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Chaos POV As I drifted in sleep, her voice reverberated, enveloping me with the assurance of safety. But instead, I felt a suffocating sense of confinement, reminiscent of my time in prison. Normally, my lycan instincts could rouse me, but some unknown substance kept me locked in sleep, devoid of control. Finally awakening, I sensed the softness beneath me and as I opened my eyes, I found myself in a bed. The scent of Skye hung in the air, yet she was absent. Another aroma wafted, unmistakably that of a vampire. Startled, I jolted upright in the bed and surveyed the small room, a dim light glowing beneath a closed door. Without hesitation, I rushed towards it, flinging it open. A sharp yelp pierced the air, followed by a thud from behind a shower curtain. "Mmm," Skye moaned, prompting me to act fast. I pulled back the curtain and stepped inside, effortlessly cradling her in my arms. Warm water cascaded over us, soaking my pants. I held her tightly, wordlessly, until she stirred against me. "I'm okay, you just startled me," she whispered. The scent of her blood filled my nostrils, triggering a growl from deep within me. She quivered slightly, her delicate form in my grasp. I needed to regain control, for holding her had the potential to harm her. Yet, in this moment, I couldn't bring myself to release her, to let her go. "I don't heal as fast as you do. It takes a day or two for most cuts and bruises to fade. But I really am okay, Chaos. I'm already starting to heal. When I slipped, I think I reopened a small cut on my arm. If you need to see for yourself, just set me down and examine me. I don't mind, especially if it helps you find calm," she reassured me. I finally released her and then moved my hand over her skin, feeling the texture of the small cuts and bruises on her delicate flesh. "See, I'm healing, just slower," she whispered gently. Her hands then met the hem of my wet pants, her fingers skillfully unbuttoning them, but I stopped her. "You're soaked, so just take a shower with me," she suggested. "I know being close right now is what your Lycan needs. It's calming for me as well. I'm happy you're awake now." "It's not safe. I smell a vampire nearby. I'll keep watch so you can finish," I assured her. "The vampire is with us, we are safe for now," she reassured me. She then tried her best to explain what had happened after I blacked out. Although she couldn't fully comprehend her own powers, her explanation provided some comfort. I was relieved to know she had more help now. I wanted to say that I would be enough, but I knew the importance of admitting when I needed assistance. In this unfamiliar realm, my knowledge and understanding were limited, especially when facing the fae and their powers. As she finished speaking, I finally surrendered, removing my wet pants. I pulled her close against me under the warm flow of water. The sensation of the water cascading over our bodies heightened our connection. However, I couldn't ignore the surge of desire that coursed through me, fearing it might push her away. She had to be exhausted, yet being in her presence left me with no control over how my body would react. She was perfect in every way, her beauty unmatched in my eyes. Skye grabbed some soap, her hands gliding over my skin. "I'll wash you off," she offered, her touch igniting a mix of a groan and a growl deep within my chest. I was completely at her mercy, her touch sending a tingling warmth that spread throughout my entire body. I could feel my self-control slipping away, a battle against my natural instincts. After being imprisoned for so long, with my lycan locked away. I had learned the importance of not forcing things. Our bond was growing, and I knew I would crave her intensely. I yearned to claim her again, but I also wanted to ensure she was ready. Even if she said she was, deep down, I knew she wasn't. For now, I was content that she felt comfortable with me and allowed this intimate connection. Though we were both shifters, we were different in many ways. I had no knowledge of unicorns, and I couldn't sense her emotions as she could mine. My mark offered some insight, but not much. As she washed me, I could sense her slight nervousness and curiosity. She wanted to know every part of me, inside and out. So, I decided to step back and let her take the lead, knowing it would be the most comfortable for her. She could read my desires, but I hoped she understood that I wasn't pressuring her. I was simply grateful to be with her. "Chaos, we're safe here right now. You don't have to torment yourself," Skye reassured me, wrapping her arms around me and pressing her body against mine. "Tell me what you want," I whispered against her, my hands sliding down her side. "I want you, just as much as you want me," she confessed. I placed my lips against her skin, relishing in her taste, slowly trailing my hand down her body, savoring her touch and the way she responded. As I reached between her thighs, she moaned, sending my heart racing. Just the slightest touch drove me wild, but I had to be cautious. I couldn't let go of all my restraints just yet. As our lips met, I pushed my finger inside her, feeling her warmth and wetness. I nipped at her lip, savoring the taste of her. Her hands clung to my back, her nails digging into my flesh. Her breathy moans were muffled as I continued to devour her lips. I lifted her into my arms, feeling the weight of her against me, as I pressed her against the tiled shower wall. The steam filled the air, creating a hazy atmosphere. The water cascaded over our entwined forms, amplifying the sensations that consumed us. Slowly, I teased her entrance, ensuring she was ready. With one arm supporting her against the wall, I positioned myself with the other. As I thrust into her, her moans echoed through the bathroom, mixing with the sound of the rushing water. Our bodies moved in perfect synchronization, our passion intensifying with every thrust. I found the perfect rhythm that seemed to intensify her pleasure, her reactions driving me wild. The pleasure built until she let out a yelp "Chaos" as I hit the perfect spot inside her. As her orgasm washed over her, I held on as long as I could, not wanting this moment to end. Finally, I released my seed, but kept her against me for several moments, savoring the connection between us. I gently placed her down on the shower floor. As Skye stepped out of the shower, droplets of water fell from her body, creating a soft pattering sound. I couldn't help but notice two red spots on her back, illuminated by the soft glow of the bathroom lights. Curiosity consumed me as I traced my finger over one of the marks. "It's from me shifting," she explained. "The marks stay for a short time. I shifted in-between forms to try and speak to you while you slept." "In between?" I asked, feeling a mix of confusion and curiosity. "I'll show you," she said, dropping her towel. As soon as I saw her, my eyes widened in awe. Wings with golden tips gracefully emerged from her back, glistening in the bathroom light. Her skin seemed to shimmer with a radiant glow, and her hair boasted streaks of both gold and pink. The star-shaped mark on her forehead emitted a soft light. She was truly breathtaking. "Can I...?" I began, reaching out to touch one of her wings, my fingertips tingling with anticipation. "Yes, you can," she replied, a gentle smile gracing her lips. As I brushed my hand against her wing, I was amazed by the softness of the feathers beneath my touch. It was a sensation unlike any other, as if I were caressing a piece of pure magic. "You look magical," I whispered, unable to hide my admiration. She chuckled softly, her eyes twinkling. "So, can you fly like the fae?" I asked, my voice filled with wonder. "Yes, but I tire quickly in this form, so not for long distances," she admitted, a hint of longing in her tone. A soft knock on the room's door interrupted us, causing Skye to quickly shift. "It's just me," a deep, masculine voice sounded through the door. "Getting dressed, one moment. Actually, um, Chaos needs new pants. His are soaked," Skye called out, her voice slightly muffled. "I don't even want to ask. I'll be back then, hold tight, kid," the voice responded before fading away. I could sense them leaving. Skye rummaged through her bag, she pulled out another t-shirt and tossed it to me, the soft fabric landing in my hands. She quickly slipped on another shirt herself and grabbed a pair of shorts. As she combed her hair, droplets of water fell, dampening the top of her shirt. Her wet hair flowed down, clinging to her skin. "Colson will hopefully have learned some of what is going on and what trouble Jade may be in, and then we will figure out our next steps. I still want to find the kingdom. I don't think it can even be found without me. But if it is putting everyone in danger, I can wait. I don't want anyone getting hurt," Skye admitted. "I understand how important finding this place is to you now. I will stick with you through the danger since I don't want to see you suffering," I reassured her. I had this strange feeling that delaying our journey would only hurt Skye. Her lack of control could put her in danger. She needed answers, and I believed that the kingdom might be the only place she would find them. Not much time passed before a knock came on the door again, the sound echoing through the room. The same voice called through the door, breaking the silence. Skye got up and let the person into the room. A vampire entered, his presence noticeable even before he stepped inside. He was dressed casually, his attire reflecting his laid-back nature. Like my kind, it was hard to tell his true age. He had messy brownish hair and bright red eyes, which seemed to glow in the dim lighting. "Well, looks like the giant furball is awake," the vampire named Colson said with a hint of amusement, his voice carrying a playful tone. He tossed a bag in my direction. I was not used to being around vampires, other than to kill them. In my realm, we were enemies. It was hard to control Blade right now, but I managed to muster a sincere thank you as I caught the bag. I got up and headed into the bathroom. The clothing Colson had brought smelled clean. I quickly changed. He had even managed to get the right size. "Be nice to him, he has been through a lot," I heard Skye whispering to Colson, her voice filled with concern. "Don't worry, kid. Since he is your mate, I won't give him much trouble unless he deserves it. He will learn fast. You have a very protective family, not letting anyone mess with you, even your mate," Colson replied, his voice filled with a sense of understanding and acceptance. As I stood in the bathroom for a moment, his response to Skye actually made me feel slightly more comfortable. "Welcome to the family, Chaos," the vampire said to me, his voice smooth. I nodded in acknowledgement, grateful for his acceptance. "Thanks, and, thanks for helping us." "Off to a good start, he knows how to say thank you," Colson remarked, his voice lighthearted. The sound of Skye's exasperated sigh filled the air. "I apologize," Skye said looking at Colson and then me. "Colson can be a handful." Colson turned towards her, mischief dancing in his eyes. "Me, a handful? Never," he chuckled, though his expression quickly turned serious. "I walked around the area," Colson continued, his voice now filled with urgency. "And as suspected, there is talk of the Kingdom. It seems there is a large group of Fae that have been hiding, waiting for the perfect opportunity to attack the kingdom. Not only that, but they seem to be working with some outside sources, although I couldn't identify them. Just that the Kingdom was attacked. There is also word of a unicorn." His voice lowered. "I went into one of the local pubs," he continued, his tone grave. "Several men were talking about a bounty out for you, Skye. It's not just Rook who knows about you now. And apparently, that horn of yours is worth a hell of a lot to some." The room grew silent, the weight of the situation hanging heavily in the air. "I would say go home for now and find a way to get to this kingdom when it's safer," Colson suggested. "But the portal is blocked. So unless you can figure out that teleportation power of yours, we're all stuck here." Skye's voice trembled with worry. "Is Jade okay?" she asked, her concern palpable. "I have no clue, kid," Colson admitted, his voice tinged with regret. "I'll go out again later to try and learn more. But you and the Lycan need to lay low for a little while. I'll get you the map you wanted, and we'll work out a plan. But you've got a lot of Fae after you, Skye. We need to come up with a good plan." He paused, his voice filled with a mix of concern and urgency. "And not just that, it would seem that Rook fellow reported Chaos. There was a wanted poster for him in the pub." I felt a knot form in my stomach. I ran my hand through my hair, the strands slipping through my fingers. "I was worried that would happen," I admitted, my voice heavy with responsibility. "I'll do my best to come up with a plan. I'm a good fighter, so if I learn more about how the Fae fight and the weapons they use, I'll be able to shield Skye better. I will keep her safe." "Good," Colson replied, a hint of relief in his voice. "Because right now, having a turbo-powered fur ball is needed." Skye glared at him, her eyes flashing with annoyance. I shook my head. Skye's safety was my top priority now. "If this unicorn Kingdom is as hard to find and protected as they say, and only Skye can find it, then it might be our best chance to stay safe. We should still try our hardest to find the keys and get Skye there," I explained. "I agree," Colson chimed in, his footsteps echoing as he walked towards the door before disappearing once again. Turning towards Skye, I could see the pain in her eyes, a glistening hint of tears suppressed. She mustered a small smile, trying to hide her emotions. "I promise you, Skye," I said softly, reaching out to gently touch her hand. "I will keep my word to you. I will guide you to that kingdom and keep you safe. And from there, I will assist you in aiding King Jade, if that is your desire. I am not only your mate but also your protector." Hoping that my words would bring her some solace, I held her gaze, offering her the comfort she needed in this uncertain journey ahead.
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