Chapter 1: Awakening

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In an expensive penthouse, in different rooms, a male and a female were squirming and groaning in their own room respectively, if someone was looking at them that moment he would notice that their skin was glowing and changing, the females skin was becoming more godly and translucent, her previously platinum hair now turning to a dreamy and glowing silver color so beautiful and alluring, her blue eyes changing to a beauty pair of silver, her body become more enchanting and otherworldly as she also becomes younger and younger till she look like an eigheen year old angel that just came into the world, clean from any sin and untouchable, she looked like an angel in a bed, her silver shining hair sprayed all over the bed, her body seems to disappear as her skin turned ethereal, she just awakened her bloodline and her features are also about to be fully awakened, it's not yet done because her skin was still glowing. In the other room, the male was undergoing the same pain as he awaken both his bloodline and features, but unlike the girl that was oblivious of want was happening to her the male was aware, he had some idea so he just took it as a good thing, he was sitting up on his bed and his growing silver hair was cascading his cheeks and down to his shoulder, like the female the male facial features was also improving looking so godly and devilishly irresistible, his body turning translucent and his chiseled body got more toned in the right places making him more and more irresistible, his straight nose turned straighter, his blue eyes turned silver, his blood seems to disappear as his body turned charming and godly, this time he didn't just have godly features, he look like a god, he has awakened his bloodline and features, he stood up and pushed his silver-white hair back behind his shoulder and went to his room mirror, when he got a glance of how he looked he froze, straighter nose, translucent skin like a being not from this world, long glowing silver hair, captivating silver eyes, red lips, ethereal toned body in the rightful places, he look like a god, a real god, and he felt a sensation like power inside him, the power was accompanied by unshakable confidence and ruler aura, he felt that even if this world was being destroyed it has nothing to do with him, and then memory started bombarding his mind, it seems like it was unending, about his family that he previously didn't know about, the forbidden region, the other households, everything and everywhere, the throne, his grandfather, it felt so familiar yet strange to him, he has finally awaken and then a word was left in his mind saying 'Your angelic name is Alesanderé, Alesanderé Angels' he nodded but still in awe of all he just find out. In the other room, the glowing has also started to die down, only the silver hair and eyesbrows where still glowing, her translucent ethereal body stood up from the bed and memories started bombarding her mind too, after some moment she opened her eyes and sighed "My Angels name is Angel?, Angel Angels?" she chuckled and went to the mirror to inspect her changes. In the living room Angelo was smiling from ear to ear, his angelic twenty years old face so captivating, he was so happy that his twin awakened the same time, now he is assured, assured that his twin can protect themselves anywhere in the world, unless the full force of the upper households ganged up against them no one can kill them. He was currently wearing only a black shorts, his angelic toned upper body was bare and looks like it was glowing, his silver hair was tied in a burn, he look like an allure that moment but his mind was lost as he thought how his twin will look like, but he didn't worry about that much because he knew that they would be one of the most beautiful family members, especially his angel. Why he said that his twin can protect themselves was because the memory bombarding came with everything, martial skill, guns skill, reflexes, and all the skills to perfect the ability of their bloodline and when the skills entered their brains they will automatically learn it, like it was already part of them. He felt relaxed and happy now, felt that he has fulfilled his duty and he is happy now that Sophie won't be as Oblivious of many things as she used to be, he stood up and made his way to his son room, without knocking he opened the door but gasped in wonder when he meet a translucent and extremely otherworldly god with a silver long hair eyes and eyebrows "Just like I thought" muttered Angelo.
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