Hold up...My Mate is WHO?????

751 Words
Storm POV I slowly walked towards the massive black wolf and placed my hand on his chest. Sparks erupted where we made contact and i gasped.  The wolf turned towards me and looked at me with pitch black eyes, anger swirling within them. I gulped Okay....so maybe this wasn't a good idea. The wolf's chest heaved up and down and i could see the hurt and betrayal in its eyes. My felt a pang in my chest knowing i was partially the reason my so called mate was feeling like this. Damn mate bond making me feel all these emotions. The wolf's eyes started to switch from black to gold and i could tell the human was fighting for control. But the wolf was angry. No it was furious. I had to do something. I couldn't let Damien die. No matter how stupid and selfishly he acted tonight. WHAT THE HELL DO I DO MOON. Moon- Try to calm mate down. He is angry because he thinks we are not his. He thinks we are Damien's. Moon quickly replied spitting out Damien's name. She had always despised him and now i know why....He was never my mate. That is because we are not his i snapped back at Moon. I sure as hell don't want a mate and i definitely will not belong to some man like a good little housewife. Just show him that we are his that will calm him down. Moon said confidently staring at her mate with puppy dog eyes. Damn lovesick wolf. I sighed and tuned her out and concentrated on the wolf who was still snarling and baring his canines. During my conversation with moon he had moved his massive body so that he stood right in front of me and took a defensive stance. Almost like he was daring someone to look at me. He was being protective. It was actually kinda hot. NO. SNAP OUT OF IT STORM. Having no idea what the hell i was doing i placed my hands on the wolfs massive, muscular chest. I gasped as instantly sparks flew and warmth spread through me. I could feel my wolf howl from happiness from finally touching her mate. Finally feeling her true mate. I couldn't help but smile and when i looked up at the wolf's eyes i was met with a familiar pair of Golden eyes. This time his eyes shone with love, lust and adoration. The wolf slowly stepped towards me. No matter how large he was. No matter how terrifying and seemingly powerful he was. I could not move away. Sensing that i was not going to run away the wolf quickly walked up to and engulfed me within his body. Compared to him i was tiny. My tiny body fit his massive frame perfectly as his snout inhaled my scent and gently nipped my neck replacing Damien's scent with his own. I wrapped my arms around his massive neck and felt him gently lick my face. I giggled. f**k what was i becoming???? Not even 5 minutes with this wolf and im already giggling. "Shift back i whispered". The wolf bared his canines at Damien one more time and nodded at me before shifting.  In a minute in the place of the wolf stood the god like man i had seen in the balcony. Only this time he was butt naked. I blushed but i could not look away. I bit my lip and scanned his body. God he was built. A man from the audience quickly rushed towards us and handed my mate a pair of pants before bowing.  What the actual hell people are bowing to my mate?? Why?? Who was he?? I stood up but kept my eyes trained on my mate. My Mate neared Damien and picked him up by the neck. "LISTEN TO ME AND LISTEN VERY CAREFULLY MUTT. SHE IS MINE. MY MATE. MY LUNA AND MY QUEEN. IF YOU EVER TOUCH HER, TALK TO HER OR EVEN SO MUCH AS THINK ABOUT HER I WILL MAKE BLEED UNTIL YOU ARE NOTHING PUT A PATHETIC PUP BEGGING FOR ME TO END YOUR LIFE. IS THAT UNDERSTOOD" My Mate's voice boomed across the hall making me shiver. Damien groaned in reply and my mate threw him across the hall. "Take him out of here and return him to his pack" My mate spat in disgust. "Yes your majesty" On of the guards replied before bowing to him and pulling Damien up before taking him out of the hall. All around the hall i could here whispers erupt but i couldn't hear any of them. My mate. My mate was . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . THE f*****g WEREWOLF PRINCE. 
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