
1658 Words
Skye POV 3 Days Later I have always struggled with control, but this was on a completely new level. Yes, the cuffs were keeping me here, but my head felt foggy. It was not just taking a physical toll on me, it was taking a mental toll as well. The first two days were manageable, but today was different. I was spacy, everyone had to repeat things to me multiple times. My body felt strange, aching and restless. It's weird, I never felt like something was missing when I was younger, but ever since I took in the first key, I feel it now. I don't feel whole, and right now my body is yearning to reunite with that key. I am pretty sure if Chaos was not with me all the time right now, I would completely lose my mind. He was my calm, and I knew watching me go through this was taking a toll on him as well, yet he stayed strong for me. Constantly telling me to fight, telling me we were going to get the keys, and then sharing all the things he wanted to do with me in the future. The goddess really did a good job picking the perfect match for me. This morning, Nyx started to become restless within me. Although these cuffs blocked most of my powers, such as teleportation, I could still absorb emotions and tap into some of the other powers from my horn. Many of them I have not even attempted to use, fearing my lack of control. But today, some of them seemed to think it was the right time to spark within me, regardless. And Nyx seemed to be the one tapping into them. She was silent, something she never was, and it was driving me even more crazy as I sat on the bed with Chaos. She wasn't even speaking to his Lycan. My mother walked into the room with my father, and they both had hopeful expressions. I could see it in their eyes. "Please tell me you have some good news," I asked them. "Yes, we do," my father explained. "The dragons have a good idea of the enemy warriors' movements in the area of the key. They have marked some areas where we should be safe, so we can surprise them with an attack." "We plan on going in two groups," my mother explained, her voice filled with determination. "Skye, if we are touching you, we should be able to teleport with you. So, one group is going to go with you directly to the key. I know it is a trap, but I doubt they are expecting anyone but you to show up. Then, the other group is going to attack the warriors guarding the surroundings where the key is." "It makes sense," I replied, my mind racing with thoughts. "The only way to get to the key may also be me teleporting to it anyways." My mother nodded in agreement. "The group going with you will be Chaos, me, your father, Colson, and Feather," my mother continued, her voice steady. "Since I know adding too many more may become overwhelming for you. Barys will lead everyone else in the second group. Our goal is to obtain the key for you, keep you and Chaos safe, but also eliminate all the enemy warriors in that area." "When will we be putting this plan into action?" Chaos asked. "In two hours, so the two of you need to rest and prepare yourselves," my father responded. "We will be back to get the two of you shortly." And with that, they left the room, leaving us with some final moments alone. I took a deep breath, trying to relax myself. I was relieved that we were finally putting a plan into action. But then, a sense of unease washed over me. "Nyx, you need to talk to me," I pleaded with her. "I can't have you silent when we are about to face the enemy." "We need to spend time with our mate," Nyx finally spoke in my mind. "We need to show him how much we love him before we leave, Skye." "Nyx, Chaos knows he means the world to us," I tried to reassure her. "Skye, we must. Our mate needs to feel our connection before he fights. He needs a fresh reminder of our love," Nyx insisted, her voice filled with urgency. "Nyx, what is going on?" I asked, my heart starting to race. "I have a bad feeling, Skye. I saw flashes of our near future, and I fear we may be separated from our mate. But I also know our mate is strong. So, if we are separated, we will see him again. But he needs to know we love him. He needs our love to burn bright in his heart, Skye. Our mate doesn't know the evil in him yet, the side of him he must fight. And he is going to need our love, our connection," Nyx explained. I gazed into Chaos' eyes, mesmerized by their brightness that seemed to illuminate the darkness within him. I could sense the weight of his hidden pain, the burden he carried from enduring so much suffering, enduring the relentless waves of negativity, and being forced to do unspeakable things. "I love you," I whispered, a soft smile gracing his face. The heat radiating from him intensified, causing my heart to pound in my chest, threatening to burst free. "Chaos, promise me that whenever you feel lost or upset, you'll remember us, and know just how deeply I love you, how desperately I need you in my life," I pleaded with him. He studied me for a moment, his gaze searching my soul. "We can't tell our mate what I witnessed, Skye. We're forbidden from revealing it. He just needs to understand it, to feel it," Nyx insisted firmly in my mind. I leaned in closer, feeling the warmth of his breath on my skin. The soft strands of his hair slipped through my fingers as I pressed my lips against his. As our passionate kiss deepened, our bodies ignited with desire. Every touch, every caress sent electric currents pulsing through my body. I could feel the heat radiating from our entangled bodies, the intensity of our connection becoming palpable. His free hand, strong and confident, traced the contours of my back, leaving a trail of tingling sensations in their wake. Our tongues danced in perfect harmony, exploring each other’s mouths with a fervor that matched the intensity of our love. With each breath, our chests rose and fell in sync, a rhythmic symphony of desire. The growl of pleasure that escaped his lips resonated deep within me, echoing the depths of our connection. It was as if our souls were harmonizing, intertwining in a passionate embrace. As I straddled his lap, my body molded against his, I wanted him to feel the intensity of our love. I pressed myself against him, allowing him to feel the fire that burned within me. In that embrace, I yearned to leave an indelible mark upon his soul. I wanted to imprint my scent on him, to make him forever remember this moment of pure connection. Our love manifested in every touch, every kiss, as if leaving an everlasting imprint on our beings. As the kiss ended, I wanted to continue, to get lost in the sensation of our bodies connecting, and focus solely on us. But I knew this wasn't the time. My focus needed to be on winning and obtaining the key, on keeping Chaos safe. I watched as he took heated breaths, his desire for our connection matching mine. "When we get back," Chaos breathed against me, "I want to lock you away with me, Skye." "Promise me, then, Chaos," I said, looking into his eyes once more. "As soon as we return, we continue." "I promise," he said. "Promise me we'll stick together, and if we ever get separated, we'll stop at nothing to find each other, never giving up." I gazed at him, studying his face. "I promise, Skye," he replied. "But is everything okay?" "We're walking into the unknown," I confessed. "The dragons have gathered good intel, but we still don't know exactly what we're facing, or the face behind all of this. We'll encounter many challenges, so I need to know that no matter what happens, we'll always find our way back to each other. Our love will never fade, and we'll stay positive." "Nothing can stop me from coming to you, Skye," Chaos vowed. "I'll fight through any challenge, any danger, to be with you and build a future together. I promise." "Mate knows our love, and he loves us," Nyx whispered in my mind. "He just needs to hold onto it. We're about to face a great deal of danger, danger we can't avoid. We must confront it." I tried to maintain a composed expression as Chaos and I stood up, preparing ourselves. I vowed never to let fear hinder me, to always remain positive and envision the future I desired. Nothing would stand in the way of that future. Once ready, we joined everyone, and soon the first group departed from the palace. We allowed them an hour of travel time to position themselves. When the time came, my father approached me, holding the key to the cuffs. "Are you ready?" he asked. "Yes," I replied as everyone placed a comforting hand on me. My dad freed me, and the cuffs fell to the ground from my wrists and Chaos'. In that split second, I felt the key pulling me towards it. But this time, I didn't resist. I embraced it, and soon, I felt my body vanishing. I also felt the warmth and strength of everyone going with me, ready to fight by my side. We were an unstoppable force.
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