Arrested and taken to the palace

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"Who're you, and what are you doing out here in the forest?" The commander of the soldiers asked Jason as he peered at Jason, while Jason also stared at most of them, as they looked like warriors. "We're having a feast, so I thought it best to bring this meat home," Jason smirked, and he threw the dead lion to the floor in front of all the soldiers, and they shook afriad, thinking it was alive, except for their commander, Alex Edmond, as he couldn't understand how a black young man like Jason could be able to singlehandedly kill a lion and also carry it up alone, and Alex shifted his gaze to stare at Tyler, who stepped out next. Tyler hated Jason, and he has always wanted to get rid of Jason. Tyler saw it as an opportunity to reveal the truth, and he stared at Alex, who immediately questioned him, "Who are you too?!." "A hunter," Tyler calmly replied, and the soldiers withdrew their guns. "George!" Alex called. "Yes boss," The soldier named George stepped forward as Jason stared at the soldiers suspiciously. "Arrest these two. We're taking them to the palace with us," Alex ordered, and Tyler immediately protested. "Wait!, You cannot just take us to the palace. We're hunters, and that's the truth!" Tyler insisted, as he was much more mature than Jason. "Shut up!" Alex pointed his gun at Tyler, as he had suspicions. First, Jason and Tyler had long hair, as most males had short hair, and Alex hadn't seen such length of hair on a man's head before. And secondly, Jason carried a lion like he was carrying a chicken. "One more word from you both, and I will blast your skulls off!" Alex threatened. "Hm.." Tyler's eyes narrowed at Alex, while Jason immediately telepathic to Tyler to be calmed as they spoke to each other's minds silently. "Okay," Tyler stared at one of the soldiers who approached them and handcuffed them. "Take them to the truck with the lion they killed. We're taking them to the palace this minute. Who knows if they're one of those rogue werewolves that can shapeshift into humans, hmph?" Alex harrumphed as he stared at Jason and Tyler suspiciously, and he watched his soldiers drag Jason and Tyler away to the truck. Jason didn't shake afriad at his word, nor did Tyler. Alex felt like releasing them, but Joel Maverick had told them to capture any suspicious humans they saw leaving the forest and looking different. Although they had captured some other hunters too, the hunters didn't have long hair and had spoken about their village in Gold City Kingdom to them before they were released. Staring at Jason and Tyler, Alex didn't feel like releasing them easily. "Take them away!" Alex instructed, and the guards pushed Jason and Tyler into a truck made available to take them to the palace. While Jason didn't resist as he entered and sat in the back truck, Tyler didn't want to follow them either, as Tyler has never been to Gold City Kingdom before. Tyler was finally forced into the truck as he was in handcuffs, and Tyler knew he couldn't transform in front of them, as they would kill him, except for Jason, whom he knew was different, and the Alpha. Jason watched as some of the soldiers went to the dead lion to carry it up, but it took them about four soldiers to lift the dead animal up, as only one couldn't. "Lift it up!" Alex yelled at them, and Jason smirked as he met Alex and gazed at him. But Alex was rather stunned as he met Jason's green eyes. Alex felt dread run down his spine. He saw that Jason, who had singlehandedly carried the lion, had green eyes, and Alex gulped and went to assist his colleagues. It took them about eight of them to finally put the dead lion into another truck, and they drove back to Gold City Palace with Jason and Tyler sitting at the back in another truck. Jason sat in silence as he was handcuffed, and he stared at his wrist, knowing he could break off the handcuff if he wanted to, but Jason didn't want to show the soldiers who he truly was. Jason remembered that he had long visited the ruler's palace, and when he was younger, when his father had taken him to the council meeting once, Jason realized his father was also a council member in the Gold City kingdom. Jason didn't care about that, but his father had told him, "Jason, you should cut down your hair, as you cannot go into Gold City Kingdom like this. As someday, you will need to take over my position as a council member in Gold City Kingdom, for their Council meeting and to find out if the humans hadn't discovered about us." "But father, I don't want to cut down my hair; father, I like it long like this," Jason replied to his father, who frowned at him when he was younger. "These are principles you must adhere to, Jason, when visiting the human kingdom; you've got to look like them, and once they observe that you're different, they will hunt for us. Right now, they're planning on finding out our hideout, but the wall fencing at the borders would prevent them from stepping in. When you get to Gold City, You remember your training, and when you're asked, where are you from? You mentioned Greshood village to them and not packs." His father had spoken to him a lot as he grew older, and Jason thought it best to telepathize to Tyler's mind and let Tyler know, as Tyler hadn't left their pack before. {Tyler..} Jason slowly telepathed to Tyler as two guards sat beside them with guns while the vehicle moved closer to the city gate. Tyler stared at Jason in silence and asked, {What's it?} And Jason informed him, {When asked what village are you from?, You tell them Greshood village and not pack, and you're Elder Eli's nephew.} "Hmm.." Tyler groaned out, and the guard seated beside Tyler stared at Tyler and Jason while Jason stared away. Jason knew he was totally different, with his rare green eyes, as that alone would raise suspicion about his looks. Arriving in the Gold City kingdom, The citizens around the busy street and road stared at the vehicle passing in shock as the truck was opened, and the people were amazed to see a lion in the second vehicle. Jason stared away in silence and watched the soldiers drive them towards the ruler's mansion, which was in the center of the city. Arriving at the gigantic royal mansion that looked so much like Jason's father's mansion, the golden gates were pulled open by some guards that were stationed there to guard the royal palace, and the truck finally drove into the palace premises and parked, while a crowd of people began rushing into the palace to have a look. Joel stepped out, hearing the crowd voices, as he was previously speaking to Elder Juda on how to get rid of Samuel in the hall. As he was still in confusion, he wondered how their citizens still chose Samuel to rule them, despite all the things he said about Samuel and also how Samuel looked. Joel saw the two trucks parked, and the guards, who were officially his newly trained soldiers, stepped down first. A multitude of people began gathering into the palace to have a closer look at what they had previously seen as they drove past them. "What's going on?" Joel asked as he stepped out with Elder Juda. And Elder Juda replied, "I don't know; it seems like they arrested some people again." Samuel was bathing and dressing up in a black trouser and white top, and he stepped out, hearing the commotion in the palace, and saw the two trucks parked while a lot of people gathered around them. Mia, Ivy, and Josiah also stepped out with their mother Ella as the commotion increased, and they gasped in shock, seeing the soldiers struggling to carry out a lion. "What's the meaning of these?" Joel immediately thundered, and the crowd immediately fell in silence, while Alex immediately ordered, "Drag the two suspects out." "Your majesty, We found these two hunters on the deepest side of the forest, and they spoke about hunting and killing the lion, but they looked suspicious. And that was why I brought them here too," Alex spoke, as the crowd turned silent so they could hear him. Joel shifted his gaze to stare at the two young men dragged out, looking fierce with a well-sculpted face and chiseled muscles, as one had long black hair and the other was a bit short. When Joel met Jason's eyes, with his longest hair, he saw Jason's eyes were green, sending dread down his spine, while he pretended not to be afraid of Jason as he stepped down from the veranda built at the frontage of the royal mansion to stare at the two suspicious men properly. Samuel gasped in shock, seeing how the two men looked like him before his release. Although they were darker, like Mia, and looked more fierce, he wondered where they were from. Seeing how long Jason's hair reached his waist. "Who're you?," Joel Maverick questioned Jason first, and Jason stared at the black beauty that he saw step out as his eyes shifted away from Joel to focus on the black beauty. Mia gasped in shock at meeting Jason's gaze on her and also seeing how handsome Jason looked. While Mia hurriedly went to meet her brother, Jason gazed at Samuel too and immediately saw Samuel's resemblance to Ann. [They're Ann's brother and sister, and also wolves too] > Jason wondered silently as he smirked, making eye contact with Samuel, whose eyes narrowed at him. Jason stared back at Joel, and Joel also saw Jason staring at Mia and Samuel with a look of familiarity. Joel immediately realized Mia looked darker than the two young men standing in front of him, making him wonder if Jason actually came for Mia's hand in marriage. Joel smiled as if that were the case; he wouldn't mind giving Mia out to Jason, even though Jason looked suspicious to him, but Jason finally spoke, "Am Elder Eli son?" And the crowd immediately went into murmuring, while Joel's eyes narrowed to Jason.
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