
1920 Words
Chaos POV The ability to feel Skye's power allowed me to understand her on a deeper level. When I was in the room with her entire family, it was like being hit by a tidal wave of emotions and the cacophony of everyone's inner thoughts crashing over me. It was incredibly difficult to maintain any composure. Knowing that Skye faces this struggle constantly evoked a mix of emotions within me - admiration for her strength, concern for how overwhelming it must be for her, and even a hint of anger that she has to endure such pain. As we walked away from the training gym, I turned to Skye, needing her honesty. "Skye, please tell me, do my emotions or my touch still overwhelm or cause you pain? I try my best to control my anger, but I worry now," I admitted to her. "You don't overwhelm me," she assured me. "Yes, I can still sense the anger you suppress, but your love for me shines above it all. In the end, my body is filled with warmth. Know that I love you just as much. You mean the world to me." Moved by her words, I stopped her in the hall, gently pushing her against the wall. Our lips collided in a passionate kiss. I could never get enough of her, of how perfect she was. And she was right - the love I felt for her surpassed all expectations of a mate bond. "Get a room," Colson's voice echoed down the hallway, his presence always lurking. I reluctantly released Skye as he approached with a grin. "Looks like Barys wants to steal your mate, Skye. He's requested a private one-on-one with Chaos in his office," Colson explained. I wanted to insist that Skye stay with me, but she smiled and said, "No problem. I'll continue catching up with everyone." Colson gave me a knowing look. "Don't worry, the lizzard is friendly, for the most part," he assured me. I followed Colson as Skye went her separate way to be with her family. Even this small distance between us left me with an empty feeling. Colson left me in the king's office, where Barys stood surrounded by several old parchment papers on his table. Barys turned towards me, his gaze meeting mine as he spoke. "Thanks for meeting with me, Chaos," he said, his voice carrying a hint of urgency. "I only called you in for a private discussion since I thought you would like to review these before everyone else. I have no intention to keep secrets, but this being information on your kind, you have a right to know first." He gestured for me to take a seat, the leather chair creaking slightly as I settled into it. "I remember when I first saw these documents, I became interested in your kind, not for the power, simply due to the control. Your kind maintained over what they called great power. Never did I imagine myself sitting in a room with a Lycan, let alone the one meant to be King. These documents not only speak of your kind, they speak of you and what was prophesied about you." His voice carried a sense of wonder, as if he couldn't quite believe the situation himself. "Take as much time as you need," he said before excusing himself and leaving me alone in the room. The silence enveloped me as I reached for the stack of papers, the texture of the aged parchment smooth against my fingertips. I began reading the documents, my eyes skimming over the words that spoke of a merging of two kingdoms. The documents revealed the existence of the Unicorns and the Royal Lycans, both possessing extraordinary powers. They spoke of the Lycans' ability to temporarily absorb others' powers, and hinted at another power, not fully described, that only our kind could wield, one meant to save. But there was a catch. We needed the presence of the Unicorns by our side to prevent the power from driving us mad. Their empathic abilities helped us control ourselves and share the burden. The documents predicted that demon clans would breach into our world, and to save it, a Lycan would have to assume this protected power. It was a daunting responsibility. I picked up the next document, feeling the weight of the prophecy resting upon my shoulders. It spoke of me, detailing how I was destined to be the next king. However, it emphasized the importance of being paired with a unicorn, highlighting the symbiotic relationship between our two species. The words seemed to dance before my eyes as I absorbed the significance of my role in this grand design. My mother was the Lycan Queen. However, my father, belonging to the demon clan, was not from the kingdom. He was a different breed of lycan, adding a unique strength to my lineage. Yet, it also meant that there was a sinister side to me, a darkness that lurked within. The knowledge of this truth unsettled me, as Blade growled within me, his voice laced with worry. The ancient prophecies spoke of the Unicorn Princess, destined to be my mate. She possessed the power to help me resist the pull of my darker self, absorbing a fraction of that malevolence. Blade warned that we might harm her in the process, but the idea that a part of me could be inherently bad haunted my thoughts. Was Skye merely paired with me by the goddess to control and absorb my darkness? Regardless of her destiny, I vowed to myself that I would never allow her to suffer because of me. Scrutinizing the documents before me, I discovered that my father's fate remained unknown, while drawings of the grand kingdom adorned the pages. The texts mentioned the importance of sitting on the throne, but my disappearance during the kingdom's downfall remained unexplained. As I turned to the final page, it revealed a tale of the unicorns' commitment to safeguarding my kind. They willingly sacrificed themselves and their powers to ensure our safety, preserving the immense power we possessed. The prophecies foretold a monumental battle, one that would determine the fate of the world. It stated that the protector would have to make a great sacrifice. Could this refer to Skye, who claimed her destiny was to protect me? Interrupting my thoughts, a knock echoed through the door, followed by Barys's return. I could sense that he could tell I was struggling to maintain control. He closed the door, acknowledging that he had read through all the documents. With a calm determination, I declared, "Skye's safety is my priority. I cannot allow anything to happen to her.” Barys nodded solemnly, his eyes filled with understanding. "She is strong, Chaos," he acknowledged. "These documents speak of sacrifice from a protector. They tell tales of past unicorns who risked their lives to safeguard my kind. But I refuse to let Skye face harm for the sake of some prophecy. Her life means everything to me." I admitted. The room seemed to grow still, the air heavy with the gravity of our situation. "She is my happiness, my entire world," I confessed, my voice filled with emotion. "I understand the importance of my purpose, the need to protect many. But if it means risking Skye's safety, then everything else loses meaning. I cannot bear to see her harmed." Barys nodded again, his eyes filled with empathy. "Within this family, Chaos, you will find that many of us have endured hardships and faced dangers alongside our mates," he reassured me. "Skye may have been raised by Caleb and Rain, but she is like a daughter to me as well. We will all protect her, protect you, and protect this world. You are not alone in this." His words offered solace, but my worry for Skye still lingered. She was my everything, and I would do whatever it took to keep her safe. "I appreciate all the support we have here," I replied, grateful for the unity within this family. "But I can't shake this fear for Skye. No matter how strong she is, she is my everything. I will fulfill my destiny and protect this world, but I will do so in a way that ensures Skye's safety. I am just as much her protector as she is mine.” "I need some time to calm," I admitted to Barys, feeling my heart racing as I read through everything. The words had me worked up, and I knew I needed to distance myself from Skye for a little while. Barys nodded understandingly, offering a solution. "There is a small garden I used to frequent. It's a serene spot, perfect for finding peace," he shared, providing me with directions. Grateful, I thanked him once again. It wasn't that I didn't want to be near Skye; I simply didn't want to risk harming her. The notion of sacrifice, the anger it stirred within my lycan, made it difficult for me to control my emotions. Stepping outside, I inhaled the crisp air, hoping it would soothe my restless mind. I strolled along the garden path, the sound of leaves crunching beneath my feet filling the silence. Seeking solace, I leaned against a sturdy tree, shutting my eyes tightly. However, the memories of the hardships I endured in this place began to seep into my consciousness. They clawed their way back, threatening to consume me entirely. Frustration boiled within me, and I couldn't help but growl, my fists clenching in anger. Lost in my turmoil, I failed to notice Skye's scent until her hand touched mine. Startled, I instinctively pulled away, my walls rising. "Don't," she pleaded, her voice filled with desperation. "Please don't shut me out, Chaos," she whispered, gripping my hand once more. As her touch connected with mine, a sense of tranquility slowly washed over me. I gazed into her eyes, seeing the love and concern she held for me. "I know you carry a lot of anger, and you worry about hurting me when you're upset," she spoke softly. "But what hurts the most is being pushed away, even if it's for my protection. Please, Chaos, I'm your mate. Let me help calm you." Her words resonated with me, breaking through the barriers I had erected. I pulled her into my arms, holding her tightly. Sky nestled against me, her warmth radiating through my body, as I held her tight in my embrace. "Your heart, it is hammering, Chaos," she whispered, her voice soft and soothing. I opened myself up to her, basking in the comfort of her presence. "In my past memories of my mother, she told me I would face challenges, and sacrifices would be made. I am ready to face my destiny, Chaos, but I also know that in the end, you and I will be together. We won't lose each other, I promise you. I'm not leaving your life, and you are not leaving mine," she vowed, her words intertwining with the beating of our hearts. I believed her, her promise etching itself into my very core. Guilt washed over me, for even momentarily spacing myself from her. But I knew, with unwavering certainty, that I would always worry for her safety. My love for her was boundless, and she was irreplaceable in my life. Yet, amidst it all, I couldn't help but acknowledge the strength that radiated from Skye. Together, we would endure whatever came our way.
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