Chapter 5: A Double Reunion

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Kaspen and Monroe were the same person. Kaspen, my childhood friend, was the father of my child. It was oddly satisfying and made me feel better about the one-night stand. My relationship with my daughter’s father went deeper than I thought. “You’re kidding,” I said in shock. “So you tracked me down and stalked me at my work knowing who I was?” I lifted one eyebrow. “No, it’s less creepy than that, I promise,” he laughed. I missed his thundering laugh. “I wasn’t searching for you so I didn’t track you down. I did know who you were but I expected you to recognize me in the library.” “You changed a lot.”  I was able to see the resemblance now. They were definitely the same person but I needed it to be pointed out to realize. I knew how Kaspen knew my real name now. “True, I got sexy,” he boasted. I laughed lightly. “I wouldn’t say all that.” I would. “Most the women, a few men, and non-binary wolves of this pack would definitely disagree.” He sat down on a couch. “It’s not my fault you still looked like a thirteen-year-old girl,” he goaded me on. “I didn’t get taller but-“ “You grew in other places, yeah I noticed,” He finished my sentence for me.  “Sure did.” I laughed with a slight blush. I wasn’t extremely curvy but I had some curves. Much more than a thirteen-year-old girl. Kaspen knew that better than anyone. He’s the only person I’ve ever let see me stripped of all clothes or touch me so intimately. “When you didn’t recognize me I thought it would be better to start over so I used my last name,” he explained. “I didn’t want you to see me as that goofy kid who would get himself trapped so he could talk to you.” He gestured to the couch across from him. “So you really were getting caught on purpose?”  I sat down where he wanted me to. I would rather have sat next to him or even on his lap… I did come here with Nick so I restrained myself. “Yes, after the first time.” He rolled his eyes then smiled. “I was telling the truth because I didn’t want you to think I’d really fall for that three times.” “So you didn’t want me to see you as that goofy kid but you stuck to similar tactics.” I paused because continuing, “Annoying me. You getting locked in those traps was annoying and you being loud in the library was too.” I stared down at my feet. “I might have been a little more welcoming if I knew you were that goofy werewolf boy. He meant something to me.” When I looked up he gave me a half-smile. “That little hunter girl meant something to me too.” He leaned forward with his arms resting on his lap.  How did he manage to get even more attractive in only three and a half years? This was really still happening. The two people I didn’t think I’d ever meet again were right in front of me and the same person. I couldn’t count how many dreams I had about Kaspen and Monroe. “So what are you doing here?” he asked. “I’m surprised you want to be anywhere I am since you enjoy your silence.” “If I knew your loud ass was here then I would have thought twice,” I playfully shot back after rolling my eyes. “But you really don’t know? Nick brought me here. I was told by him that the alpha of this pack approved of me being here.” Kaspen’s expression grew serious, something I never really saw before. “Nick brought you here? He told me he found his mate and brought her here. That’s what I approved.” “Yeah, that’s what I am, his mate.” Kaspen slightly growled and looked away with furrowed brows. I needed to tell him about Josie. His eyes clouded without warning. “Kaspen? Are you okay?”  When his eyes went back to normal he spoke, “Sorry about that, I was mind linking my Beta.” I was taught about mind linking during my hunter training but I hadn’t ever seen it this close until now. Delrose would say if I ever caught a werewolf's eyes changing that they were contacting their pack. She told me in that situation I’d have to be ready for them. “Come with me, beautiful.” I was a little caught off guard by his compliment. I mean I liked it but it was different. I thought he was sexy but I wouldn’t call him that to his face. I followed him out the room and there was a huge brown wolf running down the wide and tall hallway right at me. She stopped right in front of us and shifted into her human form. I heard bones cracking like I always did when wolves shifted in front of me. With Delrose sometimes a wolf would shift into their human form to try to get empathy from her. They would speak with her and try to reason but she had no empathy for the supernatural. “Sorry about being in wolf form inside, I was on patrol. I came as soon as you called for me.” “That’s fine. Yue, this is my Beta Maya, Maya this is Yue,” he introduced us. “Wow, you’re mad pretty. It’s nice to meet you, Yue,” Maya said. “It’s nice to meet you too, Maya.” I shook her hand “I wasn’t flirting with you, by the way, I have a mate.” she pointed to the tattoo on her neck and chuckled. I didn’t know what her tattoo had to do with her mate though. “No worries, I get it,” I said. Maya had a brown bob cut, blue eyes, light brown skin, and a slender build. She was really pretty but everyone in this packhouse was attractive. No one quite caught my eye the way Kaspen did… that wasn’t a good thing. It was better for Josie if I stayed only friends with her father. Friends who slept together once… friends who could speak to each other so easily despite how poorly socialized I’ve been. “Maya will give you a tour after breakfast,” Kaspen instructed. “So is your pack rich or something?” I asked as I noticed new things around the house when we started walking. “No, I’m rich and a few others,” he answered. “How rich?”  Kaspen smirked before answering, “Billions.”  “You’re f*****g with me.”  “I wish I was but in a different way.” I turned my head away from him so he wouldn’t see my blush. Maya let a laugh slip out, I could tell she was trying to hold it back. “It’s crazy how you’re a billionaire but you look like a homeless man,” I teased. He was still just as rugged as a few years ago.  “I don’t see anyone else complaining, especially not you three and a half years ago,” he teased arrogantly and smirked. I didn’t say anything because I was too embarrassed. I didn’t think he would say that in front of his beta. We walked into the dining hall and it was very classy. There were 10 tables spread out that could seat maybe 10 people each. Six of the tables were full. Maya went to a table and sat down. Nick gestured for me to sit next to him. “Sit with me,” Kaspen said after lightly growling when he saw Nick. I wanted to sit with Kaspen but I was only here because of Nick and he was my mate. I should be getting to know him. “Come sit with me and Nick,” I requested. “Please Alpha,” I said in a seductive tone. “Yue…” Kaspen stared down at me. His gaze wasn’t lustful, it was something else… “Sorry that wasn’t appropriate, I’m going to go sit with my mate.” I walked across the dining hall to Nick and sat down next to him. Kaspen didn’t move. Maybe he was thinking about sitting with me but instead he walked to the table with his beta and a few others. I recognized Autumn but not the others at the table. “Why were you with Kaspen?” Nick asked, then took a sip of his coffee. “He’s an old friend,” I answered vaguely, he was so much more than that. “Why are you sitting alone?” “I don’t like anyone in this pack.” “Really?” My brows lifted and I tilted my head to the side. “But you’re a family aren’t you?” “I guess, a family I don't like.” He twisted his fork in his food. “I like you though.” “Well, you should.” I chuckled. “Do you like Maya?” “No, but she hates me anyway.” “Kaspen?” “No, I especially hate him,” he answered with disdain. “Autumn?” “Sort of but her mate hates me.” “That guy,” I pointed at a random guy who walked in. “No,” he glanced at the guy. “And he also hates me.” What happened for him to have such a bad relationship with almost everyone in the pack? I was served breakfast and took the first bite then reacted, “Oh shit.” “What?” Nick asked. “This is so good.” I closed my eyes and slightly moaned. I slowly opened one of my eyes, embarrassed. “Cute,” Nick said, expressionless. “Were you poor?” I nearly spit my food out but swallowed and laughed. “Yeah, I guess. Are you a billionaire too?” “Yeah, but I was poor for a short time. Sort of, I still had access to the money but I refused to use it so I lived poorly. I had to hunt for a lot of my food,” he explained. When we finished eating I felt so full.  “Kaspen is staring at us,” Nick said. “We could give him something to stare at.” “No, that's rude,” I refused. I didn’t want to hurt Kaspen. “I think you just want to kiss me.” “Hm, maybe.” “Maybe?” I cracked a smile. “Well, maybe Kaspen definitely wants to kiss me.” “Probably but don’t do that.” He stood up. I made eye contact with Kaspen before he looked away. “Maya is going to give me a tour. I’ll see you later, okay?” “What about tonight? You can sleep in my room,” Nick offered. “I only requested for you to have your own for your daughter.” “I can’t let her sleep alone, she’s 3. Very recently 3.” I stood up. “Your room is right next to mine. Just tell her where to go if she wakes up and needs you.” I didn’t like the sound of that, at all. “I’ll let you know.”  I walked to Maya. “Ready,” I announced. “Great,” Maya said, then led me out of the dining hall and up the stairs.“On this floor are the bedrooms of pack members with titles.” Maya stopped at a room. “Okay.” The door opened to the room we were next to and Kaspen was there.  “He asked me to bring you here,” Maya said. “I’ll start your tour when you’re done.” I walked in. “Hey, we should really plan a time to really catch up,” I suggested so I could tell him about Josie. I closed the door behind me. “I missed you, Yue.” He put his hands on my shoulders gently.  I moved his hands off of me. I missed him more than I missed anything. Both him from my childhood and him from three and a half years ago.  “I’m going to be with Nick,” I said to make it clear that nothing was going to happen between us.  I thought about my plan. I was only going to be with Nick because of what he’s doing for me. First it was for survival but maybe it was time to change the plan. I don’t know if I needed to be with Nick. Kaspen would still let us stay here but if Nick was the perfect person for me then shouldn’t I give myself the chance to be the happiest I could be? Maybe Nick would come with me when I leave but Kaspen couldn’t because he’s an Alpha. Either way, I wanted Kaspen in Josie’s life. When I get back to my hometown he can visit her and she could even come here. “What do you feel when you’re around Nick and what do you feel when you’re around me?” “What? I know we have a past but Nick is my mate,” I said. “We were chosen to be together. I don’t know how I could walk away from that. He brought me here, that’s more than what you’ve done.” “What do you feel?” He asked me. “I just met Nick, obviously I don’t feel anything.” I sighed. “And with me? Does your heart nearly jump out of your chest? Does my scent make you weak? Is it the most strong and most intoxicating thing you’ve ever smelt? Does being away from me feel wrong?” He grabbed my fingers gently then continued in his deep voice, “Does my touch feel electric?” “No,” I began, then looked away. “Kaspen, we had an incredible night together three years ago. The memories I have of you when we were kids are the only positive ones I have from that time. None of that is enough for the kind of connection you’re talking about.” It didn’t seem like a real connection, maybe he was meaning to exaggerate? “And you don’t feel that with Nicholas either?” “No, I just met him,” I repeated. “Nicholas isn’t your mate.” “What?” “I’m your mate,” he claimed with passion in his eyes. “My wolf hasn’t let me forget it for the last three years. I don’t know why but you don’t feel the mate bond so you can’t tell. That’s how you don’t know Nick is lying.” I wished he was telling the truth. Kaspen is the only person I’ve felt anything for  “How do you know Nick doesn’t feel that? Maybe he’s not lying.” Why wouldn’t I be able to feel the mate bond?  He closed the short distance between us and I could feel myself getting nervous and a little excited. “All that I described,” he whispered and cupped my cheek with his hand. “I feel that about you because we were chosen for each other. You’re meant to be my Luna.” His words sent shivers down my spine. He didn’t say any of this three years ago so was he lying now because he didn’t want me with Nick? Who could I believe?
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