Sister where art thou sister

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Adonis POV I WAS FURIOUS. SHE WAS MY SISTER. MY DUTY TO PROTECT. BUT NOW SHE WAS WITH THAT BASTARD. THE BASTARD THAT CLAIMS HE IS HER MATE......I KNOW BETTER. i cant lose her to. Not after i lost mom. Shes our rock.  I looked to the other side of the car where Elijah sat. He sat deep in thought staring outside the window. He was the rational one.  The thinker.  I was the doer.  "You okay there brother" I asked  Elijah sighed. "Just thinking" "About how to get our sister back? Good" I said feeling hopful. Perhaps we could get her back.  "We have to talk brother. But she's with the king. The royal family. They are powerful" "WHO THE f**k CARES. SHES OUR SISTER" I roared causing our driver to swerve slightly in fright. "Calm down" Elijah snapped his eyes turning black. I huffed and looked away. "This is all dads fault" I snapped breaking the silence. "What?" Elijah looked at me with a surprised face "Dads" "He should have f*****g said something to oppose us leaving Storm there. f*****g Anything. But he just walked out. He didnt say anything." I seethed anger pouring out of me. Elijah sighed and replied "He must have his reasons" "DO YOU NOT CARE FOR HER AT ALL? HUH. DO YOU NOT CARE WE LEFT HER ALONE WITH A BLOODTHIRSTY BASTARD" I snarled. In a second Elijah pinned me against the car seat restricting my air supply...his eyes pitch black. "NEVER...." "EVER...." "SAY THAT I DONT CARE FOR HER AGAIN" Elijah roared his body visibly shaking in anger. Elijah sighed and removed his hand before sitting down again. "Okay im sorry dude. You okay" I asked massaging my neck. "Yes." Elijah said before looking back out the window. I sighed and closed my eyes asking the moon goddess why i was blessed with such an odd brother. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Two hours later We reached our home and i could feel my anger returning. I was going to go talk to father and talk some sense into him. I cant leave her there alone.  I stormed inside scaring one of the boys that work there. "Where. Is. He" I snarled my alpha dominance rolling out of me. The boy stared at me fear evident in his eyes. "A...Alp.....alpha" He whispered as he bowed his head and shook. "Dont humor me boy where is he?" I snapped my patience wearing thin. The boy looked up and whispered "Who Alpha?" "My f*****g father" I snarled "Hes in  his office alpha but has asked no one disturb him right now." "Bullshit" I roared and pushed passes the boy storming to my fathers office. He cant hide behind a door. He will hear me and we will get my sister back. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- My fathers office was situated at the highest point of our house. Mother loved the wind and sky hence why the office was high up. I stood in front of the massive oak doors and rapped on it harshly. "Come in" My fathers voice boomed from inside.  I strode in and met Elijah's head. "Son i had asked for some time alone" My father said anger evident in his eyes.  I looked between him and Elijah for a minute before saying. "I got give a flying f**k what you are doing right now father. Your full focus should be on getting Storm back. When  do we attack i shall ready our forces" I said looking my father dead in the eye. "We dont" He said calmy "Your joking right" "No, we will not attack. Storm is Xavier's mate and hence must remain with him. It was the moon goddesses will"  "WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU FATHER" I roared. "HAVE YOU LOST YOUR BALLS WITH OLD AGE. DO YOU NOT CARE THAT STORM....YOU DAUGHTER.....IS WITH A BLOODTHIRSTY MONSTER. HAVE YOU NOT HEARD THE STORIES. OR PERHAPS ARE YOU AFRAID" I taunted my father. His eyes flashed black as he tossed the table upside down and roared  "YOU WILL SHOW RESPECT WHEN YOU ADDRESS ME BOY. I AM YOUR ALPHA. DO NOT FORGET THAT."  "Yes alpha" I said submitting "Good now sit down. You to Elijah. Im afraid ive been hiding things from you all these years

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