
1896 Words
Chaos POV The sound of heavy footsteps reverberated through dungeon halls. It was a rare occurrence for me to hear such activity, as I was usually forgotten unless there was some undesirable task no one else wanted to undertake. Time seemed to blur together in this desolate place, and I had long lost track of how many years I had spent here. Initially, I had kept count, hoping to find a means of escape. However, as the days turned into years, hope gradually gave way to resignation. This prison, a place far worse than death for my kind and others, existed outside our home realm. It was a desolate place where we were sent to endure a lifetime of torment and manipulation at the hands of the fae. Once, I had been an honorable warrior, held in high regard. But everything changed when my own brother, consumed by jealousy, framed me for the murder of my best friend, the princess of our kingdom. Not only was she his mate, but he mistakenly believed that my deep friendship with her was love. In a fit of rage, he took her life and made it appear as if I had done it out of envy. In truth, I blame myself for my current predicament. I allowed myself to trust my own family, and I was easily framed. As part of my sentence, a fae spell was cast upon me upon my arrival here, sealing away my lycan essence. While I can still communicate with my lycan and possess some of my abilities, I can no longer transform into my powerful lycan form. The memory of what it feels like to shift and run freely has faded into the recesses of my mind. A heavy metal collar has been locked around my neck for so long that it has left permanent marks, serving as a constant reminder of the fae's control over me. I am a mere puppet, forced to obey every command without question. I have been reduced to the status of a dog, compelled to comply even when I object vehemently. Prisoners in this hellish place can be temporarily purchased for various tasks, ranging from battles to labor and even engaging in illicit activities. Initially, the thought of breaking rules and engaging in criminal acts tormented me. However, as time dragged on, I became numb to almost everything, indifference seeping into my very being. The heavy iron door to my cell swung open, creaking ominously, as several unfamiliar Fae men stood before me, accompanied by a guard. The guard identified me as the lycan, triggering a low growl that escaped my lips involuntarily. As he approached, a surge of anger and defiance coursed through me, but his words cut deep, taunting my inability to shift. The Fae men observed me with curious eyes, their features illuminated by the dim light filtering through the stone walls. "Can he perform heavy labor?" one person asked the guard, squinting at me. "Yes, don't let looks deceive you. He is the strongest of all our prisoners, even without shifting," the guard explained confidently. "But the collar he wears will keep him in line." "Very well, we will take him," the other man said, nodding as the guard glanced at me. "Looks like it's your lucky day. You will be needed for some work," he said, pressing a button to unhook the chain that held the collar I had onto the wall. He handed the chain to one of the men. "He is all yours," the guard said, and they yanked on the chain, causing me to growl in frustration. Useless. I was led to what appeared to be an oversized covered wagon and pushed into a cage inside. One fae man, who hadn't come in with the rest, examined me closely. "I guess he will do," he remarked. "Your job is simple. We are going to locate the ruins of the hidden Unicorn Kingdom, as great treasure is hidden within. If we are successful and you aid us without trouble, we may be persuaded to buy your freedom. Understood?" he asked. "Whatever," I muttered. Freedom was a mere illusion. The only improvement right now was being out of that damn cell. "Boss, where to next?" a man sitting at the front of the wagon inquired. "The Great Fae Kingdom. We must gather supplies, but let's not cause a scene. King Jade has been keeping a close eye on excursions lately. We'll only stay for one night," the man replied, as the wagon began to move. The damn fae proved to be incredibly loud and annoying. Just a few hours in, I already wished I was back in the silent confinement of my cell. "It's too bad that beast of yours is locked away. I've personally never seen a lycan," one fae commented. "Say, how does it feel to be stripped of your power, reduced to nothing?" another one taunted. I ignored them, focusing on the bumpy ride and the stale air that filled the wagon. Already misbehaving, I see," the man taunted, his voice laced with arrogance. As he pressed a button, a chilling click echoed through the air, activating the collar on my neck. A surge of electricity coursed through my body, causing me to emit a low growl of pain. "A pain that I deserve," I replied, my voice laced with resignation. I closed my eyes, blocking out the harsh reality. After several agonizing hours, the wagon came to an abrupt halt, jolting me from my thoughts. Two men near me muttered curses under their breaths, clearly frustrated. "It's not like the kingdom inspects the wagons," one of them grumbled. The man in charge barked orders, demanding my papers. A guard approached, his eyes scanning the scene. His gaze landed on me, an imprisoned creature. " Good day Rook, I assume you have proper documents for the prisoner?" he asked, his voice tinged with suspicion. It became clear that the person in charge of our group was named Rook. "We've been hired to try and locate ruins," Rook explained. "We were told by a reliable source that a small shop within the kingdom holds a possible map." The guard considered his words for a moment before granting us a one-day pass. He returned my documents, accompanied by an additional piece of paper. "If you don't mind me asking, is there a reason for the extra security? Anything we should be aware of on our journey?" Rook inquired. The guard leaned in, sharing the kingdom's secrets. "Increased activity from those that stand against the kingdom," he revealed. "We've caught several infiltrators as well as a suspicious visitor entering through the portal. The king has ordered extra security. Be cautious of those seeking assistance, as they've resorted to tricks to steal supplies." Rook acknowledged the warning with gratitude before rejoining us in the wagon. "We'll have to be more alert now that the king has ordered more security," one of them sighed in the wagon. Minutes later, we arrived outside a nondescript building, the wagon coming to a halt. "What should we do with the lycan, boss?" One man inquired. "Leave him in the cage," Rook commanded. "With the collar, he can't escape, and no one will dare tamper with the wagon." The fae disappeared, leaving me once again engulfed in silence, confined within my cage. Blade, my lycan, growled in my mind, urging me to plan our escape. I ignored him and allowed time to pass until a unique smell briefly greeted me, a mixture of vanilla and spice. "Our mate, she is nearby," Blade insisted. How was that possible? This was not our home realm, and what did it matter? It was not like I could do much about it. And as quick as it came, it vanished as I remained in the dark for several hours. Finally, two of the fae men got back in the wagon, clearly in a bad mood, followed by Rook. "What's the plan now?" one asked Rook. "We stay the night and meet with the King. He has the map. We need the map, no other choice," he sighed. "Doesn't the king trust you?" one asked Rook. "Fortunately, yes. You two guard the wagon for the night and keep the lycan silent. Come morning, we will have the map," Rook ordered. "Suppose we have to feed you," one of them said, pushing a bag of food into the cage with me. "Thanks," I muttered. "So, it does talk more," the other one joked as I leaned back. "You know, if you show the boss you are helpful, he will stop keeping you in that cage. You will find we are all more alike than you think," the one that gave me food said. I wanted to laugh, but for now, maybe if I played the role, I would find an opportunity to escape. It was clear these guys were not just searching for ruins and treasure; they were up to no good. I could possibly use that to my advantage. "So let's start with your name, as the paper only shows your prisoner number," he asked. "Chaos," I responded. "Very well, Chaos. I am Malachi, and that is Talon. We have a long journey ahead of us, so let's all try our best to work together. You may be a prisoner, but so was Talon. Work well with us, become one of us, understand," he said. "Very well," I muttered. "Maybe start with that attitude," Talon chuckled as I leaned back in the cage again, trying to block them out. "Did you see the king's visitor? I got a brief look at her as she left the shop," Talon asked Malachi. "Yeah, she was a beauty, young as well. I wonder what business king Jade has with a beauty like that. He seemed super protective of her," Malachi responded. "She seemed odd to me, indeed a beauty, but odd, as if there is a mystery behind her," Talon added as I heard him leave the wagon for a moment, followed by some light and fresh air coming in from an opening in the cover he made. "Well, well, it would seem we get another look at her," Talon joked as a light breeze carried with it the same enticing scent again. Peering through the narrow slit in the cover, I caught a glimpse of the outside world. My eyes were drawn to a young woman, perhaps a teenager, standing among a group of individuals. Even from this distance, I could see the radiant smile on her face and hear the occasional sound of her laughter. The golden strands of her hair shimmered in the sunlight as they cascaded down her back. Her petite figure was captivating, and I found myself unable to look away. Her scent overwhelmed me, igniting a primal instinct within my lycan. Without a doubt, she was my mate. I reluctantly tore my gaze away, trying to suppress a growl. "Bet you haven't seen a beauty like that in a long time, if ever," Malachi joked, unknowingly stoking the fire within me. Blade, growled within me, "We can't let them have our mate." "What do you suggest we do? It's not like we can claim her," I replied in my mind, my eyes drawn back to her outside the wagon.
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