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Unknown POV I nervously tugged the neck of my tuxedo as i started at the man in the mirror in front of me. My unique golden eyes stared back at me. A constant reminder of who i am. What my destiny is. I sighed.  Today was the day.  The day my life changes forever.  The day i will meet Her.  The day i get my happily ever after.  The day ive been waiting all of life.  I smiled and started at the green pendent in my hand. My family jewel. One person will receive this today. One persons life will change forever. I couldn't wait. i quickly clasped the pendent and place it in my pocket.  Soon Amore.  Very soon. Storm POV Damien held my waist as we spun on the dance floor. The lights were dim and the music was loud. I rested my head on Damien chest. I could hear his heart beats. It was rapid. He was nervous. We all were.  The prince was set to come out at any time now. When the clock strikes 12 the prince will arrive on the royal balcony within the room. At that moment the prince will claim his mate. The new wolves queen will be chosen. A new generation will start.  I wasn't worried about it though. What was the likelihood I would be his mate? Very low.  "Storm" I heard a whisper "Huh?" "You zoomed out baby" "Sorry D" I replied as Damien spun me again. "You look so beautiful. Its as the though the moon goddess is dancing with me" Damien whispered.  "I bet you tell that to all the girls" I joked "Only to the silver eyed beauty i have the honor of knowing and calling my mate" Damien said in a husky voice making me blush. "D...." "I know Storm there is a chance we arent mates...I just dont want to think of that possibility" I sighed and leaned closer into Damien's tux as he hugged me harder. Maybe Damien was my mate? Hell i have never blushed for anyone else before. "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN CAN I HAVE YOUR ATTENTION PLEASE." A voice boomed from the front of the ball. We all turned and saw the werewolf king and queen standing in all their glory. The king was tall and handsome for someone of his age. He had black hair that was slicked back and he had green eyes that seemed to glow. The queen was the definition of a regal beauty. She had fawn colored hair that fell gracefully behind her. Her eyes were icy as she scanned the audience. She didn't spare a second glance st anyone else ...but me. When her eyes landed on me, she remained there for a little longer. I shook my head and started at the queen again. She didn't spare me a second glance. I must have been seeing things. Damien slowly pulled me closer as his hand snaked up my waist. "Thank you for attending my sons 18th birthday. My son your prince will be arriving shortly, With hopes of finding his mate. In one hour we will have a new queen. We will begin a new generation for all of the werewolf kingdom." The speech earned numerous howls from the alphas present in the room The king simply smiled as the queen took over his role "We have 15 minutes till 12 please enjoy yourself. Eat, drink, dance." With that they both exited the stage they stood on and moved to mingle with the crowds of wolfs.  "Im going to get a drink, want one?" Damien asked tearing my eyes from the royal couple. "Mmmm yeah sure" "Cool" 15 Minutes later Damien quickly appeared by my side and held me again as his hand snaked up my waist again. The clock struck 12 and we all stared at the balcony awaiting our prince and future queen. Damien buried his head against my neck and i started to feel uncomfortable. "Damien what the f**k?" I was about to tell him to f**k off when i heard it "MATE"
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