The Silver eyed man

611 Words
Unknown POV The Red haired man walked stiffly through the dimly lit corridor. Curious eyes followed him as he neared his destination. The Red haired man got hardly contain his rage. Anger blazed in his cat like eyes.  Something had happened, something that did not please him. As he passed, men, women, children alike kneeled, submitting to the red haired man. He was powerful, no one dared go against him if they value their life. The red haired man reached his destination. In front of him stood a tall oak door. He stood and took a couple of deep breathes to hide his nervousness. No matter how angry he is, it will never match the man inside the rooms rage. He knew that s**t was about to hit the roof and he was likely to be on the receiving side of it.  The red haired inhaled deeply and knocked twice on the oak door. "Come in" A deep voice rumbled from within the chambers. "f**k me" The red haired man thought, no matter how powerful he is it will never match that man's strength. The red haired man slowly turned the door knob and allowed himself in. The room was dimly lit by a large chandelier that hung at the center of the ceiling. Expensive Red carpet sprawled the whole room. On either side stood two large, dusty bookshelves full of books of knowledge you would not have dreamed of in your worst nightmares. On the far end of the chamber stood a large window draped in black curtains which was slightly ajar allowing the smallest amount of sunlight.  In the middle stood a proud table, scattered with papers, half-finished alcohol bottles, cigarettes and pens. Behind the table lay a chair facing the massive window. On the chair sat one man. The red haired man coughed, cutting the silence that was enveloping the two men. "Sir i have news." The sentenced echoed throughout the chamber. The Red haired man shivered slightly as the chair turned around.  On the chair sat a 50 something man with jet black hair. He was good looking but what really caught your eye were his silver eyes. The red haired man had never seen anyone with those unique eyes, that is of course until he saw her at the ball today. The silver eyed man stared at the red haired man. "About what" His deep voice said, power leaking out of it. "Its about her" The Silver eyed mans eyes looked up with a sudden peculiar interest. He raised his eyebrow and urged the red haired man to go on. "What about her?" "" "Go on then boy i don't have all f*****g day" The silver eyed man growled, he was a very short-tempered man. "She was at the ball today." "Yes I am aware. What happened. Get to the f*****g point" "She found her mate and its a werewolf" "WHAT" The silver eyed man stood up quickly his body shaking with anger. "That's not all your majesty" The red haired man whispered hurrying to finish the conversation. "SPEAK BOY STOP STALLING. OR I SWEAR TO GOD I WILL TEAR YOU APART WITH MY BEAR HANDS" The silver eyed man roared with power throwing the chair at the other side of the room. The red haired man ducked the chair and shivered from the power of the man in front of him. "She is mated to the Alpha Prince and future king." The silver eyed man stared blankly. He look calm. Eerily calm. The red haired man knew that this was worse than his screaming anger.  The silver eyed man looked at the red haired man anger slowly seeping into his posture. "MY PRINCESS IS MATED TO THE SON OF THAT BASTARD. FUCKKKK" And with that the red haired man watched in horror as the room was engulfed in flames.
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