
1802 Words
Skye POV I sat at a table surrounded by the comforting presence of my family. The soft glow of candlelight danced across their faces, casting warm shadows on their features. The aroma of freshly cooked food filled the air, mingling with the chatter and laughter of my loved ones. Yet, amidst this cozy scene, an unsettling feeling gnawed at me. Chaos was still on edge from the revelations he had uncovered. He allowed everyone else to read them. They revealed that he was a unique blend of two different types of lycans, granting him unparalleled strength. For a while, we enjoyed a peaceful dinner, basking in the company of family. However, a wave of discomfort suddenly washed over me. At first, everything seemed hazy, as if viewed through a foggy lens. Sensing my distress, Chaos's concerned gaze locked with mine. "I think I'm just tired," I admitted, attempting to dismiss my discomfort. "It's been a long day." As I rose to excuse myself and find peace in rest, I felt it—the unmistakable sensation that had seized me back at the inn. A key had been discovered, and its beckoning call resonated within me. "No," I muttered, my eyes meeting Chaos's. He understood, and fear etched across his face. "The key... it's going to force her to teleport," he said, his voice laced with worry. Barys, realizing the urgency, swiftly left the table, his footsteps echoing in the room. Chaos pulled me close, desperately pleading with me to resist. "Fight it, Skye," he implored, his voice tinged with desperation. I clenched my teeth, my determination warring against the insidious pull of the key. But Nyx warned me of the futility of resistance. "We can't fight it, Skye. The keys are a part of us. They are using them to summon us," she cautioned. "I can't," I managed to speak, my voice strained. The pull grew stronger, overpowering my will. Just then, I heard Barys returning, and he tossed something to my father. "Put them on her," he instructed, his tone weighted with concern. "They block all magic and abilities, or they should." "I'm sorry, Skye. This is for your safety," my father said, his voice tinged with regret. He took hold of my wrists, and I felt the cuffs click into place. Instantly, I felt a grounding force envelop me, yet my body fought against its restraints. Every fiber of my being yearned to break free, as if the key itself had taken control—because, in truth, it had. My father was the first to realize this. "Chaos, hold her tight," my father commanded. I knew how much Chaos despised this, but he complied. I felt one cuff unlatch, followed by my father maneuvering my arms behind me before securing them again. His eyes bore into mine, demanding honesty. "Skye, be honest. What is happening?" he demanded. "The key has control. Whoever possesses it is calling me. My body feels like it's being pulled towards them. I can't stop it," I cried, my voice trembling with helplessness. "Chaos, put her to sleep," my father ordered, his tone steady. "I can't hurt her," Chaos muttered, his voice filled with anguish. "She is your mate, and you know it won't harm her. Our kinds are similar. Put Skye to sleep if you want to keep her safe," my father reasoned calmly. Before I could utter another word, I felt Chaos bite into my mark, and darkness swiftly engulfed me. _____ "I beg for your forgiveness," I heard Chaos whisper, his words barely audible as I felt his touch against my skin. His voice, low and resonant, enveloped me as I slowly regained consciousness. "I understand that as your mate, I possess the power to control you, that my bite can lull you to sleep. But I despise holding such control over you, subjecting you to this," he confessed. I murmured softly, my voice filled with understanding, "I'm not angry, Chaos. I know you're doing this to keep me safe." His hand rested gently on me, and our eyes locked in a profound connection. As I shifted slightly, I realized that only one cuff was on me, while the other was on Chaos. Though I loathed feeling trapped, I understood that this was necessary for now. However, I worried that the cuffs might be hurting him. "You can fasten me to the bed. The cuff, It may hurt you," I suggested to Chaos. He shook his head, determination in his eyes. "We will overcome this together. Unless I need to fight we remain attached like this, I will be the one to keep you here. I refuse to chain you to something, Skye. It's already difficult enough knowing we have to subject you to this," he admitted. "No matter what, Chaos, don't let me leave. Do whatever it takes. I trust you. Just don't allow anyone with the key control over me," I pleaded. He reassured me, "I won't. We will find out which key it is, Skye, and put an end to this. We will reunite the key with you." "We have to keep one cuff on me now until all the keys are found. I hate it, but it's a necessary precaution. I don't want to risk being taken or used against you or our family.”I grimly acknowledged. "I know," he said, his voice soothing and reassuring. "But as I said, we do this together. I will remain attached to you to keep you grounded." "At least we get to be attached to our hot mate," Nyx's voice echoed in my mind, her playful tone making me smile. "Being trapped is not so bad this way." I couldn't resist the temptation, and my lips pressed against Chaos' bare skin. Chaos laughed. Nyx's voice filled my thoughts again, "Our mate is ticklish." I continued to kiss him, my lips tracing a path along his body, causing him to chuckle more. "Looks like I found a weakness," I teased, a mischievous smile forming on my face. "Now I know where to make you laugh." His smile widened, and he pulled me closer, savoring the intimate moment. But suddenly, a knock broke the enchantment, and my mom entered the room followed by my aunt Kali. "We believe we know where the key has been located," my mother explained, her voice filled with urgency. "The dragons have returned and reported that the area is heavily guarded. They are waiting for something, and there's a strange glow." "We're trying to find the best way in and the safest method to minimize the risks for both of you.”Kali chimed in. "How are you feeling?" my mother asked me, her voice gentle yet concerned. I took a moment to gather my thoughts before responding. "I still feel the key, or someone using it," I admitted, my words tinged with uncertainty. "But I feel grounded, the cuff on my wrist and being with Chaos is keeping me rooted here." "Good," my mother replied, her voice filled with reassurance. "You need to tell Chaos or us if you feel any different or if you are in pain." "I will, I promise," I assured her. My mother's gaze shifted towards Chaos, her eyes scanning his features. "Based on the documents, you can absorb power," she began, her voice cautious. "I'm assuming this is why Skye was able to teleport the rest of our family. But that also means you can potentially bring yourself to the enemy." I could see the longing in Chaos' eyes, his desire to help me. My mother's words were a plea for caution. "Please, don't go alone without help," she implored, her voice filled with concern. The weight of the situation hung in the air, the palpable tension reminding us of the dangers that lurked. "I won't," he said. "I'll admit, I did think about it when Skye was sleeping - going and getting the key. But I am well aware of the dangers I could face by going to the enemy blinded by what traps they may have. All I ask is that I'm involved in all the plans moving forward." My mother nodded in agreement, acknowledging his wisdom. "You are smart, much more than I was or even my mate in the past," she praised him. "I've been in my fair share of dangerous situations," Chaos added. "Although my Lycan is clawing at the surface to help Skye right now, I can keep him under control." My mother left the room, leaving Chaos and me alone. I sat at the edge of the bed, feeling the weight of the situation. "We'll getting changed may not exactly be easy like this," I chuckled, trying to lighten the mood. "Good thing I have clothing on right now." "I guess you can go shirtless," I suggested. "Sounds good to me," Nyx chimed in my mind, causing me to shake my head. Rubbing my head with my free hand, I reassured Chaos, "I think I'll feel the key trying to call me until we have it, but I promise, for now, I am okay." Chaos sighed, his worry lingering. "We have to come up with a plan to get the remainder of the keys, and fast," he said urgently. "I know," I replied, the weight of the task ahead settling on my shoulders. "When the last key was found, it's almost like it activated it. I fear we may need to get close to it, or we may be harmed," Nyx warned in my mind. Tension gripped me as I looked at Chaos. I had to be honest with him. Taking a deep breath, I repeated what my unicorn told me. A low growl rumbled in Chaos's chest. "I'm not letting anything happen to you. If you need to get close to it at any point because you are at risk, I'm going with you. We will teleport together if need be. Let's go out and start formulating a plan with everyone," he declared. I nodded in agreement, grateful for his support. I’m certain that if Colson were here with us in this room, he would be cracking jokes. It wasn't easy maneuvering around while being cuffed to another person, but it managed to put a smile back on Chaos's face. "Looks like the easiest way to get around is for me to carry you again," he said with a small smirk. I laughed, feeling his arms lift me up. "Must be such torture," I teased. "Yes, very much so," he joked, his presence calming me. As we entered the room where everyone had gathered, a large map and some dragon images were spread out before us. I had a feeling that no matter how many warriors they had, our group's strength surpassed them all.
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