
2017 Words
Chaos POV The Dungeon in this Kingdom was actually an upgrade for me. A small cot was on the floor. I can’t remember the last time I had anything other than a cold, hard stone floor to sleep on. Not to mention, the heavy iron chain remained on me at all times in the prison. Yet here, the moment I entered the cell, it was removed. It felt like a huge weight was taken off of me, both physically and metaphorically. My Lycan growled within me, filled with anger. "She was so close," he seethed, "she offered her hand yet you refused the chance." I sat down on the cot, leaning against the wall. I did not accept her hand because I knew that the moment I took it even with the glove she had on, I would feel the mate bond. I would feel the electric sparks of connection, only to have it all cruelly taken away. Without my ability to shift and this cursed collar around my neck, I am worthless. But the moment her eyes met mine, I did not want to lose her. Yet it was strange. She did not react like I did. She did not try to look at me as everyone else was talking prior. Did she not sense that I was her mate? She was not a lycan or a wolf, I would have sensed it if she was. So I am assuming she is fae, especially since she was practically attached to the Fae King. Was she family to him? Was I really mated to a Fae? She was compassionate. But I could tell how uncomfortable she was. It was clear that she was unlike the others here. I growled, needing to get my mind off of her. I doubted I would even see her again, and if I did, it would only be when we depart. Life was trying to torture me further by letting me sense and see the one destined to be with me, the one I'm meant to keep safe. I blocked my lycan out of my mind. I could not deal with his anger. I was already angry enough as it was. Hours passed in agonizing silence. I seemed to be the only prisoner here. And then, finally, I heard some commotion. "I will be taking a moment alone with the prisoner. Make sure no one else enters," someone spoke as they approached the cell I was in. I heard the sound of heavy footsteps echoing through the dungeon. And then, there he was. The Fae King that was with my mate in the market. His presence commanded the room, his regal aura filling the air. "Rise, Lycan," he spoke, his voice smooth like silk. I opened my eyes to see him standing before me. "I have reviewed your documents," he continued. "You have a life sentence of imprisonment for a crime committed in a different realm. You are also known for having anger outbursts and often receiving punishment. Yet apparently, you are a good choice for Rook since he believes this journey of his will require a decent amount of labor as well as protection. You cannot shift, correct?" he asked me. "Correct," I responded, my voice filled with resignation. “I cannot offer you freedom," King Jade's voice echoed through the cold, dimly lit prison cell, "for the crime you are charged of is one no one should walk away from, but what I can offer is a transfer to here where you will not be treated as harshly once this journey ends.” “I assume you want me to do something for you although I warn you if it is against the orders of the one holding control over this collar there is not much I can do.” I responded to him. “I am well aware, but I also know that when asked to fight and protect, you can do so with or without motivation. I am asking that you protect one of the travelers and if you feel their life is at risk, report it to this Kingdom so I may dispatch backup. I will be casting another small faw spell on you, one that even with the collar you can use. And if you do, it will provide me with your location as well as the knowledge backup is needed.” “Is this your way of saying you do not trust Rook?” I asked, my voice tinged with cynicism, “I don’t trust anyone, but I know well the conditions of the prison you are being kept in and know this is a huge upgrade. When your life is close to eternal, I doubt you want to spend it all there.” He said matter-of-factly. “Who am I to protect?” I asked, taking a few steps closer to the cold, iron bars. “Skye, the girl who offered you kindness in the market, she will be traveling with you,” he explained. A low growl escaped me. “A journey like this is not safe for someone like her,” I said as I walked back towards the hard cot. King Jade laughed. “Be careful to judge those you do not know, Lycan. She is very capable of traveling and caring for herself, but she is important to me and I would like the extra reassurance.” I wanted to laugh back at him, to throw his own words back at him, judging those you do not know when he was doing that to me. A mere piece of paper claimed I was a criminal when I was innocent. In fact, I was one of the most loyal warriors within my old kingdom. “I will watch her,” I said. “Very good, I will have all the papers arranged for your transfer so upon your return you will remain in this Kingdom instead, as long as you maintain the deal,” he said and then left. I leaned back against the cold stone wall, feeling its rough texture against my back. “Who was Skye to the fae King? Why was fate doing this to me? Was I being tested?” I pondered, sinking back onto the hard cot. I closed my eyes, letting sleep take over, if only for a moment of respite in this bleak prison. ___________ "Stand, Lycan!" a thunderous voice boomed, jolting me awake from my slumber. A guard barged into the room, forcefully reattaching the chain to my collar and yanking it, causing a low snarl to escape my lips. "Tough one," the guard quipped, tugging at the chain once more before leading me out of the cell. As we stepped outside, the cool morning air brushed against my skin in my tattered clothing. The guard guided me towards the waiting wagon, his steps heavy and purposeful. "Load him in the cage," Rook commanded upon catching sight of me, his eyes locked on my form. But my attention was immediately diverted by a familiar fragrance in the air. Even from within the confines of the cage, I could sense her proximity. Muffled voices murmured outside the wagon, followed by the entrance of Talon. "This is sure to be an interesting journey," he remarked, taking a seat beside me. Shortly after, Malachi joined us. "It's not often the boss lets someone else in on the journey, let alone a woman," he commented to Talon. "He must have taken a liking to her." Malachi Said. "Who wouldn't, but she does seem odd," Talon pointed out, his voice tinged with curiosity. "Why dress in long sleeves and gloves?" "Who cares? She's still hot. If the boss doesn't want her, I may just have some fun with her." Malachi responded. His words made my chest rumble with anger, and Talon couldn't help but laugh. "Seems like Chaos is getting jealous. I'm sure you want her too. Must be hard never having a woman. I bet if you behave, the boss will let you have a taste of her." His laughter only fueled my rage. At that moment, I wondered if I should warn the king. The deal would likely be off since she hadn't journeyed, but at least I would know she was far away from these Fae men. However, with this collar on, there was only so much I could do. After several more minutes, her scent grew stronger. Soon, I caught sight of her climbing into the wagon. Our eyes met for a brief moment before she quickly averted her gaze and took a seat. Rook then entered, ordering Talon to drive the wagon. He sat closest to Skye. "You must be very close with King Jade," Rook said to her. "I am," she simply responded. "Thank you for allowing me to tag along. I promise not to be a nuisance," she said to Rook. "I'm happy to be of assistance. With this map, I'm hopeful we will find what we are all looking for," Rook said as the wagon started moving. "It's going to be a long journey, so best get comfortable. No need for gloves in here," Rook said to Skye. "I prefer to keep them on," she said softly, her gaze fixed on her hands for a fleeting moment. "They suit you, don't listen to Rook," Malachi reassured her. "Why the sudden interest in the Unicorn Kingdom?" Rook inquired, his voice filled with curiosity. "The lost history, not just of the unicorns, but also of the Fae. It is said that they were once a strong kingdom, a force to be reckoned with. Yet, there remains no concrete record of their fall from power and subsequent disappearance," she responded, her voice tinged with a sense of wonder. "It all ties back to the great Fae King of the past. I lived through the era when the unicorns roamed amongst us, I never had the privilege of witnessing their hidden kingdom. Legend has it that they guarded it with their incredible powers, and only a unicorn possessed the ability to unlock the doors, revealing its true existence. However, some believe that artifacts, like this map, may hold traces of the unicorns' magic, allowing entry to those who can find the hidden entrance. Imagine if we were to discover that they still exist!" Rook mused. "I highly doubt that. Fae magic has confirmed the complete vanishing of their existence," Skye interjected. "Unicorns hold the key to many cures, and their horns possess immense power," Talon chimed in. "Is your intention to find one solely for their horns? I am well aware of the past experiments on unicorns, attempting to extract their horns and harness their powers," Skye questioned, her voice laced with concern. "I won't deny that capturing one alive for their horns would fetch a handsome sum," Talon admitted, a hint of greed in his tone. Skye shook her head, clearly disapproving, but decided to drop the subject. Silence fell upon us for a few minutes, until she spoke up again. "We are no longer within the kingdom. There is no need to keep your prisoner caged or chained," she declared, surprising me. "Malachi, release the lycan from his cage and remove the chains," Rook commanded, his voice authoritative. Then, his gaze turned towards me. "You are to remain silent unless spoken to and behave," he ordered. As I was released, I opted to sit as far away from everyone as possible. I had to distance myself from her, unsure if she could sense that I was her mate. Her scent could potentially get me into trouble. I couldn't allow these criminals to discover what she meant to me, as I knew they would exploit that knowledge. For now. "What is your name, Lycan?" I heard her speak, her voice gentle, yet avoiding direct eye contact. I looked up, meeting her gaze, and replied, "Chaos." "I look forward to traveling with you, Chaos. And with all of you," she said, a sense of excitement evident in her voice, as we continued our journey.
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