Chapter 6: Tour

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My body wanted to give into him. It was like last time. Everything about Kaspen was so perfect but what if that was only my idea of him? I didn’t really know him. I couldn’t have him, he’d stop me from fulfilling my promise to myself to leave and get back home. “Kaspen stop,” I whispered because I couldn’t be his luna. He pulled away and I missed his hands against my face as soon as they departed from it. “I told you what I needed to tell you,” he said softly and rubbed his neck. “I don’t want to make anything harder on you. You don’t deserve that, you can go.” he turned away sadly, his head slightly hanging. “…okay. We really should catch up later.” I left Kaspen’s bedroom dragging my feet. I tried to not think too much about what happened. I don’t know if I’d even be lucky enough for the moon goddess to pair me with Kaspen. I couldn’t really be perfect for him… could I?  I went back to my room where Maya was waiting outside. She had a clipboard with her. “Hey, I’ll be ready to start the tour in a second,” I let her know before I walked in and the woman I left Josie with in the morning was still here. Her name was Becca. Josie’s laughter was filling the room. “She’s so cute,” Becca said to me. Josie smiled at me and waved then went back to watching tv on the flat screen while giggling again. She was used to watching tv on a much smaller tv in our small apartment. I wonder if she’d noticed how much nicer this place was and the thing in it. “Thanks, Becca, Maya is going to give me a tour,” I informed her. “Can you watch her just until I’m done?” “Of course, it’s my job, I watch all the little ones in the pack. I can take her to play with the other kids.” “Not today, can you do me a favor and don’t tell… the alpha about her? Nick didn’t tell him that I had a child with me and I want to tell him myself.” “Are you sure?” Becca asked. “Alpha Kaspen would welcome her.” “I’m sure, I just want to let him know myself,” I said, hiding my nerves. “No problem then.” I gave Becca a tightlipped smile then brought my gaze to my daughter before saying, “I’ll see you soon Josie.” “Bye-bye Mommy, I love you.” “I love you too.” I left the room. “I’m ready,” I announced to Maya. “Great,” Maya said and I started to follow her. “Welcome to our family, when you’re officially a member you’ll get a pack tattoo.” She pulled her shirt down to show me her shoulder where her tattoo was. “Technically you can get it anywhere but most people get it on their shoulder.” I didn’t plan to stay long enough to be an official member. I just needed somewhere to stay while I figured out what I am. “So how big is the pack?” I asked after we passed a few people in the halls and they greeted us. “92, 93 with you. We’re not the biggest pack but we are the strongest.” In the human realm, most packs weren’t much bigger than that according to Delrose. Werewolves had to lay low there so it made sense. “That’s impressive. So if your pack is under a hundred then who lives in the cities?” “Non-werewolves,” She answered simply. “There’s only three cities in our territory but many towns and some villages too.” As she spoke she made gestures with her free hand. “Most of the pack you’ll meet just by living here then you’ll meet the rest of the pack soon. They’re all amazing and will really make you feel a part of the family.” “So you know every single member?” “Of course I do and by name,” her chin rose and shoulders went back. “Around maybe 60 are adults but I’ve met the children too. It’s really not a lot of people if you really think about it.” she tapped her chin with her pen then wrote on her clipboard.  I guess it wasn’t but it’s big if you think in terms of families since she’s adamant on calling the pack a family. “Most packs are much bigger than that but we try to keep our pack small,” she explained. “How big?” “Maybe three hundred to six hundred,” she said with her eyes squinted. I was blown away by her answer. I didn’t understand how they could be the strongest pack when they’re against those high numbers “Wow, and you’re the strongest?” “That’s what we’re considered,” she said. “Even stronger than the Werewolf Alpha King’s pack.” As we walked and I saw more of the house she explained to me that the other packs had so many members that it’s hard for them all to be trained by the best of their pack or be trained much by them. Kaspen’s pack members were trained by him and Maya but mostly the Gamma and Lead Warrior. I hadn’t met the Gamma or Lead Warrior yet. I also learned that The Night Shadow Pack was known as the alpha pack. More than a few of them were biologically alphas. A lot were biologically betas and some gammas. Once I got that information it made more sense why they were the strongest. “Alpha Kaspen wants to be able to be close to everyone so he rarely accepts new members other than mates,” said Maya. “His father was the same way so the size of our pack has been decreasing since his father took over. I think it used to be on average 230.” “Kaspen can’t be close to everyone.” Maya shrugged. “It’s possible and he tries to be. I do too but I’m obviously closer to some than others. We both care about everyone a lot. If someone comes to us we give them our time and learn more about that person. I think I know a lot about everyone here but Autumn knows more.”  We walked to the door frame of a lounge.  “A lot of us hang out here so if you’re ever bored just come in or to the lobby,” Maya suggested. She waved at someone. “Hey, you’re supposed to be on patrol.”  He slowly walked to her then replied, “Sorry Beta Maya, I heard there were already plenty of wolves patrolling.” “That doesn’t change anything,” Maya argued. “Go. Now.” “Right… I’m going now.” He left. My eye peered outside the lounge at the stairs in the distance as Kaspen walked down them. When he winked at me my eyes darted back to Maya and I took a deep breath. Maya turned to me. “Sorry about that, no one appreciates structure and schedule. We all need to do our part for this pack, you know?” “I guess,” I said softly while swaying. “I’ve just been on my own for a long time.” She put her hands on my shoulders. “Well not anymore, okay?” Her eyes gleamed. “Okay.”  Why did I believe her? We walked down the stairs to the first floor. I watched Kaspen walk out the front doors. I wanted to know where he was going and when he’d be back but I didn’t say anything. “We have a gym for exercise or indoor training but we train outside in the back mostly.” She pointed towards the back of the packhouse. “By the way, we have an elevator.” She pointed across the lobby to it. “Most of us just choose to take the stairs.” She marked locations off her clipboard as she showed me them. Her eyes kept clouding over throughout the tour. “Are you busy?” I asked. “I’m always busy but that was just our lead warrior reporting back to me. He took care of some things so that I can get some sleep. I was on patrol all last night.” “You can go now,” I said since I had seen enough of the pack house. “I guess there’s not too much else to show you.” She started walking. “You already know the dining hall is through those doors,” she gestured to the closed double doors. “It’s open for breakfast and dinner. I can finish showing a few other things later I guess. Before I go, are you sure there isn’t anything you want to ask about the packhouse? Anything you want me to show you?” My room had a bathroom so I didn’t need to know anything else. “There’s nothing else for now.” “Can I see your phone?” she asked. I took it out of my pocket and handed it to her. “It’s from the human realm, no service here,” I mentioned. She took out the SIM card and put a new one in. “You should be set to send and receive calls and texts from any realm to any realm.” She handed the phone back to me after putting her number in. “Magic.” She shrugged. “If you need anything, text or call me. When you’re officially a part of the pack you’ll be able to mind link but for now, that’s good enough.” “Maya, one thing,” I said. “What?” “What do you think I am?” “What do you mean? What species do I think you are?” I nodded in response to her question. “I’m usually good at this.” She narrowed her eyes. “Hm, you’re some kind of shifter?” she guessed. “Why is your aura so small?” “Suppression I guess… I don’t know what I am. I'm hoping I can find ou.t Do you really think I could be a shifter?” “Oh, I'm sorry you don’t know but yeah I think so.” she looked up thoughtfully. “It’s only obvious that you’re not human but I really think you’re some kind of shifter. I really hope that helps.” I thought Josie was half human because of her father her whole life but she’s not. She’s half werewolf and half whatever I am. The day she was born I promised her that I’d find out what the other half of her was. I was planning on keeping my promise to her and my promise to myself. “It does help.” I smiled. I felt a little closer to finding it out. “I hope you sleep well.” “Thanks,” she said and waved as she walked away. I really liked Maya. I spent the rest of the day with Josie. She had a lot of questions about where we were. She missed our roommate and maybe even our apartment. She was born in the human realm and I just took her away from it. I didn’t think about that until now. In a way, it was her home but it never felt like mine. We didn’t eat breakfast in the dining hall the next morning. I didn’t want to risk Kaspen seeing her. Autumn was nice enough to bring us breakfast.  “So why aren’t you eating with us?” Autumn asked. “Well…” I walked to her and got ready to whisper. “Let me guess? Her father is Alpha Kaspen?” She guessed in a whisper. “Yes but don’t tell anyone,” I said quietly.  I was only going to tell her because Kaspen already told her about our past. I assumed with her knowing that much made it obvious. The corner of Autumn’s mouth curved up into a smile. “That’s such good news!” I pressed my index finger in front of my lips. “Shhh.” “Sorry, heirs are really important to packs,” she said. “She looks a lot like him too.” She glanced at Josie who was eating on the floor watching tv. “I’m going to tell Kaspen soon.” “I won’t say anything, Luna Yue,” she promised then left. I called Becca to watch Josie while she napped. I was on my way to find Kaspen but I felt someone tap on my shoulder on my way up the stairs. I turned to see who I was. “I’m Jonas.” “Uhh hi, Jonas.” I waved awkwardly. He pulled me aside by my hips and stared at my lips. He had wild eyes. “I didn’t think I’d find my mate so soon,” he muttered. “Huh?” “We’re going to have a really good time together.” He pulled away. “That includes the mating process,” he said, then winked at me.  Things were getting confusing.
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