Chapter 4: Moving Into the Packhouse

2003 Words
After I slept with Monroe three and a half years ago I never heard from him again. It’s what I wanted at the time. The morning after we slept together he asked me to leave with him. I’m sure it was all out of impulse. How could he want to be with me after only one night? I said no to his request. He stopped coming to my job after that. When I found out I was pregnant I knew I had to change. I had to let Monroe be a part of my life so he could be a part of our baby’s. I was going to tell him everything about myself. After quickly deciding that I went back to his hotel but he had already checked out. They wouldn’t give me his contact information or even pass a message along. I had to accept that her father disappeared with no trace. I'm sorry Josie. Now I can continue my story where we left off before I told the story of how I met Josie’s father. Nick opened a portal with the magical item he pulled out of his pocket.  This was it. It looked exactly like the portal we came through to get to this world. I walked through first with Josie in my arms. When I was on the other side I was astonished. The air felt different and it felt like home already.  I turned around to see Nick walk out of the portal and it closed. He was 6’0, with short brown hair and yellowish-green eyes. He was dressed really nicely. I was sure his outfit must have cost a lot of money. We were in a beautiful city. I looked down at Josie and she was asleep. I kissed her forehead. “I gotta get approval before I can take you to the packhouse,” Nick said as he put his magical item away and pulled his phone out. “The Alpha is a real pain in the ass.” “Wait, what if he doesn’t let me stay there with you?” I asked and held Josie tighter. That’s why I didn’t come to this realm when Kaspen offered when we were kids because he couldn’t guarantee that his pack would let me stay. I guess Nick couldn’t either. Did I make this decision too quickly? I’m an adult so I could figure things out the way I did when I was homeless in the human realm but I had Josie. I needed stability with her. Maybe I couldn’t go back home anyway because Delrose knew the area I was in. I was so close to getting forced back into life as a hunter. I never wanted to go back to that. There were things I’m ashamed of from that time… Things I’d never want to do again. Nick shrugged and replied, “There are other places we can stay, even out of the territory if we have to.” “You could afford to find somewhere else this short notice?” Nick rolled his eyes. “I wouldn’t have brought you here if I didn’t know I could support you, damn,” he said rudely. I guess he took my doubt in him personally. “Give me a second, okay?” He walked away as he put his phone to his ear. There were people walking the streets. They didn’t even think it was odd that we had just come out of a portal. Some of these people were in the form of humans so I couldn’t tell what they were. Some looked human with animal tails and ears, while others looked like demons. I noticed a few human appearing people were openly casting spells so they must have been mages. I could swear I saw a few vampires too.” Nick walked back to us when he was off the phone. “He approves,” he informed me. “I told him you were human but I’m starting to think you might not be.” His eyes narrowed. “I’m not,” I said. It felt good to tell someone I wasn’t human. “And what are you?” he asked. “I don’t know. It’s a long story.” He started walking so I did too. “Are you going to explain what mates are?”  I could recall one werewolf that Delrose killed. Right before she finished the job he said something about a mate. He cried out and said, “Please, I don’t want my mate to feel the pain and I don’t want him to be alone.” But Delrose killed him anyway. “The moon goddess chooses mates for every werewolf,” he began to explain. “I’m sure you’re familiar with the concept of soulmates, it’s that but we can tell who our mate is because of the effects of the mate bond.” “Oh okay.” This guy was supposed to be my soul mate? It was a little hard to believe but I guess I would be more convinced when I got to know him more.  When we got to the packhouse there was a woman out front at the door. It was huge. It was as big as a large hotel and maybe eleven stories. “Your whole pack lives here?” I asked. “Most, some pack members don’t live in the packhouse. They live within the cities of our territory,” he explained. The woman at the door walked to us. She was a long-haired blonde with brown eyes. “She’s going to get you two settled in,” Nick said before walking in without us. “He didn’t even introduce us…,” I mumbled in disbelief. “Yeah, I don’t expect much from Nick,” she said, then shook her head vigorously. “I’m Autumn.” I was about to say my name but her phone rang. “Yes I’m meeting her right now,” she answered. “That’s all? Kay bye.” She hung up. “Sorry, that was our Alpha, Kaspen.” Kaspen as in the Kaspen I knew a lifetime ago? “A jet black wolf?” “Yes,” Autumn confirmed. “His wolf is jet black with glowing green eyes. Jet black is a rare color and those wolves are usually mad powerful. Kaspen is definitely that.” I laughed because their powerful alpha used to get trapped in human-made werewolf traps consistently. “Sorry,” I apologized for my laughter and cleared my throat. I never thought I’d see Kaspen again. This would be a nice reunion that I looked forward to. I sort of considered him a childhood friend or something close to that. When we walked into the packhouse I was stunned. It looked super nice on the outside but it was breathtaking inside. This must have been a rich pack or something because of the furnishing. It was better than any building I’ve been in. The lobby had a lot of people in it. I’m not sure why I expected them to be in their wolf forms. Not any of them were. They were in groups talking to each other. Delrose thought werewolves were so much different than humans. I don’t think they were. They were talking, showing each other things on their phone, laughing, and other things humans did when they hung out. Werewolves were different but not for the reasons she thought they were. None of these people seemed like monsters. “This is nice, I wasn’t around packs when I was in the human world,” I said. “How did you hear about our Alpha?” Autumn asked. “He’s well known in this world and the human world among the packs there but you’re saying you weren’t around werewolves.” “I knew him, we met when we were kids in the human realm a few times. I’ve met wolves but I wasn’t around packs.” “You’re Yue?” Her eyes sparkled when she asked the question. I never gave Kaspen my name. I wasn’t even going by my real name at that time. “Yeah. Kaspen gave you my name?” “He did, he told me about you a while back ago,” she recalled and smiled really big. “I’m so happy you’re here. This is so perfect.” But then her expression died down. “Wait, Nick is your mate right?” “Yeah. Do you think I have a mate because I’m a werewolf? I don’t know what I am but I know I’m not human.” “A werewolf can be mated to anyone as long as their god is okay with the moon goddess linking their soul to one of ours.” “I guess I would know if I’m a werewolf,” I said, disappointed. “Well, you said you don’t know what you are.” “Do werewolves ever suppress their wolf side?” “It’s happened, and usually because of magic or something,” she replied. Could Delrose have found out what I was and suppressed it? Maybe she would do that instead of killing me. We walked up the staircase and through the halls past some people. Every time we passed someone they greeted us. Autumn gave each of them a slightly different greeting. She stopped at one of the doors. “I need to check on someone then I’ll show you your room,” she let me know then knocked on the door. “Okay.” The door opened. “Hey Autumn,” a woman greeted then smiled at me. “I wanted to see how you were doing. I heard you got hurt during patrol.” “I’m fine now. Thank you for checking up on me Autumn. I wish you were the healer on duty that day but don’t tell anyone I said that,” the woman joked. When she was done speaking to her she continued to lead me to a room. She used a key off of a set of keys she had to unlock the door then took the key off the set and gave it to me. “This is your room. The beta can give you a tour tomorrow and explain things a little more. I have to get back to my duties.” It was a pretty big room. The first thing I did was put Josie down on the bed. I was relieved that I wouldn’t have to share a room with Nick. Sleep wasn’t hard to get. In the morning Autumn came to see me. “How was your first night?” Autumn smiled. “Good.” “Good, I’m taking you to Alpha Kaspen before breakfast. He should be free right now and I know he’d want to see you.” I hope he would. “Really?” My heart started to race. “Okay.” I didn’t know what I thought an adult version of Kaspen would even look like. The last time I saw him I was thirteen. “Do you want to bring your daughter?” I shook my head. “No, but I can’t leave her by herself.” Josie was still asleep peacefully in our bed. “I’ll get someone trustworthy to come to watch her. I promise she’ll be fine,” She assured me. “Hm okay.” We waited for the person to come then left with Autumn for Kaspen’s office which was a few floors up. Autumn slowly opened the door and when my eyes finally set on Kaspen I was taken aback.  “Monroe?” I never thought I’d see him again. I was expecting to see Kaspen but I was staring at Monroe, Josie’s father. Monroe looked at me with wide eyes of surprise followed by a smile. “Actually it’s Kaspen Monroe.” He corrected with a laugh. “Three years later and you’re still as short as ever,” he teased.
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