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Chaos POV "Caleb just linked me," Kali informed us as we walked through the dense forest. The sound of rustling leaves and chirping birds filled the air. "They made it back to the dragon kingdom safe, but Skye seems upset. She went to her room and did not want to talk with anyone." As we continued our journey on foot to avoid detection, Kali turned to look at me. The ground beneath us was covered in a thick layer of fallen leaves, crunching softly with each step. "Ready to explain why you are with us and not Skye?" she asked. "In the underground area, we found the key," I began. "There were intricate drawings on the wall depicting Lycans and unicorns. Alongside them was an ancient text from the unicorn kingdom." "It was clear that the text contained future predictions of me and Skye," I continued. "It spoke of a lycan destined to rule over both good and evil, needing a strong unicorn to absorb the darkness within me. This would allow me to embrace my true power and vanquish a great evil." Zane, Skye's grandfather, walked over to us. "You are worried you are hurting Skye and will hurt her more, aren't you?" he asked, his voice filled with concern. I nodded, feeling a weight on my shoulders. "Yes," I admitted. Zane's understanding gaze met mine. "We all know the toll Skye takes from absorbing emotions, especially negative ones. I can understand your worry. But you are also mates. I doubt the moon goddess would pair the two of you if you will cause her true harm," he reassured me. A mix of emotions swirled within me. "I weaken her," I confessed. "The documents spoke of sacrifice, and now I understand what that means. Skye has to suffer to keep me alive, to ensure I become king. I can't allow her to suffer. So, for now, I must find another way." A sense of determination washed over me, replacing the underlying anger. I could feel the energy in the air shifting, as if the very atmosphere responded to my emotions. "I feel the anger in me, and I am trying hard to control it. I can't let it consume me. I have to find a way to continue controlling it without Skye using her power on me before I can be around her again." "My lycan claims she has been using her power on me," I continued, my voice filled with both uncertainty and realization. "That's why I have been so calm. I have never in my life been this calm. I often let my anger fuel me when fighting, but with her, I have not. And that is because she is absorbing that anger from me." A mix of worry and confusion clouded my thoughts. "I don't know if she is doing it intentionally, keeping it from me so I am not upset that she is hurting herself. Or perhaps she possibly does not know that she is doing it yet," I confessed, my voice tinged with a hint of sadness. "I want a future with Skye," I confessed. "I will only accept a future that includes her. I am not rejecting the bond, nor am I keeping myself away to cause her harm. I am only doing so right now to protect her. I choose to travel with your group to ask for help. I need to find a way to help rid myself of this dark side, and I need to make sure Skye is safe." "I commend you for asking for help," Zane acknowledged, his voice filled with empathy. "It's hard to admit when we are struggling. But I can tell that all your actions are driven by your desire to protect your mate and accept the destiny that has been given to you." "Chaos, I know you want to find a way to rid yourself of a part of who you are," Skye's grandmother Sage chimed in, her voice wise and soothing. "But the fact is, you are part Lycan from a demon clan. You can't change who you are. Instead of trying to eliminate that side, maybe we should be helping you find ways to control and accept that part of yourself. Sometimes, the answer is accepting who you are." "She is right, there is no changing who we are," Blade's voice echoed in my mind, firm and resolute. "I understand," I acknowledged, my voice tinged with a hint of vulnerability. "I just want to make sure I don't lose control of myself and do something to Skye or any of you. I would not be able to live with myself." Barys paused for a moment, his voice filled with concern. "We have a problem. The dragon kingdom is surrounded. It is not safe to enter right now as we can't risk the enemy getting through the barrier. We will have to travel on foot for now. We have another hidden entrance we can use unless Skye can teleport us." "I linked with my father," Kali explained, her voice urgent. "He said Skye is not doing well right now, and the fact that it is going to be hard for Chaos to get back to her is causing her to panic." "Skye, please speak with me," I pleaded through our mind link, desperation creeping into my voice. "You want to talk with me?" her voice came through in my mind, shattering me slightly. "I know what the wall said," she admitted, her voice tinged with guilt. "I lied when I said I did not know all the symbols, and you know what it said as well, don't you?" "Yes," I responded back to her through our link, my voice filled with a mix of regret and longing. "Chaos, when you are with me, it does not hurt me," Skye's voice filled my mind again, her words filled with tenderness. "When you are with me, I feel better. You don't seem to understand. You calm me as well. I don't feel overwhelmed. And now that you aren't here, it hurts. You are just as much my control as I am yours. It is not just you who needs me. I need you just as much. I know you can never hurt me, so please do not worry about what you read. Please, just trust me. Trust us, because I can't do this without you." "Skye, have you been using your power to calm my anger?" I asked her through are link. "Yes," she admitted, her voice flowing through our unbreakable link, "but with you, it feels natural and it doesn't drain me. I promise." Understanding her explanation, I responded, "I understand." The connection between us remained strong, allowing us to communicate effortlessly. "Skye, we can't return to the kingdom right now. Can you bring us to you?" I inquired. "No, another key is already calling me," she admitted. "I need you to hang on for me." I pleaded with her. "I will," Skye reassured me. Her words resonated in my mind, warming me even though we were physically apart. "Be safe, Chaos. My family supports you and will help you. Please don't distance yourself from us. And when we reunite, don't stay away from me." I felt conflicted about not accompanying her earlier, but I knew I needed time alone to clear my head. I couldn't let anger and panic dictate my actions. "Let's find a safe spot to set up camp for a few hours," Barys suggested. The dragons under his command aided in locating a safe location. As we settled, smoke wafted through the air, originating from the nearby mountains. However, this smoke felt different, carrying a negative aura. "I've encountered demons before," Barys spoke with a knowing tone. "This smoke smells just like the demon territory I once traveled in. It's as if despair travels within it. They thrive on pain and suffering. It seems we're facing a highly dangerous enemy this time." Curiosity piqued, I turned to Barys. "Have you ever heard of the demon clan?" "No, I have not," he admitted. Skye's grandfather, Alex, chimed in, "I have. Back in our home world, I conducted research on potential threats. The demon clan consists of a blend of dragons, dark fae, and Lycans, all with demon blood. They were once a strong army, known for destroying kingdoms. However, they vanished, leaving no trace for the past couple of hundred years. And considering Skye's research on the unicorn kingdom, which was designed to withstand the darkest of enemies, there were rumors that the fae received assistance from an external source to take them down. It's possible that the demon clan has always lurked in the shadows, hiding behind others." "It's clear they are after the power in the kingdom, the power that belongs to you, Chaos." Barys added, emphasizing the gravity of the situation. I sighed, and looked out at the vast expanse of mountains. Skye was the key to getting into the kingdom, but accepting this power in it was my responsibility. If the enemy sought this power, they were ultimately after controlling me, as I was the sole wielder. I couldn't allow them to gain control, for I couldn't risk becoming a puppet again, like I was in the prison. If they succeeded in controlling me, I would become my mates' enemy. The question remained: what was their end goal if they did capture me? We needed to uncover their plan. I turned to Alex, searching for answers. "Did the research you read on the demon clan mention anything that made the lycans different? I know some of the power I possess now, but to fully embrace myself, I need to understand my capabilities," I admitted. "They were stronger than normal lycans and had a higher tolerance for injuries. Like other demons, they fed off others. In my readings, it said that Lycans and Fae often fought with an obsessive desire to kill, as it gave them a rush," Alex explained. The thought of taking a life didn't bring me joy, but in the heat of battle, my anger consumed me. At times, it felt unstoppable, as if I blacked out and saw nothing but red. "I can't say I enjoy it, but when fighting, my anger takes hold. I feel compelled to defeat everyone against me. It's why I was considered one of the strongest warriors in the Lycan realm. They called me a machine, unstoppable once I started. Sometimes, I can't even remember what I did," I confessed. "That might be your demon side surfacing. But you also have a good side. When fighting, focus on the good. Hold onto your bond with Skye, and don't lose yourself. I understand the allure of power. My phoenix fire is similar, and I have to control that side of myself. Power can be addictive and overwhelming, but we must always remain in control. Chaos, even though I don't know you well, I can sense that you have the strength to keep control. The positive in you outweighs the negative," Sage reassured me. Leaning against a sturdy tree, I gazed out in the distance, determined never to let the darkness within me take over. I knew it would destroy everything I held dear if I did. I refused to become power-hungry like others. I would only use the power bestowed upon me to protect what mattered most.
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