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Chaos POV I was expecting us to end up in a space surrounded by the enemy, but instead, we found ourselves in a dark, musty space, completely isolated. I did not sense anyone else around us except for our small group. The air felt heavy with dampness, and the faint smell of earth permeated the underground chamber. "It would seem we are underground," her father Caleb said, his voice echoing in the confined space. "Do you sense the Key, Skye?" her mother asked, her voice filled with concern. Skye hesitated before responding, "Yes, but I have a bad gut feeling about this." She admitted her unease, her voice trembling slightly. "It's clear this is some sort of trap," Feather stated, her words punctuated by the distant drip of water. "Obviously," Colson huffed as he leaned against a cold, rough wall. "This realm sure has its share of creepy places to trap people," he remarked, his voice tinged with annoyance. Skye's father walked over to us, his hand resting on Skye's shoulder. "Are you okay?" he asked gently. "Take deep breaths and remember we are all with you. You are not getting stuck down here," he reassured her. As he spoke, I examined Skye, realizing I had failed to notice her panic. Guilt washed over me, making me feel like a horrible mate. "I'm going to take Chaos with me to search nearby and see if we sense anyone or find an exit," Rain said. I wanted to stay with Skye, but Rain pulled on my arm, surprising me with her strength. Once we were a short distance from the group, she stopped and looked at me intently. "You don't sense anyone, do you?" she asked, her voice barely above a whisper. I shook my head. "No, they must want us trapped down here. I'm keeping alert. I will know the moment someone is near," I assured her. Rain then shifted the conversation. "How much of Skye's past has she told you about?" she inquired. "A good amount," I replied. "Did she ever tell you about the underground Labyrinth?" Rain asked, her eyes searching mine. I paused for a moment, trying to recall. "Possibly, but with everything going on, I apologize, I don't remember all of it," I responded honestly. "That's okay," Rain said, her voice filled with understanding. "Focusing on the current situation is the most important thing now. But I also think, as her mate, you need to be aware of what Skye fears, and that is being trapped, especially in places like this. When we rescued her, we found out she was trapped in an underground Labyrinth for a long time. She was meant to be asleep, yet she recalls things happening when she was trapped. So, I fear she was not asleep the entire time; she was just trapped in a child-like state. I don't know what the enemy knows about her, but it may be possible they are trying to break her so they can use her by trapping us and placing the key in the trap. Right now, Skye is going to really need you. She may not admit she is afraid, but I can promise you she is," Rain explained, her words hanging in the air. I nodded, grateful for Rain's insight. "Thank you for telling me. I will do everything in my power to keep her calm," I responded. “Maybe Skye can teleport us out of here,” I said. "I doubt she can," Rain replied, her voice strained. "She looked drained from the key. Maybe she'll be able to once we find it." We made our way back to the others, but as we walked, I couldn't help but notice strange drawings and symbols adorning the walls. Among them were depictions of Lycans and Unicorns. "I think I found something," I said, pointing to the wall without touching it. Rain joined me, studying the intricate designs. "Let's gather everyone and show them. These drawings must hold some significance, perhaps related to the key," she suggested. I nodded in agreement. As we approached the group, Skye was leaning against her father, but she immediately came to me. I instinctively pulled her close, feeling her trembling against me. "I have a really bad feeling, Chaos," she confessed. "I just know something bad is going to happen." "Whatever it is, we'll stick together and survive," I reassured her, trying to maintain a sense of calm amidst the growing unease. "Chaos, if we get separated, you have to stay calm too," she pleaded. Her voice trembled, hinting at knowledge she was keeping from me. I didn't press her for more information. I led the group to the peculiar images on the wall, pointing out the drawings of Lycans and Unicorns. Each person studied them intently. It struck us all as odd that there was no one here, as if we were being lured into a trap. We waited, wondering what the enemy's next move would be. Then, Skye spoke again, her voice filled with a mix of revelation and fear. "It's not a trap from the enemy," she declared. "They haven't been able to get the key. Rook needed me to show up before he could retrieve it. Once I find the key, an exit and entrance to this area will appear. I didn't realize it until now. The enemy knows we'll come for the key, and they also know I need to absorb the keys. They're not after the keys; they're after us. If they camp out at all the remaining key locations, they have a good chance of capturing us." Skye's admission hung heavy in the air, adding to the growing sense of danger that surrounded us. "We will help you find the key then," her father said.. "And we will all be prepared to fight once it is located." "I know we all need to be extra cautious," Skye admitted, her voice tinged with worry. "I know something bad is going to happen, I just don't know what it is. Nyx can sense it, and because of it, she is barely speaking to me." "Your unicorn is not talking to you?" I asked Skye, concern lacing my words. "No, not much at all," she responded, her voice heavy with sadness. "She has said a few things, but then goes completely silent again. It's not like her to do this." "Can you connect with her unicorn?" I asked Blade in my mind, seeking his insight. "Yes, but the only thing I can hear her saying is that I must remember to stay calm," Blade replied. "She keeps repeating it." I wondered what was bothering Nyx. Was it the key that was perhaps messing with her unicorn? We needed to find it so that Skye had more control. I was ready to fight the enemy and keep Skye safe. Skye studied the drawings on the wall, her gaze focused. "It looks like the kingdom from the past memories my mother shared with me," she said, her voice filled with wonder. "And it looks like the Lycans and the unicorns living together in harmony. But the text, the words, seem to be warning about something. I can't make out most of it, I only know what a few of the symbols mean." "I am storing a mental image of this so we can try to decipher it when we return to the Dragon Kingdom," Skye continued, her eyes scanning the surroundings. "The key is in this direction," she said, pointing ahead. Blade growled in my mind. "Those symbols, we have seen them as well. They are in our memories. Skye is right, it is a warning.”'Lycan of the shadows and Unicorn of the light,'" he spoke, trying to piece together the symbols for me. As Skye tightly gripped my hand, we ventured through the suffocating air of the underground. The heavy atmosphere pressed against my chest, making it hard to breathe. Suddenly, Skye pointed towards a hidden underground body of water. "The key, it's in there. I can feel it," she whispered, releasing my hand and stepping forward. "Once it comes to me, we must be prepared to fight," she instructed. In my mind, Blade's voice echoed, "I know what the symbols mean now.” . "What do they mean?" I asked him, eager for answers. "We are bad for a mate, that's what they mean," he responded, his thoughts intertwining with mine. Confusion filled me as I questioned, "Bad?" "The anger within us has always been stronger than most. No one, except Skye, has ever seen us as kind or caring. We were created by two different types of lycans—one pure evil and the other good. Skye is meant to stay with us to control the darkness within us. She is the one who keeps us in check. But our mate did not reveal that she still feels our anger. The only reason we have been calmer than ever is because she uses her power to keep us calm."Blade explained. As Skye approached the edge of the water, I continued to absorb Blade's revelations. "You mean Skye has been absorbing all the negative emotions I've always felt?" I questioned. "Yes, and it's taking a toll on her. The drawings on the walls speak of the sacrifice the unicorn makes for us, to help us accept our true power. Skye must free us from our evil side. She has to absorb it all." Blade confirmed. "That could destroy her, maybe even kill her," I said to Blade, my voice filled with worry, as the key started to float above the water. I glanced at Skye, her presence meant everything to me. I could never bear to hurt her. The thought of causing her harm weighed heavily on my mind. Was she truly using her powers to keep me calm all this time? Doubt crept in. "Chaos, are you ready?" I heard Colson's voice, snapping me out of my thoughts. I took a deep breath, trying to center myself. "Yes," I replied, focusing my attention back on Skye. I refused to let her suffer. The key floated towards her, accompanied by a burst of blinding light. This time, Skye remained awake after absorbing the key. Almost instantly, I sensed the presence of others and the sound of the enemy approaching filled the cramped space. My mind was a jumble of emotions, still reeling from Blade's revelations. But I had to stay focused. I shifted fast into my lycan form, feeling the rush of power coursing through my veins. Skye's father, by my side, also transformed, his presence solid and protective. Rain, Skye's mother, stood nearby, her essence radiating strength and resilience. Colson stood steadfast, shielding Skye. Feather chanted a fae spell, her voice carrying a melody of ancient magic to aid us. We were all prepared to fight, standing united against the encroaching enemy. The enemy poured into the room, leaving us with no escape. The sound of their footsteps echoed. Skye's voice filled my mind. "I can't use my teleportation power. We have to fight our way out." Driven by anger and protectiveness for Skye, I charged towards the enemy. The room seemed to blur as I moved, my senses heightened. My vision was tainted with a red haze, my anger fueling my every move. I could hear the sounds of my companions fighting around me, their grunts and battle cries merging into a symphony of defiance. "Chaos, you need to calm down. Fight with me, not alone," Skye's voice echoed in my mind, pleading with me. My growl reverberated through the underground chamber as I tore through one of the enemies, my claws ripping them apart. The air crackled with scorching hot fire as Skye's father unleashed his power, followed by a blast of chilling ice from her mother. I couldn't control the fiery anger that raged within me, like a violent storm. As I fought, it consumed me, threatening to poison Skye, the one I loved more than anything. Not just because she was my mate, but for who she was. I refused to let myself destroy her. I needed to find a way to rein in this dark side of me, to control the seething anger that fueled me. Without her absorbing it and helping me, I couldn't be close to her anymore, no matter how much it tore me apart. To keep Skye safe, to prevent her from getting hurt, I had to stay away. Colliding with another enemy warrior, I slammed my body against theirs, showing them they had picked the wrong fight. Above us, the sounds of battle echoed, confirming that the other group was engaged in their own struggle against the enemy. Some of the enemy warriors started to flee, realizing they couldn't win. Determined, I chased after them, separating myself from the group. "Chaos, we need to stick together," Skye's voice pleaded in my mind, but I pressed on without responding. Another growl erupted from me as I leaped onto the retreating enemy, swiftly ending their lives. "We can't just leave Skye," Blade snapped in my mind. "We hurt her. We need to find a way to be near her without causing harm." I told him. Silence settled, indicating our victory, but many had fled when they realized the strength they were up against. "If we run for now, we can't protect our mate. Let's return with her, promising not to touch her until we find a way," Blade suggested. Taking a deep breath, I agreed, spotting the exit. "I found a way out. Follow my scent," I mind-linked Skye, waiting for our small group to regroup before we ventured above ground to join the others. Though I had a feeling they didn't need our help. Once outside, we were only greeted by our second group. They had defeated a good number of enemies, but many had managed to escape. However, we knew that more trouble was imminent. As I shifted back into my human form, I surveyed the scene before me. It resembled a battlefield, with debris scattered everywhere. I had yet to witness Skye's other family members in combat, but their strength was evident. "We should head back now," Barys suggested, and we all nodded in agreement. Feeling a sense of unease. "Skye, I am going to travel with the second group back so I can speak with Barys." I said without making eye contact. "Okay, be safe," she whispered softly before vanishing with the smaller group. Although I despised keeping my distance from her, I reminded myself of the reasons behind my decision. Barys, with his mate Kali by his side, questioned my choice, "Care to explain why you did not go with your mate?" "I will explain everything as we travel back," I assured him. I had no intention of keeping my actions a secret from Skye's family or Skye herself. Hopefully, they would understand and support me in my endeavor to ensure Skye's safety. I knew I would need all the help I could get.
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