Damien's Death Sentence

676 Words
Storm Pov I watched in horror as my "Mate" launched himself and my childhood best friend.   I stood rooted. I couldn't move. My head was telling me to stay still. But my heart or more importantly my wolf was telling me to launch myself in between them. I couldn't think. I couldn't breathe. Confusion and terror enveloped me.  I screamed as i watched my mate pounce onto Damien, him shifting in mid air into a beautiful jet black wolf. The mark of an Alpha.  My mate started to attack and rip Damien's Human form.  Damien couldn't even shift before my mate had him pinned to the ground his jaws snapping and Damien's head.  Pure rage and fury poured out of my mate as he snapped at Damien again this time intending to kill. Damien desperately started to push my mate off but my mate's wolf was simply massive.  My mate roared making every single wolf in the room whimper in submission.  My mate then bared his canines at Damien, they were so sharp that i knew even if one pierced my friend he would die on the spot. My heart broke as i heard Damien's pained screams. I wanted to jump in so badly but Elijah sensed it and immediately came up behind me and grabbed my waist immobilizing me. Adonis stood in front of me shielding me from everything. "LET ME GO" I screamed as i watched My mate snarl at Damien his canines dangerously close to Damien's face.  I looked around the ballroom. Every single wolf was staring at either the fight or they were looking at me with pity. I looked at them begging them to do something. But none of them did. None of them dared move a muscle. None of them dare get involved. They seemed to scared get involved. Who the f**k was my mate ...that every single alpha present was terrified of him? My eyes desperately searched for my dad. I locked eyes with him and begged him to do something as My mate roared again snapping and Damien's neck bruising it. My dad simply stared at me with an apologetic look. He shook his head and looked away. My heart broke. My father will not help me.  I didn't have time to wonder over my father's betrayal as my nose was slammed with the stench of blood. My eyes turned the size of saucers as my heart immediately started to beat faster as i felt worried for the safety of my mate. My wolf surged forward worried that her mate might be harmed. I instantly winced. I was more worried about some random good looking stranger than Damien. Literally one of the most important men in my life and my best friend. I quickly turned to the fight in front of me. My eyes widen in horror as i took in the scene in front of me. I screamed again this time tears pooling in my eyes as i took in what is happening. In front of me lay Damien clutching his bleeding neck that had been slashed by mate. My mate's wolf stood tall and proud on top of Damien his eyes showing pure loathing. My mate snapped at Damien but Damien had lost so much blood he could barely flinch. At that moment something in me snapped. Damien wasn't only my best friend. He was a pack member and as a child of the alpha it was my job to protect my pack member.  I shoved Elijah back surprising him. Elijah loosened his grip for a second and i pushed him back successfully leaving his grip. I shoved Adonis aside and ran up to the two wolfs who were fighting. "What is she doing...he will kill her for interrupting him!!" I heard a voice whisper. I didn't give a s**t.  Damien is my pack member and i will protect him. I slowly walked towards the massive black wolf and placed my hand on his chest. Sparks erupted where we made contact and i gasped.  The wolf turned towards me and looked at me with pitch black eyes, anger swirling within them. I gulped Okay....so maybe this wasn't a good idea.
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