
1965 Words
Skye POV I've only visited the fae realm once after I was rescued. So, I've never really gotten the chance to explore or see the beauty in this realm. It was very different from the human realm, with less technology and more nature. Jade provided me with a room in the palace, and due to the late hour, we did not get a chance to talk much. But come morning, he had cleared his entire day for me, so we had time to catch up. I found myself walking around the kingdom with him and several guards as he took me to a shop that apparently had a piece of a map that led to the hidden unicorn Kingdom ruins. He said several expeditions took place several years ago, but when nothing turned up, many gave up. Although it was told the kingdom was hidden, and it is possible since I am a unicorn, I could be the key to locating it or making it appear. We agreed that for my safety, it was best I keep what I am a secret here. I agreed, as my parents had the same warning when we first discussed that I came here. The kingdom was beautiful. In a way, I felt like I had been transported back into the past. There were no cars here, and the place was not overly built up. The air was filled with the scent of flowers and the sound of birds chirping. Small stands and shops graced the streets as crowds gathered around them. I looked around with excitement. "I'm happy to see a smile on your face," Jade said to me. "It's refreshing here. I'm already happy I came," I admitted. Several guards followed us as we walked around. "Tight security," I joked. "We have had an increase in crime lately, even within the kingdom. Although I'm aware you have been trained well to handle yourself, you can never be too safe," he said. "How are you going to handle me leaving to search for the ruins?" I said to him, "I intend to have a crew join you. It is not safe for you to go alone," he admitted. "I may be safer alone," I whispered. Jade grabbed hold of my gloved hand. "I know you are not fond of being around many right now, but for me, do you think you can accept traveling with others? Your parents will have my head if they knew I sent you out past the kingdom walls with no protection." "I understand and I won't fight going with others," I thanked him as he took me to a stand where the delicious aroma of food filled the air. We got some food and I eagerly took a bite, savoring the flavors that danced on my tongue. "Mmm, this is so good," I exclaimed, causing him to chuckle. "I have to say, some of the cuisine here far surpasses that of the human realm," he said as we sat down, the warmth of the sun enveloping us. We enjoyed a moment of tranquility before he broke the silence. "It has been a while since my last visit. How have you been? It's hard to believe you're already eighteen," Jade asked. "I've been okay," I responded, trying to hide the weariness in my voice. But he saw through it. "You can be honest with me, Skye," he insisted, pushing me to open up. With a sigh, I relented. "I've been struggling. As I grow older, my abilities become stronger, and it's exhausting. People think I'm rude for not looking them in the eyes, and it's hard never touching anyone. My family doesn't overwhelm me much, but strangers do," I explained. "What about your other abilities?" he inquired. "I struggle with them as well, mainly because I can't concentrate. My unicorn is always tired too. She was the first to suggest we find the ruins of where we're from. I'm hopeful to find answers there. There has to be a way to gain control, otherwise, what's the point of my powers?" I confided in him. Jade nodded his head in understanding. "I wish I knew more about the power you hold so I could aid you," he said sincerely. "I know, and I appreciate that. I'm hopeful I'll find the answers now that I'm here," I replied as we continued our journey. Eventually, we arrived at a small store with a musty scent. The owner, anticipating our arrival, greeted us warmly and brought out the map we sought. "I've had this for years, and now everyone seems interested," the owner remarked. "Others have contacted you?"Jade questioned. "Yes, my king Rook and his explorers apparently gained permission from the council in the Fire Fae Kingdom. He is actually set to arrive any time now. But of course, the map is yours, my King," the shop owner said, handing the map to Jade. "Interesting," Jade said, his voice carrying a hint of intrigue. "I will be taking the map, but let Rook know I would like a word with him when he arrives. I'll be spending the day in the market, so he can easily find me." The owner nodded. "I will give him your message." The owner replied. Jade paid for the map, and we left the shop. Stepping outside, we walked until we found ourselves in a small clearing, surrounded by the vibrant greenery of the forest. It provided a secluded spot where we could talk. "Rook is a well-known explorer," Jade explained, his eyes scanning the surroundings. "Although I don't personally know him well, my appointed council and the Fire Fae hold him in high regard. If he seeks this map and the ruins, we may have the perfect crew for you to travel with. However, for safety reasons, your identity should remain hidden." "I understand," I replied, feeling a mix of excitement and trepidation. Jade then took the time to show me around, his presence commanding respect from everyone we encountered. As we explored, laughter and chatter filled the air, creating a lively atmosphere. After a while, we found ourselves back near the small store where we had purchased the map. A large wagon was now parked outside, indicating the arrival of the explorer Rook. Standing with Jade and a few of his guards, I engaged in conversation, discussing the kingdom and its remarkable progress under Jade's rule. Despite the joyous atmosphere, a nagging feeling crept over me, as if someone was watching. Unable to ignore the sensation any longer, I turned to scan the surroundings, but saw no one. Yet, the feeling persisted. "My King, It seems we seek the same map" a large fae man walked up, his heavy footsteps echoing on the cobblestone path. He had short hair, with a large scar on his face, that was slightly hidden by rough stubble. Towering over me, he was a giant compared to my short stature of just above five feet. "Hello Rook," Jade greeted him. "It has been some time. I have learned that you are searching for the Ruins of the hidden Unicorn kingdom, am I correct?" "Yes," Rook replied. "I have been commissioned by the fire fae council to find fae relics that were lost when the Kingdom disappeared." "I am aware you want the map I purchased earlier, but I have a proposal that would possibly make everyone happy. I will secure accommodation at a local inn tonight for you and those traveling with you, so we can sit down over a drink and discuss." Jade offered. Rook considered the offer, his gaze shifting to the surrounding scenery. "Very well, although I am traveling with a purchased prisoner as well." I furrowed my brow, "A purchased prisoner?" I asked, my curiosity piqued. "There is a prison in the Fire Fae territory that allows prisoners to be purchased for jobs," Jade explained. "They have a contracted time and must return to the prison afterwards. I'm assuming yours has been purchased for labor on this journey." Jade asked Rook. "You speak of prisoners as if they are objects," I said, looking at Jade for confirmation. Jade met my gaze, his expression softening. "I apologize," he said. "This is not something my kingdom participates in, but others do. You are right, even if a criminal, they are not an object." "The prisoner is to aid in any hard labor we may find and provide protection. He is a Lycan, fully documented and has a spelled collar making him no threat. We also have a secured area for him in the wagon per requirements, so he is contained well enough in there for the night." Rook explained. "We have had increased crime, so I still insist he be moved for the night," Jade said, his voice filled with concern for the safety of his kingdom. "Very well," Rook said, his voice carrying a hint of authority, as he went to his wagon and gave a subtle order to his men. A Fae man emerged, his stumbling movements suggesting a possible drunken state, his ash-colored hair disheveled. A sharp jingle resonated as another Fae man came out tugging on a chain, leading the restrained Lycan prisoner out. My heart sank at the sight, the unease settling in my chest. Though he was a prisoner, the way he was being pulled and confined seemed wrong to me. As he stepped into view, a pang of surprise struck me. He appeared young, almost my age, but knowing that Lycans were immortal like me, it was impossible to determine his true age. His well-built frame, adorned with light brown hair, possessed a captivating allure. I scolded myself internally for noticing such things. Hastily, I averted my gaze, refusing to make eye contact with him. "Does he really need to be restrained like that, with such a large chain?" I whispered against Jade. Jade leaned closer and explained, "Within the kingdom, it is a law that all prisoners must be restrained for safety. However, outside the kingdom, during the journey, if Rook deems it safe, he can travel with just the collar." I stole another glance at the Lycan as the guards accompanying us started to lead him away. I couldn't comprehend it, but I felt a strange pull towards him. I watched as one of the guards forcefully shoved him, causing him to stumble and fall. It was evident that he was physically strong, but his exhausted appearance revealed his lack of proper nourishment. "Stand up," the guard ordered, his voice filled with authority. Ignoring the boundaries of my visitor status, I couldn't stay silent any longer. "Stop!" I shouted, my voice filled with indignation. Deep within me, a sense of empathy stirred, knowing that he didn't deserve such mistreatment. I stepped forward, determined to help him up. "Skye," Jade called out. "I'm simply assisting him. It doesn't matter if he's a criminal. He wasn't acting out, and there was no need for your guard to push him," I replied defiantly. Jade paused for a moment, acknowledging the truth in my words. "You're right. The prisoner must not be harmed," he declared, giving me permission to proceed. I walked closer to him, extending my hand. However, he pushed himself up with his own strength. As he rose, his captivating amber eyes locked with mine, momentarily grabbing my attention. Before I could look away, I heard his silent thought, "I can't lose her." I took a deep breath, forcing myself to break the connection, and stepped away, allowing the guards to take him into custody. "He needs our help," my unicorn's voice resonated in my mind. "I know," I reassured her. "We will find a way." With those words, I reluctantly left, accompanying Jade as we departed.
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