A Finality

1982 Words
Sebastian James is a workaholic. The best thing in his life after his daughter was his job. He's the assistant head cook in the household of Forest Moon's first family. It's hard to believe that my father had a heart attack from working the job he loves so much. He's of sound health and has been very happy about life since I got into college. The male is as healthy as a horse. Many often called him strong and agile for an omega. How can he suddenly be lying in an emergency room, fighting for his life? These intrusive thoughts don't prevent me from silently praying to the Goddess. I remained in front of the ER for nearly two hours waiting. As an omega, he was brought to the general room with other patients. I'm not allowed to go in yet because he's in intensive care. Another hour passed before the doctor called me. "He's out of danger now," she said in a gentle voice. "But we'll have to watch him for another night before letting him leave." I nodded. "Thanks, doctor, but I'm so confused. My dad's the healthiest person I know. What happened?" "Even the strongest in the pack is not immune to life's unexpected twists," she replied. These words are a reference to alpha Zion Reign, Nick's father. The formidable, proud male hasn't been the same after the helicopter accident five months ago. "They said he suddenly collapsed after seeing the luna," the doctor added. My heart slammed in my chest. Meg's words about Nick telling his mother echoed in my head. "Whatever she told him must've been tough on his healthy heart," said the doctor. "But he's gonna be okay. You can see him now. He's asking of you." There's only one thing the luna could've said to my dad. I swallowed the bile rising in my throat. I opened the door quietly and went into the room. My father laid awake on the bed with wires connecting his heart to a small monitor that beeped softly. His features are sad as he regards me. "Dad," I murmured, scanning the room half full of sick people. Only a thin curtain separates each patient from their neighbor. A nurse sits at a small desk in the far corner of the large room. My dad points at his jacket on a thin hanger near the bed. "The doctor says you can't leave yet. You had a heart attack," I protested. "Get my phone and turn it on," he orders in a hoarse voice. "Why? You wanna call someone?" I asked, reaching for the slim, wide-screen cellphone in his jacket pocket. It's easy to guess what he's about to show me, so I took the initiative and launched his email before he said the words. "Open my email." There are no unread messages. But the first two indicated the reason my dad's heart nearly gave out. The second message title read "Dissolution of Employment Contract." But it's the first one that holds my interest more, so I clicked on it. It's a non-disclosure agreement. Another document that prevents my father from seeking help, either from humans or our kind. It's similar to what I signed before spreading my legs for the alpha's son. I feel disgusted with myself. All of this is because of me. When I checked the first email, I saw that my father was being let go with nothing. We're also being kicked out of the pack like Meg predicted. Alpha Zion hardly bothered about these things. This was the handiwork of his luna, Nick's mother. But how did she know? I've never whispered a word about us to anyone. Meg implied that Nick would tell her. Did he really do it? I stared at the text with glassy eyes, mortified and unable to say anything. The email came with attachments. I open them to find photos of Nick and I, kissing in the living room of our secret meeting place. It's a very recent photograph from the day I made that blunder. How is it possible? "Guess the photos mean it's true," my father interrupted my thoughts. "So there's no need to ask. Or would you deny it?" "Dad, I-" "You're sorry, I know you are. What's done is done." He exhaled deeply. "I don't want any trouble with the luna and the pack, Sara. We must leave ASAP and quietly. You need to go home and start packing." He's right. I've ruined our lives here. It's not far-fetched to think that the luna would pull some strings to revoke my scholarship, too. Like Meg predicted. The Reigns are a powerful name, not just among werewolves. As my dad shuts his eyes, I know he's done talking. I can't decide which pain is worse. This immense disappointment that my dad feels right now or the pain of seeing my mate in another woman's arms. I don't know which one is breaking my heart at this moment. I want to sit beside him, but I'm too ashamed to be around him. I simply put the phone back and leave the room quietly to wait outside. Packing has to come later. I don't want to be anywhere near Reign's mansion right now. ****** After our little chat, I'd occasionally poke my head inside to look in on my dad, but I didn't go near him. It was sunset when I set out to do what he instructed. Our cottage is fifteen minutes from the hospital. As soon as the castle comes into view, the first thing I see is a medium-sized truck beside the luna's hummer SUV. The only reason I noticed was that I've never seen such a vehicle around the premises before. It looks so out of place among the fancy ones parked beside it. Its trunk was open, and someone was loading some stuff into it. I wonder if anyone else is moving out. One of the luggage looks similar to my dad's. It even had the same color. I walked awkwardly and hesitantly around the building towards the blocks of cottages where we live. Someone has their eyes on me. From the prickling on my neck, I know it's not a maid or a guard. I didn't dare lift my head to check who was watching me. Punching the lock code to get into the house, the lock refuses to give. I lower my gaze to take a close look, only to discover that my guess is right. They've changed the locks. Already? Footsteps approach from behind. I spun around to find a female guard and another omega coming towards me. The luna stands a few steps away. She doesn't say a word, but her eyes are full of malice. "You and your father don't live here anymore," the guard said. "What do you mean we don't-" "Are you hard of hearing? This isn't your house anymore. We've moved your things on the luna's orders. You'll find them in the white van outside." "What?" The question was a gasp. "Luna Reign, please don't do this." I started to go to her with my hands clasped when the guard blocked me. I saw her jaw tighten as she glared at me. It feels like she's silently telling me not to dare address her boss. The guard voices out those thoughts before I can properly form them. "Don't you dare address the luna, omega!" I attempt to move closer to her once more as I plead. "Please. We need time to find a new place. I beg you. My father was in the ER, he'll need a few days to recover once he's discharged." "Did you say you needed time?" The guard asked with disgust. "The only reason she helped with the van is to keep it as quiet as possible. You think she'll allow you to stay longer than... no need to waste my breath. You need to leave!" She stood between me and Nick's mother as the luna shot daggers at me with her eyes. I truly wish she'd speak out. But apparently, I'm not even worth one word from her. I try to get past the gamma female, and she pushes me off. I was on the ground on all fours looking up at the luna with pleading eyes. She gave me one last evil look before turning away. "This is the last time you're allowed anywhere near the pack's mansion. We find you or your father near here again, you'll be arrested and disgraced," the guard said. "Here's the key to the truck. Denise will go with you to retrieve it once you get your things out. You have the whole evening to return the vehicle to her. She must bring that van back before midnight!" The guard dropped the key on the floor in front of me and turned away to follow her luna. I couldn't believe what I'd gotten us into. My father and I are practically homeless now. ****** As much as I hate to do it, I had to call my dad. I didn't know what else to do. The Denise girl is as confused as me. She's too scared to even ask what we did wrong. Everyone is terrified of the luna. I wouldn't be surprised if the girl had been warned not to speak to me. Luna Reign wouldn't want word of her precious son sleeping with an omega to get out. After listening to my dad's instructions on where to take our things, I set out for a forty-five-minute drive into the city. Within four hours, at nightfall, I handed the truck back to the omega and returned to the hospital. I made the nurse tell my dad that I was back. Going in to see him is hard for now. I've cost him his precious job and our lives. I sat on the hospital bench for hours thinking till I dozed off. At dawn, nausea rouses me from a deep sleep with bad dreams. The feeling is much like yesterday morning's, making me occupy the nearest restroom for some time. Is it really possible to suffer food poisoning when I've eaten so little this whole week? Thank the Goddess, I'm in the hospital. I stroll into the pharmacy to buy some drugs, but they insist on a signed prescription. However, after describing my illness to the kind doctor, her next question sent a terrible cold into my blood. "When's the last time you had your period?" I couldn't respond immediately. My voice returns when she arched her brow. "What's that got to do with... nausea?" But I knew it was the stupidest question even as I asked it. Why didn't it cross my mind? Be cool, Sara. You are NOT pregnant. I didn't hear the doctor's reply to my dumb question. "I'll prescribe something mild just in case, but you'll also get a test kit," she said while scribbling on a piece of paper. "Pee on the stick before taking the meds, Miss James." Twenty minutes later, I'm standing in the bathroom, staring in horror at the two red lines on the pregnancy stick before me. "This can't be right. He was careful- We. We were extremely careful." A knock comes on the bathroom door, startling me. "You okay in there? You've been there for a while now." It must be the cleaning staff. "Yeah..." I couldn't recognize my voice. "I'll be out soon." I wonder how hard it would be to kill myself and end it all right now. My thoughts are interrupted by a beep on my phone. It must be my dad. I quickly pulled it out of my purse and my heart dropped further into my stomach. Nick's name blinks on my message icon. My finger shook as I opened the text. It reads: "Where are you? We need to talk!"
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