Chapter 3: How I Met Him

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I think a lot about the time I met him. Just as much as I think about Kaspen but maybe a little more. I was eighteen and at the time I was working in a library. Not at all the kind of place you’d expect to find this kind of person.  I was laying low because Delrose might have been searching for me. I knew too much and she put in so much work training me to be a hunter. I think she had ways of making me work for her if she found me. If she was still in business with a witch there are all kinds of magical items for mind control. I only thought of the worst when it came to her. This man was rugged. His jet black shaggy hair was always messy and I’m not sure when the last time he cut it was. He had a short full beard but that was neat of all things with sharp edges. He was sitting alone at a table and kept laughing every five or ten minutes on his phone. His laugh was like thunder. It wasn’t something anyone in the library could ignore. I had already got a few complaints so I had to approach him. “Excuse me, sir.” He glanced at me with his yellowish-green eyes. “No problem,” he said with a deep voice. I rolled my eyes before whispering, “Please, this is a library. College students are studying.” I gestured around me at them. He didn’t say anything but he finally got quiet. He was there my entire shift. He came back the next day but instead of loudly laughing he kept dropping books. A few girls took it as an opportunity to talk to him. They would pick up the books and flirt with him but he didn’t seem interested in any of them. It surprised me because they were really pretty but maybe they were more my type than his. “Sir,” I said to him. “Please keep it down.”  Again he didn’t say anything to me but he stopped. I wasn’t sure what his deal was but again he stayed my entire shift. He even came the next day. This time he was reading out loud to himself. “You’re going to need to leave,” I told him assertively. I had to kick him out this time so he wouldn’t come back and do the same thing. He looked up at me and replied, “Only if you’re leaving with me.” Him coming here to annoy me day after day was an attempt to flirt with me? “I’m working and I prefer silence,” I refused. “I don’t think you’re capable of that.”  He smirked. “You’d be the opposite of silent if you did come with me.” A laugh escaped my mouth because of his arrogance. “Wow, you thought that would work?” “Of course.” He shrugged. “So when are you off?” “Please leave, or I’ll call mall security,” I threatened. “I’m pretty sure I could take them but fine.” He got up. “I know when I’m not wanted.” “Surprising,” I said as he left. That day I had the closing shift but it didn’t close too late. The sun was still half an hour away from going down when my shift was up. Before I left for the day I checked out a few books on the supernatural. I needed to learn more so I could figure out what I am. Trying to get home felt like I was trying to grab something so far out of reach. I thought about using my skill of hunting werewolves. I could have tracked one down the way Delrose taught me but it would take a while and then what? They wouldn’t have a reason to help me. I also didn’t want to use what I was taught, not by her. When I left the mall I saw a sports car in the parking lot. It was hard to believe that someone who could afford a car as expensive as that was at this mall. This mall wasn’t exactly one rich people came to.  Before I opened my car door I noticed the car door of the sports car opened upward. The annoying guy from the library came out. Of course, it was his car. It was loud like he was. “f**k I almost missed you.” He said as he walked to me.  “You waited out here for me to finish my shift?” I laughed. “If I go with you, do you promise you won’t come back? I really don’t want to deal with the complaints anymore.” “Oh, I see.” He slowly crossed his arms. “You want to go with me now since you see I’m rich because of my car.” My expression dropped. “No, I decided I’d go with you because you waited out here for hours and I’m not a bitch.” I turned around and opened my car door. “Maybe I should have been one,” I mumbled. “I’m joking. It’s Ally right?” I sighed and slowly closed my door, turning around. “Yue, actually.” He was the first person I gave my real name to since I’ve been in this world. It was on impulse. “Ally is kind of a nickname I got stuck with but I prefer Yue. What’s your name?” “Monroe.” I put my books in my car and closed the door then walked to his car. “You coming, Monroe? Can you really be both noisy and slow?” I teased. Monroe chuckled and walked back to his car. He unlocked it and we got in. The seats were so comfortable and the lights inside were vibrant. He looked at me as I buckled my seatbelt and he laughed. “What’s funny?” I asked. “You’re really small,” he replied. I rolled my eyes. “Yeah, I haven’t heard that one before, very creative.” I was 4’11” and I think he was 6’1. “There are actually a lot of people who are my height.” “And they’re still growing,” he joked as he started his car. “They’re children.” “Ha, ha,” my tone was deadpan. The drive wasn’t long at all but during it I thought about what I had gotten myself into. When we parked I looked outside and saw I was in a hotel parking lot. I opened my mouth to speak but he did instead, “I don’t live around here. I’m staying in his hotel. I brought you here because there’s an arcade and a nice restaurant. We don’t have to go to my room,” he paused. “Unless you want to.” I was glad he explained because I definitely made assumptions. I chuckled at his last words. “We’ll see,” I teased and got out of the car.  We went into the arcade and played games together. This was the closest thing to a date I had been on. I hadn’t even made any friends since I got to this city three years ago. The closest thing to a friend I had was my roommate but we only met a few weeks ago. People asked me to do things with them but I always turned them down. I was in survival mode for so long and I don’t know how to turn it off. I was in a more stable place but I still had to focus on returning home. I promised myself I’d get back to my people and find out what I was. Maybe when I get there I can reconnect with my community.  No one made the effort Monroe did so I wanted to show kindness to him. I also couldn’t ignore how attractive he was or annoyingly charming. “Are you okay?” Monroe asked because I looked like I had seen a ghost.  I saw a woman with a trench coat and red hair. I thought she was Delrose until she turned around. I realized she wasn’t even wearing a trench coat, it was a jacket that somewhat looked like one in this lighting.  “Yeah. Um, I think I should go home. My head is f*****g with me.” “I could get you a bottle of water or something,” he offered with his big hand on my back. I shook my head in response. “Could I get your number so I don’t have to show up at your job?” “Tempting.” Again, I didn’t make connections unless my survival depended on it but this was tempting. Those connections that my survival depended on weren’t even real connections. Monroe had nothing to do with my survival or getting home. Like I implied before, humans weren’t of interest to me. I had seen the worst of them. Not all of them were bad and I knew that but I didn’t want to become close with one if I was leaving. "You can't resist me," he said cockily. I thought he’d leave me alone if I gave him what he wanted. Not my number but something more.  “I think I’ll take that bottle of water and maybe a place to lay down,” I said, implying I wanted him to take me to his room. “Okay.” We left the arcade and I followed him into the elevator. He was staying in the presidential suite. Just how rich was he? We walked into his suit. There was a chandler over the dining table and pool in his suit. I had never seen a hotel room like this. I walked to the window but when I moved the curtains I realized it wasn’t a window. It was a sliding glass door to his balcony. There was even a fireplace and two sets of long couches.  “It wasn’t this nice when I started staying here so I bought a few things,” he stated then walked to the mini-fridge and handed me a bottle of water. “This is bigger and so much nicer than my apartment.” I opened the bottle of water and drank some. I had forgotten that I thought I saw Delrose mistakingly. “I’m glad you like it. You can stay for the night if you want,” he suggested. His smile was mischievous and sexy.  I laughed. “Well played.” I put the water bottle down. “Are you going to be quiet or is that too big a challenge?”  He walked closer and closer to me, closing the distance between us almost completely. “What would you prefer?” He whispered seductively. My body felt hot. “I’d prefer no more talking…” I wrapped my arms around his neck and slowly my lips pressed against his as he held me by my waist firmly. His kisses were intoxicating and addicting. He unexpectedly tore my shirt off. It wasn’t a cheap shirt but I don’t think it took him much strength to rip it off my body, exposing my bare skin. No one had seen me naked before. I was giving him access to the most private parts of me. I took his shirt off so quickly I barely remember doing it. He was so muscular. He picked me up and placed me on his bed. Then he pulled my pants down to plant kisses on my inner thigh as I panted and slightly moaned. This was the first time I ever got this wet and he hadn’t even touched my front bottom yet. It was so easy to give him what he wanted because I wanted it too. I couldn’t let myself fall for him but I could let myself have this one night. Reader, remember when I told you that there was one man I almost developed a connection with? Who I felt the desire to get close to and I could have gotten attached to? This was the story I said you’d hear about soon. Monroe was that man. This was also the story of how I got pregnant with Josie.  When I had her I realized everything I did wasn’t only for my own survival anymore, but hers too.
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