Chapter 5-1

544 Words

Chapter Five “Holy s**t! And I thought the little gold guys were cute,” Cara said before glancing at the dark figure lying motionless on the ground. “Ariel … Carmen.” Ariel let out a cry ignoring everything but the still figure lying on the ground. Kneeling next to Carmen, she turned her over, pulling the dark cap from her blond hair. A large bruise graced the side of her left cheek and a trickle of blood flowed from the corner of her nose and mouth. Trisha moved cautiously toward Ariel while Cara moved toward Abby. Cara vaguely heard Ariel pleading for help from the creatures standing over Carmen’s prone figure, but it was the creatures standing in front of her that held her real attention. Or, should she say, one creature in particular. Cara’s eyes were drawn to the dragon standing to

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