Chapter 4-1

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Chapter Four Trelon had spent the previous night studying all the signals coming from the planet below them. He had to admit, from space the planet was very beautiful, and he was somewhat excited about learning more about it. What he really wanted to learn more about was the female who had not only captured his brother’s heart, but had been accepted by his symbiot and his dragon. Trelon had a hard time wrapping his mind around the fact that his brother had found a true mate with a female who was of a different species. When he had first gazed upon Abby, he had been taken in by her gentle beauty and grace. She seemed so delicate compared to their females, but the symbol of the dragon’s mark on her neck showed she had the strength of a Valdier warrior. Now, as he gazed around the meadow where he and the others had transported, he could appreciate some of the things Zoran had mentioned during their conversations. Trelon had spent the day exploring and helping to prepare Zoran’s mother symbiot for the journey back to their warship in space. Zoran, Kelan, and he were walking across the meadow when he noticed a change in Zoran. “Zoran, all is well?” Trelon asked, noticing his brother’s sudden stillness. Zoran looked at Trelon as if coming out of a daze. “She has returned.” Trelon and Kelan grinned at their brother, noticing a difference in him already. Zoran was not the only one impatient for his mate’s return; they could practically hear Zoran’s dragon roar with the desire to see her as well. Trelon couldn’t help but feel a pang of envy and, he admitted, jealousy. He could feel his dragon demanding for him to go look for a female. Pushing down the impatient clawing inside him, he let his hand drift down to his symbiot, which was walking beside him, stroking his hand over the sleek head. He would not get his hopes up. The likelihood of finding another true mate on this primitive planet was probably smaller than a nanobot. Zoran looked at both of his brothers with a grin. “Soon you will meet my true mate.” Trelon couldn’t help but laugh and tease Zoran and his dragon with all the things he and Kelan would do to keep him occupied so he couldn’t be alone with his mate. Trelon playfully punched Kelan on the arm and motioned with his head for Kelan to grab Zoran so they could wrestle him to the ground. Trelon was just reaching for Zoran when he noticed him suddenly frowning. “Abby will not be returning alone. There are three females with her,” Zoran said with a frown of discontent. Trelon bit back a grin. It was obvious his older brother did not want to share Abby with anyone right now. Trelon couldn’t help the low chuckle that escaped as he responded to Zoran’s displeasure. “Perhaps she brings our true mates to us,” Trelon teased, pushing down the roar of hope that rushed out of his dragon at the mention of the females. “I, for one, am not ready, but perhaps Kelan, Mandra, and Creon might appreciate having one. I still have much to taste before I settle for one female.” Kelan laughed, grabbing Trelon around the neck. “You believe yourself a bull dragon to satisfy so many females. It takes that many because none could ever put up with you for long.” Zoran laughed as he watched his brothers joking around. Trelon twisted and pushed his brother off him. It had been a running joke among the brothers about Trelon’s fortitude among the women in the hopes of finding his true mate. Trelon reached around, and just about had Kelan in a headlock when he heard Zoran’s roar of rage. Without thinking, he called forth his dragon. In the blink of an eye, he had changed forms and was lifting off the ground, his symbiot transforming to gold armor around his dragon. He didn’t question Zoran. He had learned during the many battles they had fought against both the Curizans and the Sarafin to trust in his brother and in his own dragon’s instinct. Calling out in dragon-speak, Trelon listened as Zoran explained how Abby was in danger. “Do you know who it is?” Trelon asked as he flew up beside Zoran. “Yes. It is the same man who has been after Abby for years. He has become more aggressive over the past week. He wishes to claim Abby for his own. I will kill him,” Zoran said with a growl. Trelon’s own thoughts flew back to the gentle memory of Abby held securely in his brother’s arms and blushing as she looked from his brother to the men on board the warship. He growled deeply; no one messed with his brother’s true mate and lived. No one.
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