Chapter 7: A Date with Nick

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I stared at Jonas blankly before saying, “I'm not your mate. Nick is mine or Kaspen, one of them.” “I heard about that.” Jonas shook his head. “Kaspen has a past with you doesn’t he? If you were mates he would have claimed you when he first felt it.” He made a good point. “He would have given his pack the Luna we deserve. As for Nick he probably knew his brother loved you and just wanted to f**k with Kaspen.” “They’re brothers?” “Yep,” he confirmed. “Look, I’ll talk to Kaspen and let him know that we’re actually mates. He’ll trust me and back off. He won’t have to worry about someone like Nick trying to claim you. Once he backs off Nick will too.” “Oh…” I got a good look at him. Jonas was 6’0, with brown eyes, pale skin and red hair. He was adorable but there was something off putting about him. I wasn’t sure what. “There’s so much I want to show you,” he said. “We can do all sorts of things together.” He grabbed my hand and started walking down the stairs. He walked fast so it was hard to keep up with him. I didn’t feel anything Kaspen described from Jonas either. I couldn’t tell if he was telling the truth. What if they all were telling the truth and the moon goddess accidentally linked me with three different men? “Jonas?” I said to catch his attention. “Where are we going?” He didn’t answer until we stopped. “I don’t know yet.” he turned and looked down at me. “I was going to stop when we saw something interesting to do.” his eyes clouded over. “f**k, I have to do something.” He kissed my hand before letting it go. “I’ll see you later okay, love?” “Okay…,” I said awkwardly as he rushed off. “That was weird…,” I whispered to myself. How could three men in the same pack all be claiming I was their mate? I didn’t come here for a mate or even love. I stared into the lounge that was half filled. They all seemed so close and comfortable with each other. I sighed then walked back up the stairs. I decided to go back to my room but Josie was still napping. I told Becca she could leave and I napped with Josie. When I woke up from my nap Josie was still asleep. I guess I wasn’t surprised. She stayed up so late last night then woke up so early. I called Becca back and it didn’t take her long to get here. My attention was brought to the door as Maya barged in. “Sorry Luna Yue, I-“ Maya stopped when she saw Josie. “Who is that?” “My daughter,” I answered. “Does Alpha Kaspen know?” the volume of her voice lowered so she wouldn’t wake up my daughter. “No, I’m going to tell him when I get the chance. The only people who know are Becca,” I gestured to Becca who waved at Maya. “Nick and Autumn. A few people might have seen me come in with her but they might have not thought much of it.” Maya gasped. “And Autumn didn’t tell me? Wow.” I don’t think Maya assumed the child was Kaspen’s the way Autumn did. I doubt Maya knows our past at all. “Why’d you call me Luna? Autumn called me the same thing yesterday and someone else just said something about a luna to me.” “You’re the alpha’s mate so you’re the next Luna,” Maya said. “You’re Alpha Kaspen’s mate??” Becca reacted in shock. “She is but he hasn’t decided when he’s going to announce it to the pack yet,” Maya answered. “I don’t know who’s mate I am,” I started to explain to them. “Nick, Kaspen, and Jonas said I’m they’re mate. I don’t feel the mate bond so I don’t know.” “Jonas and Nick? Wow, that’s interesting,” Maya said with her brows furrowed and feet tapping against the floor. “Alpha Kaspen isn’t a liar but I never thought Jonas was one so I don’t know.” So Jonas didn’t have a track record for this kind of thing. “Hm if you don’t know which one is your mate then spend time with each of them. Whoever you feel like is perfect for you and would make you the happiest then go with them.” “Maybe that’s not a bad idea.” I tapped my chin. “You’ve suppressed your shifter side which suppressed your feeling of the mate bond,” Maya speculated. “I guess so.” I wanted to get this out of the way so I could go back to my main goal. My main goal was finding my home town and figuring out what I am. One of them could help me with that, whichever one is my mate. Maya gave me Nick’s number and I called him when she left. “Hello?” He answered. “It’s Yue, let’s spend the rest of the day together.” “Alright.” We met outside the pack house and started walking. “I found out Kaspen’s your brother,” I said to start a conversation. I was a little nervous because I wasn’t sure how to do something like this. I had to get to know him then figure out if I think we’re perfect for each other or not. Honestly this seemed a lot like the way my old roommate described human dating. “Unfortunately, and on top of that he’s my younger brother,” his tone made annoyance evident. He really didn’t like Kaspen. I couldn’t imagine hating my little brother if I had one. “He says he’s my mate and that you’re lying.” “Sounds like something he’d make up,” he said. “He likes to take anything he can from me.” he stared up at the sky. “That doesn’t really sound like Kaspen.” I turned my head to see the pack house behind us as we continued to walk. I didn’t like the idea of leaving Josie there but it made me feel more comfortable that her father was there. Well he didn’t know about her but it still helped. “Maybe you don’t really know the guy,” Nick said. “He threatened to kick me out of the pack if I didn't stay away from you.” “Really? I’m sorry about that.” I didn’t see Kaspen as the jealous type at all. Maybe Nick was right and I didn’t know him as well as I thought. “Why aren’t you?” “I’m not going to stay away from my mate because I’m threatened,” he answered, then looked down and made eye contact with me. “If I get kicked out you’ll come with me won’t you?” It wouldn’t really mess with my goal but Josie should be around her father while I look for my hometown. “Sure,” I agreed. Kaspen won’t kick Nick out if he thinks I’d go with him and take our daughter too. Then he’ll let Nick stay and I won’t have to worry about being the reason he’s kicked out. I felt guilty about feeling good that I knew Kaspen cared that much about me. It was wrong of course for him to threaten to kick his brother out but it was hard not to focus on why. He really liked me… “Jonas also says he’s my mate,” I mentioned. Now Nick looked confused. “That’s ridiculous.” “It’s impossible for you all to have the same mate?” I asked. “Yes, who do you believe?” “I don’t know yet, sorry.” “That's okay.” We soon walked into the city I saw when I first got to this realm. It wasn’t too crowded today so that was nice. I hoped begging around all these different species might make me become more in touch with my shifter side. I answered my ringing phone, “Who’s this?” “Kaspen, Maya gave me your number.” His voice gave me butterflies. “Oh.” Nick glanced at me and it made me feel bad that I was talking to Kaspen while spending time with him. “I’m busy, is this important?” I asked. “I’m just looking at my schedule. When do you want to become a part of the pack officially?” “You only accept mates, don't I have to be with my mate first?” “Usually I would wait until mates are marked to let their mate officially join but I want you to join either way,” he said. “I’ve wanted you to join since we were kids.” I closed my eyes and thought back to that time. “I need more time to think about when. I don’t know how quickly I want to commit to the pack. I don’t feel the mate bond so I don’t want to make the wrong choice on who to be with either.” I opened my eyes. “I didn’t expect you to be so thorough,” he teased “Of course I am, anyway bye.” I hung up then looked at Nick. We stopped walking and I looked around then at the building in front of me. “A bar?” Nick nodded and said, “A magical bar.” I followed him in. “What made you think I’d like this?” The sun was setting so I guess this was an appropriate enough time for a drink. The bar turned out to actually be magical. I didn’t think he was lying but I didn't expect it to be magical in more than one aspect. Drinks were literally pouring themselves. Behind the bar were magic elixirs in bottles on the shelves with the liquor. I could only assume that the bartender would mix them. “The last person I brought here loved it,” Nick answered. “What number am I?” I lifted an eyebrow. He put up two fingers. “You’re not one of those people who insist on having completely unique experiences with someone are you?” He sat down at the bar. “I don’t know, I’ve never dated anyone before. Was this a girlfriend?” I asked as I sat down on the stool next to him. “No, an old friend I used to sleep with, nothing serious,” he answered. “Is she a pack member?” I tapped my fingers against the bar surface. “You’ve used up all your questions on this subject.” He winked at me. Nick was really attractive but I wasn’t sure if I only thought so because he looked like his brother. Now I was thinking about Kaspen again. He populated my thoughts even before I came here. There were a lot of people in the bar ordering drinks and talking amongst themselves. “You said you didn’t date anyone, so you’ve never dated my brother?” Nick asked after he ordered both of us a drink, nothing I had ever heard of. “Nope. I said he was an old friend.” “Like my old friend?” “We didn’t sleep with each other more than once so I doubt it,” I joked without thinking. He chuckled. “Of course you two had s*x, I guess I couldn’t blame him,” he flirted. “You knew each other before that, right?” “You’ve used up all your questions on this subject.” I winked at him. I didn’t want to tell him about when I first met Kaspen or the other three times we saw each other when we were kids. If I did then I’d have to explain the hunter stuff which I wasn’t ready to do. “Fair enough.” I was impressed by the magical bar when our drinks teleported in front of us. He started drinking his and I took a sip of mine. “Mmm,” I rolled my eyes back and I noticed Nick was staring at me with a little lust “You really can’t feel the mate bond?” He reached over and rested his hand on my thigh. “That explains how you don’t know Kaspen and Jonas are lying.” “Yeah I can’t, my shifter side is suppressed. I hate it so much,” I said. I noticed the bartender was a mage because he was casting spells as he worked. Plus he had to have been the one to teleport our drinks to us. “I overheard you saying your shifter side is suppressed.” The bartender said and by then Nick was already done with his drink. I still had half of mine. “Yeah, unfortunately.” I looked at him. “If it was suppressed by magic I can help you with that,” he offered. “Really?” I smiled. “Yeah that would be great. It might have been.” If Delrose suppressed it with magic I was finally going to get that fixed. Nick got up. “Let’s go Yue.” “Hold on.” I brought my phone out. “Can I have your contact information?” “Yes,” the mage answered. “I do charge for it unless you’d rather do a trade.” “No problem, I’ll let you know which I’d rather do soon.” I handed him my phone and he put his number in before he handed it back. I quickly chugged my drink then rushed out since Nick was already out of the door by then. “What’s the rush?” I asked. Nick shrugged. “You really shouldn’t contact that sorcerer.” “Why not?” “They’re really not reliable” “I don’t mind taking the risk,” I said. “I care about you, I don’t want you to get your hopes up for something like that. It’s basically a scam.” He explained. “I’ll be fine but I’ll think more before I make the appointment.” “That’s all I ask,” he mumbled. We walked around for a while and he showed me some cool things in the city. I didn’t get to know Nick too well but this was a nice start. When we got back to the pack house at night Nick went towards his room. When I was walking to mine I saw that Kaspen had just walked out of his bedroom. What was I going to say to him? I was getting late and I could still feel the effects of the magical alcohol I had.
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