
2114 Words
Chaos POV Her body trembled against mine as I held her, her muscles quivering with each movement. Despite her struggles, she fought through it, her determination evident in the lines of strain on her face. As I watched her today, I marveled at her strength, skill, and training. But even with that knowledge, a sense of protectiveness welled up within me. I would not let her down. I felt her powers surge within her, a strange earth energy that she wielded. It was clear, however, that controlling it was a challenge for her. The struggle with her other powers was taking its toll, draining her energy and weakening her. If only she had full control, she wouldn't exhaust herself or risk harm. "Relax for me, Skye," I whispered, my voice soothing. "I know it's difficult right now, but I'm here for you. Nothing will happen to you as long as I'm by your side." Carefully, I lifted her into my arms, aware of the fragility of her state. "I'll carry you, but if my touch becomes overwhelming, just let me know." "Our touch won't hurt her," Blade insisted, his voice firm. I trusted his words, but I couldn't help but remain cautious. The last thing I wanted was to exacerbate her struggles. As I walked, her weight pressed against me, I could feel the tension in her body. Her whispered words reached my ears, barely audible. "We need to get the other keys first." I knew that encountering Rook was not yet over, but for now, they needed time to recover. "We'll skip this key for now and head to another location. But we'll need more help." She explained. Her plan made sense. She explained, By leaving now, we could steal a wagon and travel to the next town. Once there, she could obtain a basic map of the realm, marking the locations we needed. And then, I could trigger the spell to contact Jade, ensuring we were far enough away from Rook's reach. I agreed with her plan, although most towns here had checkpoints. She was not a registered prisoner, but I was. That could cause some issues. However, without the collar, I may be fine. "I can get us back to the wagon," I explained, "I can sense the trail we took originally. If I shift, I can carry you in my Lycan form and get us there in under a day." She remained silent for a moment. "I scare you, don't I?" I said. I knew well that to someone who has not been around my kind, I could come off as intimidating. I looked more like a beast than she was used to, I'm sure. "No, you don't," she replied. "I just wish I could shift as well. My Unicorn Nyx, she really wants to meet you, but I know it's not safe right now." "I want to meet her as well," I promised. "The first moment it is safe, I plan to spend time with her." "Thank you, that means a lot to Nyx," Skye said as I placed her down for a moment. "I'm comfortable with you in Lycan form," she said, and I nodded, shifting and allowing Blade control. But I reminded him that he needed to be gentle with her, as he sometimes forgets his own strength. Blade lifted Skye effortlessly, his strong arms wrapping around her, and swiftly began to run. "Your comfortable," she whispered "See, not scary," Blade huffed in my mind. "No, not scary. I'll never fear you," Skye said, catching him off guard and surprising me as well. "Can you hear me right now?" Blade asked her, his voice tinged with curiosity. "Your touching me, so yes, I can hear you speaking with Chaos. I don't mean to listen in, I just don't know how to stop it," she admitted, her voice filled with a touch of vulnerability. The revelation made me wonder how much more she may have overheard. "I hear almost everything when you are touching me," she whispered. I was still getting used to this part of her. "I'm sorry," she apologized, her voice laced with regret. "Don't ever apologize for being you," Blade reassured her, his response resonating with my own thoughts. "We are mates, we keep nothing from each other. Good, bad, no matter what. No secrets," he promised her as he continued to run. I remained silent, allowing them their moment. Blade needed this, and Skye needed to know that we accepted all of her, just as she accepted us. We made good distance, the ground passing beneath us in a blur. "You're a good fighter. I was impressed. I can't wait for you to take my father or brothers on for fun, maybe put them in their place," Skye said to Blade, breaking the silence. "Your family, they fight for fun?" he asked her, curiosity evident in his voice. "Yes, or to blow off steam. We all enjoy watching each other spar. It can be really funny at times, and everyone has their own skill set, so we learn from each other," she responded, her voice animated with the memories of their shared experiences. Skye continued to talk with Blade for a good while before exhaustion overtook her, and she finally fell asleep. "Mate is exhausted, using her power drains her fast. We must help her more so she does not exhaust herself," Blade cautioned, concern lacing his thoughts. "I know, and we will," I promised him as we finally approached the wagon. Blade gently placed her down before allowing me control. I entered the wagon with her, making my way to the small control area. I focused on figuring out the controls, finally managing to program the destination to the nearby town. Skye stirred on the bench, and I moved closer to her, attempting to lift her without waking her so she could rest her head on my lap. However, she woke in the process. "We made it. I'm sorry, I should have stayed awake," she apologized, her voice filled with a mix of guilt and weariness. "You needed rest," I reassured her. She sat up and shook her head. "I exhausted myself. I should not have used so much of my power. I will keep that in mind for the future," she said. "I will make sure, in the future, you have more control. I will find a way to help you," I promised her, the weight of my words carrying the intensity of my commitment. "Where did Jade place the spell?" she asked me, her voice filled with curiosity. I removed my shirt, revealing a small mark on my chest. Skye's eyes focused on it, her fingers gently tracing the contours of a few scars that adorned my skin as well. I could feel the warmth of her touch against my chest, the softness of her fingertips as they glided over the faded reminders of battles fought in my own kingdom. "These scars are from before I could shift," I explained before she could inquire further. "Back then, my body couldn't heal fast enough, leaving these marks behind." As she withdrew her hand momentarily, I reassured her, "I don't mind your touch. In fact, it brings me comfort." Her hand found its way back to my chest, and then, to my surprise, her lips tenderly pressed against a different scar. "This one is from here, isn't it?" she whispered, her voice barely audible. I placed my hand over hers, affirming her observation. "Yes, but I'm okay now," I assured her. However, she shook her head, her eyes filled with understanding. "It's okay not to be okay," she said softly. "I can still feel your emotions, Chaos. They don't overwhelm me, but I sense the pain and sadness. I wish I were stronger so I could take it away." Taking her hand in mine, I held it firmly. "You're right, I'm not okay. But I'm starting to heal. You don't have to bear my pain, for it's important for us to heal naturally. Some pain makes us stronger, especially when we take the time to understand and overcome it. I can't change my past, and neither can you. But you've given me a future. I know it will take time—I've spent years being upset and angry—but I will be okay." She nodded, her eyes filled with empathy. I gently placed my hand on her face, feeling the warmth of her skin against my palm. "Feel my emotions now," I whispered against her lips before kissing her softly. Holding her close, her arms wrapped around me, I felt a sense of calm wash over me. In that moment, I realized I was deeply in love with her. Our kiss was filled with an intensity that reflected our connection, and we both lost ourselves in the taste and sensation of each other. It was normal for intimacy to deepen at the start of a bond, but I knew that I would always yearn for her like this. She was absolutely perfect. The wagon came to an abrupt stop, jolting both of us. In that moment, I snapped up, realizing I had let my guard down. The distinct scent of several fae wafted through the air, indicating that we were surrounded. "You have one chance to come out and turn yourself in peacefully or we will attack," a stern voice echoed from outside, the words carrying a sense of urgency and authority. I instinctively moved, ready to take action, but Skye's firm grip on my arm stopped me in my tracks. She stood up, positioning herself protectively in front of me, her eyes focused on the source of the voice. Through the window, I could see the guards from King Jade's kingdom. "Princess Skye, we are here to escort you back to the Kingdom," one of the guards announced, his voice filled with a mix of duty and concern. Skye's voice brimmed with defiance as she responded, "I'm not going with you, nor are you taking Chaos. Where is Jade? I demand to speak with him." "Busy dealing with the mess you two made," another guard retorted, his voice tinged with irritation. "We are here to restrain the prisoner responsible for more deaths." Skye's voice lashed out, her frustration evident as she defended herself, "They attacked us! Chaos has been helping me. Rook and his crew are the ones to blame!" "Princess Skye, you are to come with us, or we will take you by force as well," one guard declared firmly. The threat in his voice causing a low growl to rumble in my chest. Before I could react, something small and sharp flew through the air, piercing my flesh. Pain shot through me, making me dizzy and disoriented. Skye's voice rang out, filled with concern, as I stumbled, struggling to stay conscious. "What did you do to him?" Skye's voice snapped, her anger evident. Two guards seized hold of her, restraining her against her will. Despite my weakened state, I fought to stay alert, my senses heightened. "Don't touch her! You're hurting her!" I growled, my voice laced with a mixture of protectiveness and fury. Suddenly, Skye let out a fierce yell, and a blast of unknown power surged from her, filling the air with an electric charge. It was something I had never felt before, a mysterious force that seemed to emanate from within her. As I fought against the effects of whatever tranquilizer had been used on me, a few guards attempted to restrain Skye once again, their futile attempts met with resistance. "There is no way Jade sent you," Skye spoke, her voice filled with disbelief. The mark on her head now emitting a faint glow that caught the attention of two guards nearby. Reacting swiftly, I leaped out of the wagon, the wooden planks creaking beneath me. I engaged the guards in combat. Adrenaline surged through my veins, fueling my every move, but weariness threatened to consume me. Despite my struggle to stay awake, I managed to take them down, while Skye valiantly fought off a few more. The weight of exhaustion pressed heavily upon me, but I refused to let go. As I stumbled, I pushed through the pain, determined to remain by Skye's side. With a final burst of strength, I defeated another guard, but my body faltered. Darkness encroached upon my vision, threatening to engulf me completely. In the midst of it all, I heard Skye's desperate cry, promising to aid me. And then, in a fleeting moment, a brilliant flash of light pierced through the darkness before everything faded into an abyss.
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