
2295 Words
Skye POV That shelter often haunted my nightmares, but now, as I walk away from it, all of those haunting memories have been erased. And I owe a lot of that to Chaos. His touch, his gaze, the way he made me feel - it's all I can think about now. He was careful, holding back to ensure my comfort and slowly easing me into his presence. I genuinely appreciated that. Despite knowing I would eventually have a mate, I knew it would take time for me to feel truly comfortable with them. We would need to learn about each other, grow together as a couple. Sure, our bodies naturally pushed us to mate, but not everyone would be as considerate as Chaos. At least, that's what I've heard from my former schoolmates. Many wouldn't have offered to simply sleep beside me to help calm my heat, instead of immediately acting on it. I was told that changes in scent can drive any unmated male wild, as well as our mates. Maybe it was because my scent, being that of a unicorn, was different, or perhaps Chaos just had incredible self-control around me. Curiosity got the better of me, and I looked at him, wanting an honest answer. "Chaos, last night, I hope you weren't hurting yourself by holding back," I said. He paused for a moment, as if considering his response. "I never want to hurt you, Skye. And that includes doing something you don't want or aren't ready for," he replied. "I don't care if it's our nature. The last thing I want is a mate who fears me. I may not be gentle or caring towards many, but I want to be that way with you. I didn't hurt myself by holding back. Your scent, it made me want to act, I wanted you. It would have hurt me more, hurt both of us, if I hadn't waited for you to say you were ready.” I reached out and felt the warmth of his hands in mine, his calmness spreading through me like a gentle breeze. Being able to touch him without any hindrance eased my worries. "Thank you, Chaos," I whispered, my voice carried away by the rustling leaves around us. With our surroundings in focus, I relied on my sharp memory of the map and my keen sense of direction to guide us on our journey. Chaos could also sense the presence of others nearby, so we made a good team. Placing my backpack down for a moment, I hurriedly rummaged through it, finding what I was looking for. I pulled out a small vial and handed it to Chaos, its faint scent of herbs filling the air. "It's a fae potion," I explained, watching as he examined it before accepting it with gratitude. "It allows you to shift with your clothing. It stays in your system for several weeks, and I have a few more if we need them. They can be quite handy," I admitted. "I had no idea such a thing even existed, thank you," he said as he took it. "I have a collection of potions, my family made sure I was well stocked up," I admitted as we continued on. The forest enveloped us, its vibrant colors captivating my senses. "I know this Forest is dangerous, but it's also beautiful. You don't see such vibrant colors in the forests where I live," I confessed to him. He nodded, his eyes distant. "The same from my old home, although there were many dangers and most of my realm as our kind was constantly battling the others. I don't know if there was even such a thing as a moment of peace," he explained. I couldn't help but feel sympathy for him. "That had to be hard," I said softly. "I was used to it," he replied. "It's one reason I have no issue fighting when not in Lycan form. I was out fighting for the kingdom at a young age and fought many years before I could shift." His words carried a weight of experience and resilience. "My mother and father taught me to fight," I started speaking, but our conversation was abruptly interrupted by a distant sound. Chaos, sensing danger, pulled me close to him, making my heart race. "Stay close," he whispered urgently. I nodded, understanding his need to protect. We both strained our senses, taking in the scents and sounds around us. Suddenly, a low growl rumbled from Chaos's chest. "They must have been covering their scent. It's Rook and his crew, as well as more," Chaos explained. He turned to me, his eyes filled with concern. "Find a place to hide, Skye, and I'll take care of them," Chaos suggested, but I shook my head. "I'm not letting you fight alone. I'm not risking anything happening to you. We stick together," I declared, my voice firm. I pressed my hand against a symbol on my backpack, making it vanish into thin air. Dragon bags really did come in handy. Chaos looked at me, a hint of panic in his features. "He is afraid of losing us, Skye. It will take our mate time to heal from all he went through. His Lycan speaks to me now. They were tortured almost daily for a long time. He felt empty, but we make him feel again, and he does not want to lose that," Nyx whispered in my mind. "I understand. Thank you for telling me. Make sure his Lycan knows as well. He won't lose us. I know Chaos will take time to heal," I admitted, grateful for Nyx's insight. "I trained for years with my family. You're not going to lose me, I promise," I said, locking eyes with Chaos. A silent thought passed between us. "I trust you," he conveyed. It brought a smile to my face as I mentally prepared myself for the impending fight. "They are still a distance away, so we will keep moving. But if they draw closer to where we are walking, we will take action," Chaos informed me, his voice steady. We continued our journey. As we walked through the forest, a gentle breeze rustled the leaves above, creating an eerie melody. My attention was drawn to the swaying trees, their branches twisting in a peculiar manner. Suddenly, my gaze locked onto Malachi, swiftly evading his leap from above. Talon followed suit, gracefully descending alongside him. "Going to play hard to get?" Malachi taunted, his words echoing in my ears. Chaos transformed into his fearsome lycan form startling us all. I had only heard tales of lycans, but now I witnessed their sheer size and ferocity firsthand. Impressed, yet focused on the impending fight, I squared my shoulders. "Boss is going to be pissed that the lycan broke free," Malachi sneered, his voice dripping with contempt. Chaos lunged towards Talon, but he effortlessly evaded his attack, soaring through the air with remarkable speed. Malachi, in a desperate attempt, reached out to grab me, but I swiftly sidestepped, narrowly avoiding his grasp. Without my gloves, I knew I had to brace myself, hoping not to overwhelm. "Is Rook hiding? Guess he only has his lackeys fight for him," I taunted, my words laced with defiance. Chaos growled menacingly at Malachi before pouncing on him, swiftly pinning him to the ground. I thought Malachi was as good as gone, but then again, I should have known better. Fae could be tricky, their illusions. Malachi slowly faded away under Chaos, only to reappear grabbing hold of me. I could feel his breath on my neck. Chaos snarled as Talon swooped down, attacking him with a fierce fury. Chaos, momentarily distracted, turned his focus away from me. "For a moment, I thought maybe you were better than Rook. I guess I was wrong," I sighed, my voice tinged with disappointment. Malachi's grip tightened around me, but luckily, he didn't make contact with my skin. I braced myself, ready to absorb and confront the onslaught of his emotions. With a surge of adrenaline, I broke free from his grasp, swiftly twisting his arm. "You'll regret that," he sneered, his voice dripping with venom. He lunged towards me, but I skillfully blocked his attack and delivered a powerful kick, sending him crashing into a nearby tree. His stunned expression mirrored my satisfaction. "Don't judge someone solely by appearance. Didn't your mother teach you that?" I taunted him, a smirk playing on my lips. I glanced quickly at Chaos, observing Talon relentlessly fighting him. lycans may be strong, but they lacked the fae's ability to take flight. I had the ability to fly, but I couldn't use it because it would reveal my secret. So, for now, I decided to stay grounded. "That little escape of yours did not last long," Rook's voice echoed through the dense forest as he materialized, accompanied by five more men. The air grew heavy with the unmistakable presence of powerful Fae. A small sense of unease washed over me, realizing that this confrontation could spell trouble for both Chaos and me. While I wanted to put an end to this ordeal, I knew that Chaos was not prepared to face these unfamiliar Fae and their cunning tricks. The odds were stacked against us; their numbers were overwhelming. However, I still had one weapon at my disposal - the earth crystal. With it, I could cause some damage and create a diversion to buy us time to hide once again. As Rook's companion Fae closed in on Chaos, encircling him, Rook approached me, his gaze fixated on my neck. "So, the lycan is your mate, go figure," he scoffed, reaching out to seize me. Instinctively, I evaded his grasp. "You may be quick, and you may possess fighting skills, I'll give you that. But make no mistake, you will come with us. If you comply, we will spare the Lycan's life. Otherwise, he will be a fugitive who escaped, and I have every right to execute him on the spot," Rook declared, his tone filled with amusement. I couldn't help but laugh at his audacity. "You think you can kill him, Rook? You can't even capture him. We're not going anywhere with you. Give up this pointless endeavor, or you'll only bring more trouble upon yourself," I retorted, watching as Chaos unleashed his ferocity upon the Fae, delivering brutal blows. It was clear that Rook hadn't anticipated such devastating resistance. "You had a chance to enter the Unicorn Kingdom, based on what you told me. But you threw it away. That was your sole opportunity because, mark my words, I will personally ensure that you never set foot in that kingdom. Not only that, I will be the one to bury you in the ground," I declared. Rook's laughter filled the air as I lunged at him. "Do you truly believe you stand a chance against me?" he jeered. With a defiant smirk, I replied, "I believe all this talk only reveals your fear that a small woman like me can send your despicable ass flying." I yelled as he came at me. I countered with a powerful strike, the impact reverberating through my arm as it connected with his body. The force of the blow caused him to double over, coughing up blood. I focused intently on him, listening to his weak muttering. There was a hint of desperation in his voice as he attempted Fae magic. I could sense his confidence, a sign that he was a skilled caster. Reacting fast, I slammed my foot down, feeling the ground tremble beneath me. Cracks snaked through the earth, halting his advance. Raising my hand, I channeled my energy, causing vines to sprout and coil around me. It was a risky move, revealing my true nature, but I had no other choice in this moment. His eyes widened in disbelief, a faint "impossible" escaping his lips. I seized the opportunity and unleashed a torrent of vines, manipulating them to ensnare him. The vines wrapped around his struggling form, restraining his movements. However, with just a few uttered words, he shattered the magical bonds, breaking free from my grasp. Time was running out. Casting a quick glance at Chaos, I witnessed his brutal efficiency, he had killed several Fae with ease. I felt a surge of gratitude that Chaos was fighting alongside me, his ferocity unmatched. As Chaos inflicted a clear injury on Malachi, I heard him curse, his voice filled with pain. Rook, contemplating his next move, glared at me. Determined, I lunged forward to attack again, causing the ground to tremble beneath me and the nearby tree to sway violently. However, my lack of control over my other powers was evident, and the crystal within me began to burn uncontrollably. I struggled to maintain my composure, knowing that reaching the kingdom and staying safe with Chaos depended on it. With a trembling hand, I extended my arm, causing the towering tree next to Rook to crash down upon him, injuring him and forcing him to retreat. I turned my gaze to see Malachi and Talon escaping as well. My vision blurred, and the crackling power of the crystal intensified within me. I stumbled, on the verge of collapse, but before I could hit the ground, a wave of comforting warmth enveloped me. Chaos had quickly come to my aid, defeating all the Fae that had surrounded him. His voice, gentle and soothing, whispered in my ear, reassuring me that he would protect me from harm. I never even saw him shift back. I was grateful for him. We were now a team, and as long as we stayed together, we would have each other's backs.
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