimentary) in which calcium found are calcite, dolomite, and gypsum. Calcium also found in igneous and metamorphic rocks mostly in the silicate minerals, such as amphiboles, plagioclases, pyroxenes, and garnets. Calcium also found in many of the food products namely dairy products, almonds, hazelnuts, soy beans, broccoli, dandelion leaves, figs, and in many more. Compounds of Calcium Calcium oxide - CaO Calcium hydroxide - Ca(OH)2 Calcium chloride - CaCl2 Calcium hypochlorite (Bleaching powder) - Ca(ClO)2 Calcium phosphate - Ca3(PO4)2 Uses of Calcium Calcium has wide range of usage, significant of them are − Calcium carbonate (CaCO3) is used in manufacturing cement. Calcium carbonate (CaCO3) is also used in making toothpaste. In insecticides, calcium arsenate (Ca3(AsO4)2) is used. Calcium chloride (CaCl2) is used in ice removal as well as in dust control. Calcium citrate (Ca3(C6H5O7)2) is commonly used as food preservative. Calcium gluconate (Ca(C6H11O7)2) is used frequently as a food additive as well as in vitamin pills. Chemistry - Aluminum Introduction The metal with color silvery-white, soft, nonmagnetic, and ductile metal property, is known as aluminum. The symbol of aluminum is ‘Al’ and its atomic number is ‘13.’ The Chemical element aluminum belongs to the boron group. Aluminum Bauxite is the chief ore of the aluminum. Salient Features of Aluminum Aluminum metal is a chemically reactive element. Aluminum has the potential to resist corrosion and the process of this resistivity is known as passivation. Aluminum is a comparatively durable, lightweight, soft, malleable, and ductile, metal. Aluminum is nonmagnetic and does not get ignite easily. An aluminum film is a very good reflector of visible light, as it reflects more than 90 percent of incoming rays. Aluminum commonly reacts with water and forms hydrogen. Aluminum is the metal of low density and it has the property to resist corrosion. Aluminum has the property of heat and electricity conductivity and hence, it is a good conductor. Occurrence of Aluminum Aluminum makes up (about) 8 percent of the Earth's crust. After oxygen and silicon, aluminum is the third most abundant element; however, it is the most abundant metal in the crust. When hydrogen fuses with magnesium, it creates stable aluminum. Aluminum naturally found in oxides or silicates states. Compounds of Aluminum Following are the major compounds of aluminum − Alumina - Al2O3 Aluminum chloride - AlCl3 Aluminum sulphate - Al2(SO4)3 Aluminum hydroxide - Al(OH)3 Aluminum carbide - Al4C3 Usage of Aluminum Aluminum has wide range of usages in the industries as well as in everyday life; significant of them are − Aluminum is used in transportation industries, such as railway, automobiles, aircraft, spacecraft, trucks, marine vessels, bicycles, etc. Aluminum is used in packaging some specific materials. Aluminum is used in the constructions of doors, windows, building wire, sheathing, roofing, etc. Aluminum is largely used in making electric wire. Aluminum is used in making home appliances and many other household items, such as cooking utensils. Aluminum is used in baseball bats, watches, and many more such kind of stuffs. Aluminum is used in photographic equipment. Aluminum is used in electronic appliances. Aluminum is used as light reflector, as it is a good light reflector; basically, some of the materials are aluminum coated specially to reflect light. Aluminum is used in production of hydrogen gas by reaction with hydrochloric acid. Aluminum is used in manufacturing musical instruments. Chemistry - Aluminum Introduction The metal with color silvery-white, soft, nonmagnetic, and ductile metal property, is known as aluminum. The symbol of aluminum is ‘Al’ and its atomic number is ‘13.’ The Chemical element aluminum belongs to the boron group. Aluminum Bauxite is the chief ore of the aluminum. Salient Features of Aluminum Aluminum metal is a chemically reactive element. Aluminum has the potential to resist corrosion and the process of this resistivity is known as passivation. Aluminum is a comparatively durable, lightweight, soft, malleable, and ductile, metal. Aluminum is nonmagnetic and does not get ignite easily. An aluminum film is a very good reflector of visible light, as it reflects more than 90 percent of incoming rays. Aluminum commonly reacts with water and forms hydrogen. Aluminum is the metal of low density and it has the property to resist corrosion. Aluminum has the property of heat and electricity conductivity and hence, it is a good conductor. Occurrence of Aluminum Aluminum makes up (about) 8 percent of the Earth's crust. After oxygen and silicon, aluminum is the third most abundant element; however, it is the most abundant metal in the crust. When hydrogen fuses with magnesium, it creates stable aluminum. Aluminum naturally found in oxides or silicates states. Compounds of Aluminum Following are the major compounds of aluminum − Alumina - Al2O3 Aluminum chloride - AlCl3 Aluminum sulphate - Al2(SO4)3 Aluminum hydroxide - Al(OH)3 Aluminum carbide - Al4C3 Usage of Aluminum Aluminum has wide range of usages in the industries as well as in everyday life; significant of them are − Aluminum is used in transportation industries, such as railway, automobiles, aircraft, spacecraft, trucks, marine vessels, bicycles, etc. Aluminum is used in packaging some specific materials. Aluminum is used in the constructions of doors, windows, building wire, sheathing, roofing, etc. Aluminum is largely used in making electric wire. Aluminum is used in making home appliances and many other household items, such as cooking utensils. Aluminum is used in baseball bats, watches, and many more such kind of stuffs. Aluminum is used in photographic equipment. Aluminum is used in electronic appliances. Aluminum is used as light reflector, as it is a good light reflector; basically, some of the materials are aluminum coated specially to reflect light. Aluminum is used in production of hydrogen gas by reaction with hydrochloric acid. Chemistry - Magnesium Introduction Magnesium is a shiny gray solid element. The symbol of magnesium is ‘Mg’ and atomic number is ‘12.’ Magnesium With approximately 80% of the world market share, China is the largest supplier of magnesium. Salient Features of Magnesium The density of magnesium is two-thirds the density of aluminum. Among all the alkali metals of the Earth, magnesium has lowest melting point (i.e. about 1,2020F) and lowest boiling point (about 1,9940F). Magnesium usually reacts with water at room temperature. Sometimes, magnesium is also used as an igniter for thermite. Magnesium, when burns in air, produces a brilliant-white light, which also includes strong ultraviolet wavelengths. Magnesium Component Magnesium, when burns, it produces intense bright and white light (see image given above). Occurrence of Magnesium By mass, magnesium is the eighth-most-abundant element found in the Earth's crust. Magnesium is found usually in large deposits of magnesite, dolomite, and other such minerals. The soluble magnesium ion is found in the mineral water. After sodium and chlorine, magnesium is the third most abundant element dissolved in seawater. Magnesium naturally occurs only in combination with some other elements. By mass, magnesium is the 11th most abundant element in the human body and it is essential to all cells and enzymes. Magnesium ions frequently interact with polyphosphate compounds including ATP, DNA, and RNA. Compounds of Magnesium Following are the major compounds of magnesium − Magnesium carbonate - MgCO3 Magnesium chloride - MgCl2 Magnesium citrate - C6H6MgO7 Magnesium hydroxide - Mg(OH)2 Magnesium oxide - MgO Magnesium sulfate - MgSO4 Magnesium sulfate heptahydrate - (MgSO4·7H2O) Magnesium sulfate heptahydrate is commonly known as Epsom salt. Usages of Magnesium Magnesium has wide range of usage in our lives; however, some significant usages of magnesium are − After iron and aluminum, magnesium is third most commonly used element. Magnesium is especially used in super-strong, lightweight materials, and alloys. Magnesium is also used as engine materials in the aircraft industry. Magnesium is also used to purify the solvents; such as in preparing the super-dry ethanol. Many of the automotive big brands including Mercedes, Porsche, BMW, Volkswagen, Chevrolet, etc. use magnesium in making their highly quality cars. Because of having low weight and good electrical and mechanical properties, magnesium is commonly used in manufacturing laptops and tablet computers, mobile phones, cameras, and many other electronic components. Magnesium sulfite is usually used in manufacturing paper. Chemistry - Maganese Introduction Manganese is a chemical element that usually found in combination with the iron. The symbol of manganese is ‘Mn’ and atomic number is ’25.’ Manganese is a metal very important for the industrial use. Manganese In 1774, Johan Gottlieb Gahn, first time isolated an impure sample of manganese metal in 1774. Features of Manganese Following are the major features and characteristics of manganese − Similar to iron, manganese is silvery-gray metal. Manganese can be oxidized easily, but very difficult to fuse it, as it is very hard and brittle. In air, manganese gets tarnished slowly (oxidization). Manganese is an element, which is part of the iron group. Occurrence of Manganese Manganese is the 12th most abundant element of the earth’s crust. Soil usually contains about 7–9000 ppm of manganese with an average of 440 ppm. Seawater has only about 10 ppm manganese; whereas, the atmosphere contains about 0.01 µg/m3. Pyrolusite (MnO2) is the most important ore of manganese. Compounds of Manganese Following are the major compounds of manganese − Manganese (II) oxide - MnO Manganese (I) oxide - Mn2O3 Manganese dioxide - MnO2 Manganese chloride - MnCl2 Potassium permanganate - KMnO4 Manganese (II) sulfate - MnSO4 Manganese (II) carbonate - MnCO3 Manganese (II) sulfide - MnS Manganese (II) nitrate - Mn(NO3)2 Manganese (II) bromide - MnBr2 Manganese heptoxide - Mn2O7 Dimanganese decacarbonyl - C10O10Mn2 Manganese (II) iodide - MnI2 Manganese (II) fluoride - MnF2 Uses of Manganese Following are the major uses of manganese − Manganese is one of the most essential constituents of steel production. Manganese phosphating is commonly used for the rust and corrosion prevention on steel. In biology, manganese(II) ions act as cofactors for the large variety of enzymes. Manganese is also important in the oxygen-evolving phenomenon of photosynthetic plants. Manganese dioxide is also used in the manufacture of oxygen and chlorine and in drying black paints. I am Thankful of Quetta Library Fatima Jinnah road Quetta Tanveer.
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