Chapter 2: The otherworldly look

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Adonis turned around when he heard his door opening, when he saw his dad be chuckled "Just what I was thinking after unlocking my bloodline, that your earlier traits is not your real traits" he said examining his dad from head to too. Angelo on the other hand was doing the same, he was thinking earlier that his son and daughter will appear to be one of the most beautiful in their angelic region but seeing the otherworldly look that his son got, he started anticipating how Sophie would look like, "You are really gorgeous son" Angelo blurted out before turning around and made his way to Sophie's room. Inside Sophie's room she was back to her bed whilst seating near the foot with her legs touching the floor, her translucent skin was glowing, her water fall silver hair ran down her back and was slightly reaching the bed, her silver eyes looking the direction of her closed window whilst her silver eyebrows was slightly contorted in a frown. She has acquired alot of thing, alot of information and alot of skills, although she understood everything in her mind but she felt lost, why?, because she does not know a single thing concerning all that she just learnt, compared to her brother who at least new a few she didn't know anything at all. She previously thought that her dad was an extremely wealthy business man, that her family came from wealth and also, she knew that her dad was an extremely dangerous man but about this?, she had no idea, no idea at all. But She has learnt has also learnt alot, and she has understood all there is to know about human, s*x and others, she also saw all that happened to her whilst asleep, one of them was how Jamie took her blood away through injection, if she was to see this before she awaken her bloodline she would have been extremely confused but now she understood why because she also has the information of the Originally twelve household so she knew about the house of visions. She sighed at the thought of it, she was not that angry but she will get back to him, she has started getting annoyed when she saw how childish she was acting earlier, how she was oblivious to many things whilst they all happened in her presence, others might think that she is just an innocent girl, others might also think that she is just pure but she find her actions earlier childish, how could she neglect all those things. She sighed again her beautiful face alluring to see, she has also learnt alot in terms of skills and she felt that it is part of her, she felt that even if five hundred men came into their penthouse that non can do anything to her even if she didn't unlock her bloodline. The information of some secrets only know by the ruler family were also present in her mind, the password of alot of assets too, the shorthands signs of the ruler family, all the ways to use her bloodline, the language being spoken by the house of beauty known as the 'Angelic Language' it was as if the language was part of her, that she has being learning it and has perfected it, the same thing applied to the other things in her mind now. She heard a knock from her door that moment, with a short come in from her the door opened and the view she was expecting or was used to didn't appear but rather two extremely young and angelic males entered her room, one look otherworldly like a god with his long silver hair cascading the sides of his face like a water fall, he looked ethereal, the other male was in his twenty, his silver hair were tied in a burn, his angelic toned translucent body were so alluring coupled with his exposed chiseled legs, if not because of the man's outlined male body, people might get confused on wether he is a male or female, Sophie frowned for a moment before smiling cheekily, "Ahh, I forgot to bring it to my thought that I'm not the only own from the house of beauty and also not the only one with the angelic bloodline, dad you look like a twenty year old beautiful male, no, gorgeous angelic male, I almost fall for you, sadly that you are my dad" Sophie feigned heart broken whilst shaking her head in a playful way but she didn't know that her actions was making the heart of the two male pound, they felt an extremely urge to protect her from any harm, to beat up even the world for her. Sophie has the appearance of an eighteen years old girl, the same with his brother but they appeared otherworldly and wide like a god whilst looking at them.
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