What am i going to do?

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Strom Pov After kicking Damien out i could see my mate visibly calm down. His tensed up shoulders slowly relaxed and his eyes started flickering from black to his original gorgeous gold. He turned and faced me. I instantly backed up. I mean mate or not i just saw this man beat Damien's ass to pulp like it was nothing. The golden eyed man stalked up to me and pulled me into his arms engulfing me in a big bear hug. i gasped as sparks flew between us and a warm giddy feeling started to fill my body. My mate instinctively bent down and inhaled my scent at the crook of my neck causing more sparks to erupt. He was huge compared to me. His 6"something frame complimented my comparatively 5'6 frame perfectly. And his sent god it was mouth watering. I awkwardly patted his back and his continued to inhale my scent, slowly calming down. I suddenly became aware that everyone in the ballroom was staring at us. I quickly pushed my mate away and stepped back which earned a low growl from him.  "Your majesty" My fathers voice boomed across the room. Yes daddy to the recuse. My Mate turned and stared and my father with eyes of steel. "What can i do for you Alpha Macellius" "What is the meaning of this? That is my daughter." My father snarled at the prince. I mentally face palmed myself. my dads stubborn over protectiveness is going to get him killed. "I would like to know the same thing" My brother Adonis stated angrily while he stepped out from the crowds followed my Elijah whos eyes had turned black signalling his wolf was at bay. "They is nothing for you to know Alpha Macellius. This beautiful women is my mate. Your future queen" My mate replied unfazed by the anger being directed towards him by not one but three alpha blooded wolves. My father and brothers eyes widened as they looked between me and my mate. "B...b...but thats not possible" Elijah stuttered. "NO you are lying" My father roared. My mate instantly went into a defensive stance and pulled me behind his, his wolf snarling aching for blood. I mentally rolled my eyes. Stupid men thinking i cant defend myself.  "Alpha Macellius" A majestic voice echoed from the left side of the room. I looked up and saw the king intently watching the exchange that was happening. My fathers wolf instantly submitted though not happily. "Alpha Macellius, Xavier i request both of you remain quite until the guests leave. Ladies and gentlemen this has certainly been a very eventful evening. I ask you all to leave the ballroom at once so that we may resolve this matter. Grumbling and whispering among themselves the guests all left. But i didn't realize anything i was to busy thinking of something the king had said. "Xavier" Mmmmm that was a beautiful name. Was that the name of my mate? "Well she-wolf" The king said to me "You certainly know how to make a entrance."
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