Golden Eyed Man

1182 Words
STORM POV "MATE" The whole room went silent. I swear i could hear every single heart beat of every single wolf present in the whole damn room. I could feel a mixture of surprise, horror and excitement radiating from everyone.  I started to shiver harshly as an amazing smell slammed into my nose. It smelt of pine and rain. My two favorite scents in the whole world. My heart started to pound against my rib cage as my legs threatened to give out. I started to see black dots in my eyes and started to feel dizzy. Oh god i was going to pass out. NO, i cant pass out. I was the daughter of Alpha Macellius- The third most powerful alpha in the whole damn world. Me fainting will deem me and my pack as weak. i represent my pack and that means no fainting. A warm fuzzy feeling erupted in my chest flowing through the rest of my body making me shiver even more harshly. Unintentionally i inhaled the mailing smell and instantly i started to sweat, my hands started to clam up as my wolf howled and surged forward. My wolf started to claw it way in the back of my head, fighting to break free and follow the amazing scent. My head started to hurt and it felt as though it was being split in two. I tried to control my wolf. I cant lose control. What the f**k was happening? I haven't felt like this since mom died. So weak. so vulnerable. After mom died i blocked everybody out. I built my walls so high that no body was able to break them out. i refused to show any emotions, they proved that i was weak. But, this bought up everything i had fought so hard to bury. I had fought so hard to hide. It made me feel something i haven't felt something since mom was alive.......Love. I f*****g hated feeling this way. But god that smell i loved it. It made my wolf go crazy. "......" I slowly looked up to the balcony where the amazing smell was coming from and where i had heard the husky voice growl mere minutes ago.  I gasped when i saw the most beautiful golden eyes i had ever seen staring into my steely silver ones. For a moment everything else seemed to cease to exist. It was just the mysterious stranger and i. It was as though this was the missing piece i had been searching for all along. We were stuck in a world that only him and i knew of and i liked it that way. Everybody else in the room disappeared and it was just him and I. He refused to look away from my eyes, as though he was afraid that if he looked away he would lose me. I slowly lowered my eyes and openly check him out. And man he looked like a fracking GOD. He had Jet black hair that was perfectly styled so that it fell to his right side and covered his eyes lightly. His beautiful golden eyes shone like two miniature suns. They held so much mystery and danger and yet they were so beautiful. I've never seen anything like them before. His Jawline was strong and set and he had a small stubble as though he had recently shaved. But the stubble suited him. It showed as rugged and man i dug it. His nose was in the perfect center and his lips. God his lips. They were perfect. Man the things i could do to those lips. I bit my lip as i stared at his body. He was wearing a black tux which made his gold eyes shine even brighter. His tux hugged his body showing how built he was. I swear i could see his abs from here. His tux was rolled up so that his forearms were visible. I could see his tattoos peaking from both arms. f**k. Im a sucker for tattoos. Moon(Storms wolf)- I know your a sucker hes out mate and he is perfection WTF NO MOON. HE CANT BE OUR MATE. Moon- But.. NO, we dont want a mate and you know why. Moon- NO, YOU dont want a mate. I love our mate. Love? We just say him Moon-so? Whatever i cant deal with you. I blocked her. i cant deal with a love sick puppy right now. I quickly stared at the mysterious man at the balcony who was still staring at me and checking me out. I smirked when i saw he look impressed.  ".....Orm" "STORM" I heard a curt voice cut through the silence with my name. I turned to my left where i had heard the voice Damien stood beside me, eyes blazing with anger and resent. "What the hell storm stop day dreaming" He hissed at me. I raised my eyebrow at him. Whats his problem? I rolled my eyes and stared at the mysterious man in front of me again. For some reason i couldn't stop staring at him. All i wanted to do was run up to him, hug him, claim him. My body needed him. NO , it craved him. I looked around me and took in my surrounding. I saw my brothers staring at me and the mysterious man with so much anger it made me want to s**t my pants. Being Alpha sons they were powerful and their anger meant their wolfs were on the surface. The women were looking at me with burning jealousy and hatred while the man looked at me with lust. Some older alphas looked at me with respect while the king and queen looked.....proud? The golden eyed man slowly walked down from the balcony and walked towards where me and Damien were standing. Everybody he passed instantly bowed to him, submitting. Who the f**k was this man and how powerful is he. He just caused Alphas to submit to him just by walking past them. As the man walked towards me, Damien spun me around and made me stare at his eyes. His normally calm eyes now held a scary form of hatred and determination. Unfortunately for Damien i knew exactly what he was going to do.  "Damien N.." Before i could finish my sentence Damien slammed his lips against mine. Unlike most kisses i resented this one. I pushed him away and slapped him as hard as i could. He staggered back and held his cheek as he stared at me with betrayal and shock. He was about to say something when his face paled when looking at something behind me. I followed his his eyes and gasped when i saw the most terrifying eyes i had ever seen. The Golden eyes man stood in front of us his chest heaving in anger and snarling. But, unlike before his eyes were now pure black. Which meant one thing. His wolf was in full control. The mysterious man roared. It was so loud that it shattered the glass of all the windows in the ballroom. Instantly everyone in the ball room submitted whimpering. Power poured out the man in front of us as he instantly shifted into his wolf. Damien had no time to react. I watched in horror as my "Mate" launched himself and my childhood best friend.
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