An Endpoint

1939 Words
I wanted to turn away and run, but I remained frozen on the spot. The sound of laughter coming from the entrance of the building got their attention. Nick broke the kiss, and his gaze soon shifted to where I stood. I felt so sick that I doubled over and threw up on the sidewalk. He started to approach with Meg, but I held out my hand to stop them. "I'm alright. I think I ate something bad. I'm okay," I called out in a shaky voice. I could feel them watching me. Meg would guess what this situation was doing to me if I didn't get it together. She can't know about Nick and I or my feelings for him. I straightened before turning away from the two. "Sara," my best friend called out. "Where are you going?" I couldn't face her yet. Looking at her now was unbearable, so I kept walking. "Sara?" "I need to get something for my stomach," I called back without turning around. He was kissing her in public? The same Nick that has a morbid fear of merely talking to me in front of people? I'm his mate. Also, wasn't that against the rules in his stupid contract? But then she's not an omega. Meg was far better than me. There wouldn't be much outrage if people saw them together. Whereas, I was the daughter of the cook that worked in Nick's household. My father was on his family's payroll just as I was on his. I still couldn't stomach the fact that while I was waiting for him so we could talk, he was getting cozy with my best friend. I guessed this meant we truly are over. I wonder what would happen if I went against his non-disclosure agreement now. I heard footsteps behind me but didn't stop. It felt like my heart was leaving a blood trail with every step. As I reached the next block, a strong hand grabbed my arm and spun me around. Nick glowered at me beneath thick lashes. I yanked free with all the force I could muster and kept walking. Anger and hurt gave me the strength to ignore him as he groaned my name. "Sara!" He grabbed my wrist this time. “I’m talking to you, Sara! Stop!” His voice was hard with a sharp edge. Like he had a right to be angry? Without thinking, I wrested my wrist from his hand and landed a hard slap across his face. Shock brightened his eyes, but he recovered quickly. Catching my wrist again, this time, in a tight grip, he pinned me against the large car parked in the road. “You violated the terms first!” he said through clenched teeth. “By accidentally spouting those three little words?” I push him off me, and he released me quickly, like being too close to me is disgusting. "The word love is prohibited between us. It's boldly written on the agreement you signed. Did you miss it?" "It was a mistake, Nick. I wanted to explain that's why I've been trying to reach you. I waited for two hours to see you." “How could you possibly think we'd still meet today? This thing between us? You ruined it. I was going to end it. Tonight! There's no need to see each other till the full moon. I'll reject you, and we can go our separate ways.” My heart slumped painfully into my stomach. My first response was a nod. “You should’ve ended it before kissing my roommate in front of the whole campus.” “Yes, I should have, but I didn’t. Wanna know why? Because you’re not the only one who gets to break the rules!” he leers. “Well, good for you. You got even. Why don't you return to your... to her before someone sees you talking with the help's daughter." I started to walk away. "Thanks for your concern. At least, you got the message, Sara," he fired back. I stopped in my tracks. "I will never love you, mate bond be damned. What we had was just s*x, nothing more, you hear me?" I felt him turn away to leave, but he stopped and added, "Oh, and don't forget you signed an NDA. If you go about telling pack members about us, I can't be responsible for what happened to your dad." I couldn't help but look over my shoulder at his face. Maybe I want to confirm if he meant that. But he's already turning and walking away. ****** I wanted so much to return home to my dad. But home was one of the little cottages behind Reign’s mansion. I returned to the dorm after walking aimlessly for Goddess-knows how long. Meg was not back yet. My relief at not having to face her was mixed with immense nausea. She's still with Nick, no doubt. Quickly, I went into my room to lock myself inside. But as the night wore on, it became clear how unnecessary that was. I laid awake with my eyes wide open until dawn. Meg never returned. She should be back early the next morning, and I was still eager to avoid her, so I tried to rush out for class. My simple morning routine turns into a chore. I became very sick. My stomach rolled like I truly ate something bad. I spent a better part of the morning with my head buried in the toilet plate. As I sat on the cool floor, dry-heaving, the image of Nick and Meg replayed in a loop in my head. Sometime later, the nausea lessened, but I'd given up on class for that day. I sit on my bed, staring into space when a bang came on my door. Without waiting for a reply, Meg opened the door and stands between the jamb. "Wait, are you truly ill?" she asked with a frown. "I'll be alright," I replied. "I doubt it." Her tone was weirdly hateful. There's no hint of a joke in her voice as usual. "After daring to seduce the alpha-heir?" She took a step into my room. "I doubt you'll be alright, Sara." My heart lurched. Did Nick went as far as telling her after warning me about his silly NDA? She scoffed at the look on my face. "I'm not an i***t, Sara James. I've known for some time now! It's only a matter of time before the pack finds out." At first, I was confused about what she meant. Did she know the whole story? "Did you think you'd just keep coming to school, sneaking around while leeching on the Reigns after this treachery?" She crosses her arms on her chest. “What are you talking about?" My anger stirs, but it is mixed with fear. They wouldn't revoke my scholarship over this. The alpha and luna didn’t know about us. "Are you gonna play dumb?" I sighed, deciding there was no point to all of this. "How long have you known?” I asked. “Known what? That you've been lying about running errands for your dad and sneaking off to w***e yourself to Reign?” “Yes, Meg. How long have you known?” My voice is sharp with annoyance. Maybe a carryover from last night when I saw her kissing my mate. My former mate. “Do you even know he's engaged?” she asked instead of answering my question. I felt a sharp pang at the revelation. Engaged? That couldn't be right. Nick and I were exclusive. At least, I saw that part of the contract. Me caught the hurt and shock in my eyes and smiled. “YOU knew he was engaged, yet you went after him?" I said this in an attempt to turn her words back to her. "Now I'm guessing you went after him solely because he was involved with me." “Involved? He paid to f*ck you, Sara. You were never involved with Nick Reign! You’re a nobody. A cheap p********e. What do you think I wouldn’t find out? How someone like you could afford to share this suite with me was a dead give away.” My fist clenches. My father paid every penny for this apartment. The scholarship meant I could afford other things that I would originally not be able to pay for. But I didn't say these things to her. It doesn't matter. She shook her head before continuing. “But at least you're back to reality now. Nick is through with you and the luna knows." My mind goes numb from that last statement. "Who told you that? The luna doesn't know." "I wanna throw up when I imagine you with him." She grimaced. The hatred in her eyes was unbelievable as she ignores my question. "My mother always said people like you didn't know how to stay in their lanes. I see what she means now." "Did you tell the luna about us? You said you've known for a while now." I stared at her in horror. "What, you trust Nick not to tell his mommy? If he doesn't tell her, who's going to clean this up as quickly as possible to keep the pack from finding out?" Her eyes were full of evil satisfaction as she spoke. It was hard to believe this was my best friend of seven years. I was too disheartened to say anything else. Fear was starting to take over. How would the luna clean this up to keep it from getting out? I wanted to leave the room, but my legs wouldn't move. “By the way, you said I went after him. You're wrong. He’s a playboy, Sara, and this is all the time he's got before he becomes alpha and settles down with his already-chosen luna. Did you expect him to be faithful in a s*x situationship?” She gave a bitter laugh. “to someone like you for that matter.” “I don’t expect anything from him, Megan. But I also didn't expect this s**t from you. I thought we were friends-” “Maybe we were. All of that ended when you set your claws on the heir to Reign’s empire! Forest Moon's future leader!” I had never seen her look so hateful, but I should've suspected this a long time ago. Suddenly, memories of the last few weeks started to flash before me. How my best friend was always quick to remind me of my social status. Or of the fact that I was a welfare student. I always brushed it off as a joke. But now I realized she had known about me and Nick for over a month now, at least. “I’m so glad that I don’t have to pretend anymore with you. You’ll get kicked out and vanish from my eyes, and everything will go back to the way it should be!” She starts to turn away, then stops. “He can never belong to someone like you, Sara. The fact that you thought he could is just... sickening to say the least.” I had no answer to that remark. My phone started ringing before I could digest the hate-filled words. I snatched it and slid the answer button without looking at the screen. "Hi, is this Sara James?" "Yes, who's this?" I held the phone away for a quick glance. The number is unfamiliar. "I'm calling from Forest Moon Medical house. You need to come quickly. Your father collapsed and was brought here a moment ago."
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