Chapter 4-2

1041 Words

Cara gripped the steering wheel with a determination that belied her tiny figure as she wrestled to make the turn off the highway onto the gravel road without rolling. Ariel and Trish were cussing up a blue streak. The truck slid dangerously close to the trees that bordered each side of the road. Cara had to admit, even she was impressed with Carmen’s driving. Hell, she was having a hard time keeping a two-ton pickup on all four wheels. She was definitely going to grill Carmen on how she was able to keep upright on a motorcycle. Cara bit back an expletive of her own when she hit a particularly deep pothole. The headlights of the truck bounced up and down wildly, giving the already dark night a more sinister feel. Cara twisted the steering wheel sharply to the left to miss another hole, th

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