Chapter 3: The five years meeting

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When Sophie's gaze meet her twin's she gasped in wonder 'What a beauty' she thought, she doesn't know what to say, if one were to compare Adonis with Jamie's beauty now, Jamie would be like a rag compared to the male here, Angelo is expremely beautiful with his silver hair, beautiful angular face, silver eyes and eyebrows, red lips, pointed nose but if one want to compare him with Adonis, Angelo will be 'not bad'. "Brother..., wow" Sophie said whilst standing up, her long silver hair flowing like river, her beauty body and glowing skin ethereal to any view, her sliver eyes sparkling and shinning, she look like the incarnate of beauty itself that even gods and goddess would cause her out of jealousy. "Brother you are really really handsome" she said looking at the male who is her brother, she doesn't know how to defined how the male look but she doesn't know that the same thought was going on inside Adonis head, he felt that he's looking at a forbidden being, as if he is coming a sin by just looking at her 'Wow' was the only word in his head. Angelo was looking from her little girl to his son, he felt so overwhelmed with happiness and fulfillment, he knew that they has matured with the help of their bloodline information and other traits, when looking at his daughter he felt that what he was feeling for her earlier multiply, he doesn't want to know what it is but he knew it multiplied making him to panic slightly, he don't want to become obsessed with anything or anyone at all. "Let's go downstairs so that we can discuss some serious stuffs, even though our bloodline power huge and powerful, it won't transferring you guys the general meeting our household helds once in a while, so come" Angelo joked, how can their ancient bloodline transfer to it's children the topic of resent meeting. Downstairs in the living room, three angelic beings were seated in different seats but in an angular position facing each other "You guys have know the general information concerning the previous twelve and the present ten households from our bloodline power I know, but what I'm going to tell you guys are the latest updates in both our household and others, every five years all the core member of our household helds a general meeting, what we meant by core members are all the members who has awakened their bloodline, as long as one is alive, whether he is ten generation older or two generation older must attend, you guys haven't attended yet and you know why, the next five years meeting will be next month that was one of the reasons why I was so happy when I learnt the signs that you guys are about to awaken yours, you will be the youngest to awaken their bloodline in our family which is at the age of twenty three and will also have an advantage of numbers of meetings attended against the others, even though married early, I weren't able to awaken my bloodline till I reached twenty five years" the twenty year old angel said. "And as you guys also know that we are the ruling family, I am the current ruler but due to I hardly went back due to our mission which previously happened to the previous rulers, my dad who is your grandfather is ruling in my stead, and concerning about what was our mission you guys have already learnt about it, now the mission has ended and we will be returning to our forbidden region soon before the general meeting next month, based on the rules Adonis you will be taking over the throne once we are back because it is how it is supposed to be, and we the royals or to be precise, all the ten households members wears royal robes in their forbidden regions, and he same applied to us, I can remember from what I saw that ruler Alessandro can here when he started to plan and was still wearing his royal robe, he was expremely handsome but to the people around him he looked weird so he had no other choice than to wear what people here wears, and here are we" Angelo chuckled whilst looking at the otherworldly male facing him. "Although it's too early in many opinions and also in my opinion because you guys really awakened too early but the rules stated that once the heir awakens he shall take over, and besides I have grown tired of ruling, I just want to travel the world. Another thing is the next two months top three meeting, also every five years the three upper household helds meeting, but in this meeting the eligible members to attend are the ruling families of the three households, as long as one is from the ruling linage he must attend but others cannot, this meeting was suspended ages ago when the house of gold destroyed the house of visions years back but after some decades it was restarted, which means after our household meeting shall be the top three household meeting, this year's top three meeting falls to the sky god household, so they would be the one to do the inviting this time" Angelo said and chuckled remembering the times that the sun household helds and they will go while being on alert through out the period of the meeting because it always lasts for seven days, the ruler of the sun household once smiled at them and the sky god household whilst saying "You don't have to be on alert my dear guest we can't take on two powerful households as powerful as ours in a go, can we?", that man is a comedian times. "Am I invited?" A young yet baritone voice sounded making the three angelic beings to look at the penthouse entrance, there stood a nineteen years looking godly being, he has a water fall blue hair that cascades his back, a ocean blue eyes, blue eyes, red lips, and a gorgeous angular face, his skin was glowing and he was wearing a blue diamond crown with a blue royal robe with a Jade belt looking majestic on him, he stood like a young god smiling charmingly.
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