
1987 Words
Skye POV I felt bad, the weight of the danger pressing down on me. The room felt suffocating, the walls closing in as if they were closing in on my very existence. Chaos stood by my side, his presence comforting and needed right now. "I suppose we'll be stuck in this room for the next day or two, while we figure out a plan," I murmured. "It's alright. I'm just happy that we're safe," Chaos reassured me, his voice steady and strong. "You saved me earlier, and I apologize for not being able to protect you as well." I shook my head, acknowledging his words. "We were caught off guard by their tricks." Chaos closed his eyes, his brows furrowing in deep thought. After a moment, he opened his eyes and approached me, his gaze searching mine. "They hunted your kind for your horns," he asked wanting confirmation. "Is it to harvest power or something else?" he asked. I could sense his genuine attempt to understand. "Power," I replied, my voice tinged with a mix of weariness and caution. "They can steal a small amount of power from me and use it for healing purposes. But there's more to it. They can also control me, manipulate me with it. From what I've gathered, even if they were to break and take my horn, I can still survive. However, the one who possesses it would hold complete control over me. It's a dangerous game they play." As I explained, I noticed his body tense up momentarily. His worry was palpable. I rose from the bed, only to be hit by a sudden dizzy spell that forced me to sit back down. The room seemed to spin for a moment, my head swimming with disorientation. Chaos, sensing my discomfort, looked at me with deep concern etched across his face. "I'm just tired," I admitted, my voice betraying my exhaustion. The weight of my predicament was taking its toll on me. "Get some sleep then," he suggested. "I'll stay awake and keep watch. We can't afford any surprises." I hesitated for a moment, I had the desire to ask him to join me in bed and the need for his comforting touch. But I know he wants to keep watch over me. "What is it?" he asks, his voice filled with concern. "Nothing," I responded, slipping under the covers. I turn my head, resting it on the soft pillow, and suddenly feel the gentle pressure of Chaos's hand on my back. "I may not be able to read your thoughts, but I can sense your emotions slightly through our bond. Please, tell me what's on your mind, Skye," he says. I gather the courage to speak up. "Can you stay in bed with me? I know…”I begin. Without hesitation, he joins me and I settle against him, finding comfort in his presence. "Much better," I whisper, as his hand brushes through my hair. "I can still keep watch from here. I'm glad being close to me relaxes you. Now, sleep well, Skye," he murmurs, his warmth soothing my troubled mind. Determined to help in any way possible, I delve into the depths of my memories. As a unicorn, I hold every memory, able to replay them in my sleep. "Are you sure we're ready, Skye?" Nyx asks. "Yes, these memories might hold the answers we need. They might help us survive. We have to do everything we can," I reply, knowing the pain these memories will bring. I focus on my past, even before my time with my adoptive parents, as I shift against Chaos. Once again, his hand brushes against my hair, but this time his fingers gently graze my forehead. "The star," he whispers, his voice filled with worry. "Skye, are you okay?" he asks. "Yes, I'm just trying to remember anything that might help," I admit. There is a brief silence, as he struggles to find the right words. "I'm here for you, Skye. Digging into old memories isn't easy, but remember, I'm holding you now. I won't let anything happen to you," he reassures me. Those words are exactly what I need to hear at this moment. "Thank you, Chaos," I whisper, my restlessness slowly easing as I shift in bed. And then, Chaos starts humming a soothing melody, one I've heard before. It's strange how he knows the song. I have very few memories of my real mother, but that song, that was the one she sang to me. As he continues to hum, my mind finally succumbs to sleep. The lullaby wraps around me like a soft embrace. The power within my horn transports me back in time, summoning memories I've long feared. The lullaby's tone shifts, now sung by a woman's voice, gentle and soothing. My heart quickens as I recognize the voice of my birth mother. I observe her sitting against a weathered stone wall, cradling me in her arms. Tears flow down her dirt-streaked face as she sings to me. Her beauty shines through, despite the hardships of captivity. Her golden hair cascades like strands of sunlight, and a faint glow emanates from the star on her forehead. This memory has always eluded me, but now, I feel ready to confront it. "My beautiful child," she whispers, rocking me gently. "You are the hope of our kind, the last shooting star. A queen of ice and a king of fire will come to you, destined to raise and protect you. I wish I could stay by your side, but you are meant to go to them. They will love and cherish you as their own." Her words echo in my mind. "You, my child, possess the combined power of our lineage," my birth mother continues. "You are the last protector of an ancient power. When the time is right, your mind will unlock this memory, and you will understand." She speaks. I wish so much that I could wrap my arms around her, feeling the warmth of her embrace, and tell her that she was right. My adopted parents loved me deeply. "The unicorns have always protected powerful magic," she said, her voice filled with wisdom. "It has always been our duty. But the fae and others will always seek power, a power that, in the wrong hands, can destroy our realm and others. Our Kingdom has always hidden this power and hidden a special race. One that is meant to be the vessel for this power." As she spoke, the air around her seemed to shimmer with an otherworldly glow. "A unicorn must remain by their side," she continued. "To keep their power from consuming them. And you, my dear, are destined to stand by the last vessel. The one who will save this realm." "There is a special race of Lycans," she revealed. "Ones that hold special powers. And when the time comes, only one will remain, just like you. The two of you must find each other. You must guide him back to our home, his home. For he is important, just as you are. He must be protected, and he must sit upon the throne within our kingdom and accept the ancient power of his race." I could feel a sense of responsibility settling in my chest, like a weight that I was meant to carry. "You will face a very difficult journey," she warned, her voice tinged with sadness. "And sacrifices will have to be made. I wish I could promise your future would be easy, but it won't be. It is your duty to protect this Lycan. He must uncover the truth about himself, for he is needed as a savior." It felt as if the very essence of the world was shifting, preparing for a great upheaval. "He has a birthmark," she revealed. "One that looks like a moon, the symbol of his kind. His kind has remained a secret to many, but some will learn of him. And when they do, they will stop at nothing to destroy him before he claims his power." Was she speaking about Chaos? Was he truly special, destined for a fate that would shape the very fabric of our world? The weight of her words settled upon my shoulders, and I knew that my journey had just begun. "Use your horn to guide you, for you hold the final key to entering our home," she whispered. "I know you will have many questions," she said. "I wish I could answer them all for you, but within our kingdom, you will find many of the answers you seek." As I listened, the sound of heavy footsteps drew closer. I turned my gaze towards the entrance, where several fae guards emerged. Their armor shimmered in the dim light, and the clanking of metal filled the room, intermingling with my racing heartbeat. "Take the baby," one of the guards commanded, his voice stern and unyielding. Panic filled my mother's eyes as she pleaded for more time, her voice trembling with desperation. But her pleas fell on deaf ears, and one of the guards forcefully took me from her arms. I cried out, my wails echoing through the chamber, as the guards carried me away from my mother's desperate grasp. Her voice, filled with anguish, pierced the air, urging me to stay strong. But as darkness engulfed my dreams, a torrent of emotions overwhelmed me. "It's okay, Skye. Our mother is always with us," Nyx's voice echoed in my mind. Another memory began to form, but I hesitated, unsure if I could bear any more. As the scene unfolded, I saw myself a little older now, lying on a table surrounded by a few fae. Their presence felt suffocating. Tears streamed down my face as one of the fae commanded them to give me an injection. The pain seared through me as the needle pierced my skin as if I was transported back to that time, and I cried out in protest. Suddenly, a star-shaped mark appeared on my forehead. "Take her horn, she is our ticket into the kingdom," one of them ordered, their voices filled with urgency. The fae held me down, their touch rough and unyielding. I could feel the strain of their efforts as they struggled to remove my horn. "Something is blocking us from removal. She is strong for a child," one of them complained, frustration evident in their voice. The pain intensified as I screamed, my voice echoing through the room. "We only got a small piece," the other one said, holding up a vial. "This one is different. Call the king." "Contain her while we find a use for her. She will be handy in the future," a commanding voice declared. And just like that, the dream ended, and I found myself back in the dark void, the weight of my past pressing down upon me. Was my lack of control due to them taking some of my horn? And if they hold some control over me, would that put Chaos at risk if he is indeed the Lycan my mother spoke of? Someone out there holds the power to manipulate me, yet they have not used it yet. Do they know I'm still alive? That thought terrified me. The mere idea of someone having the ability to use me against my will scared me. I don't ever want to cause harm to those I love, the thought of it suffocating me. "They only took a small amount, Skye," Nyx's voice whispered in my mind, her words a soothing melody. "We are strong, and if they ever try to use us, we will fight it." Restlessness consumed me. I couldn't shake off the overwhelming sense of being lost, the fog of confusion clouding my thoughts. Emotions, like a tempestuous storm, swirled out of control, threatening to drown me in my own sleep.
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