Peanut butter and one angry queen

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Strom POV  Oh god Oh boy The king is talking to me What do i do? Do i kneel? Nah that's retarded. But wait he is the king.... technically royalty?  "......" Oh god cue *internal panic attack* "She....." Im just gonna pass out or something right now "She wolf are you okay?" My eyes snapped from the ground when i heard the majestic voice. I nearly gasped as sparks erupted when my mate slowly rubbed my back trying to calm me down. And hell it worked. My body instantly calmed down at his gorgeous scent.  "Um peanut butter sandwiches?"  I instantly face palm myself. peanut butter sandwiches really storm? They probably think your mentally deranged or something now.  Moon- Um yeah Mate probably thinks we should be put in a mental hospital or something. Stupid human embarrassing me. I could really do with  peanut butter sandwich though. Mmmmmm peanut butter. Moon- STOP THINKING ABOUT PEANUT BUTTER STUPID.  Huff damn wolf. "Excuse me" A voice sounded. I awkwardly chuckled as i looked at the king.  "Im sorry did you just say peanut butter" The queen replied this time looking horrified.  My mate chuckled from beside me. Damn what a sexy laugh. "Perhaps my mate is hungry?" He laughed, his laughter booming across the ballroom. "No im sorry i was just lost in thought" I smiled sheepishly. "Look what the f**k is going on here" Elijah snapped as he pulled me from my mates embrace. My mate instantly growled, his eyes darkening. Damn mate out for blood is sexy. Okay what the actual f**k is wrong with me. Damn mate bond screwing my hormones. "Give her back to me. SHES MINE" My mate said. "Um sure you go random guy we met three seconds ago;. Please take our baby sister" Adonis said sarcastically standing beside Elijah and in front of me.  "I dont care shes mine" My mate replied in a deathly calm voice. "Shes not your damn property!" Elijah snapped. I nodded my head from behind them. Afterall I breathe in carbon dioxide and exhale oxygen like a normal human. "Everybody calm down" My father said softly from behind us. We all turned around. He had been super quiet this whole time. He looked like he had seen a ghost. He was pale. The last time i had seen dad like this was when mom was taken. He never shows weakness. "Dad? is everything okay?" I whispered moving towards him. "Is it true?"  "What?" I said confused. "Is prince Xavier your mate storm?" The room was silent. The king queen my brother all looked at me. "I-" Why couldnt i say it? It was one word. "Why do you hesitate little one" My mate asked from behind me hurt lacing his voice. "Sorry, yes dad he is my mate. Moon claimed him" I whispered. "Is he forcing you to do this Storm?" Adonis said angrily. "You can tell me" Xavier snarled at Adonis and i knew my brothers will soon be dead if i didnt stop them. "NO"  "He did not force me. I am his mate. I do not know why but the moon goddess has chosen us as mates" The king beamed at me. "Well in that case welcome home Future queen Storm Mikealson" The king said his eyes twinkling. "NO" the queen snapped.  We all looked at her suprised. "What are you doing" The king said his eyes seething anger for the first time.  "She can not be the future queen...shes nothing...a commoner." The queen snapped her eyes holding fury and rage. Um excuse me???? Who tf- "Mother enough" My mate snapped as he pulled me into arms from behind. "She is my mate. your future queen. Deal with it"  "Never. Never as i live shall this happen" The queen snarled as she rushed out of the ballroom. "I apologies for my wife. She seems to have forgotten her manners" The king said his eyes flaring at the mention of his wife. "So what happens now.?" Adonis said admitting deafest. "Storm moves in with us. Afterall she starts Queen training soon" The hold up- What training? SPECIAL NOTE FROM THE AUTHOR. Hey guysss i hope you are enjoying the story. I need ideas for Two characters that will be introduced. Two males. It would help if you guys could fill out this so that i could add them in.  Thankssss NAME- EYE COLOR-  HAIR COLOR- Type of supernatural -  DISTINGUISHABLE FEATURE- Nationality- 
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