Hunting season

1625 Words
Mia was dressed in a long red gown, and she looked beautiful like a rose as she stared at Samuel's long silver hair, wondering how it grew to that extent in the dungeon. Mia usually cuts her hair shorter every month, as her mother had always cut their hair for them when they were smaller. And since their mother's disappearance, Mia has learned to cut it off by herself, as she clearly remembers that her mother warned them not to allow their hair to grow longer or pass their shoulder length, as that would make them look horrible like monsters. And now seeing how long Samuel's hair was, Mia felt to allow her hair to grow longer too, as Samuel looked so handsome compared to all the men Mia had ever seen gawking at her. But Samuel was her elder brother, and Mia was proud to have him as her brother. Mia wondered how Ann would've looked if Ann were to be there with them?. And she sighed and walked back upstairs to her room on the second floor, as Mia had only one best friend she trusted the most, Addison Carter. Mia hated Ivy too; even though Ivy was her cousin, Ivy stared at her with irritation and jealousy. Although Ivy was fair and more cuter than her, Ivy was rather jealous of her shapes. Mia was 16 years old, but her hips and buttocks seemed to pop out from the corners of her dress, and even suitors were beginning to come into the palace for Mia's hand in marriage, but Josiah refused and clearly rejected them, telling them only Ivy was available for marriage, and Mia was already taken and already married. Mia had kept on wondering to whom she was married too, as she was still single and wasn't even allowed to leave the palace either. Mia only had one guy she admired the most, Mike Matteo, but from Addison's words, Addison had told her, Mike was Elder Juda's only son, and Mia didn't like elder Juda, making her not to approach Mike again, even as she liked Mike, and was hoping when she turned 18 years old she would approach Mike and tell him about her feelings. **** Samuel walked into his room and shut his room door closed as he walked to his wild wall mirror to stare at his full handsome reflection on the mirror. The last time he had checked his reflection was when he was 11 years old, and that was the same year he lost his parents and immediately younger sister, Ann, before he was imprisoned. Samuel imagined that if Ann were to be alive, what would Ann have looked like with her rare-colored blue eyes as Ann resembled him? They both resembled their late father, while Mia resembled their late mother too with her dark skin complexion. Samuel sighed and took off the dungeon cloth on him, as he was stinking so badly, and he remembered Mia had hugged him despite his body stinking. Samuel walked to his exquisite bathroom and thought to cut his long hair shorter, as he didn't want that to be the subject of conversation or to raise any suspicion about someone who might have known the true existence of werewolves. Samuel thought to visit Elder Luca's house to find out the truth about his mother's village, as he didn't want to ask his uncle or aunt about it. Samuel remembered the way Josiah had stared at him with jealousy after his release, and he knew they only released him as he had fulfilled his jailed term. It was not like they released him because they were happy too. Samuel finally walked into his bathroom to bathe. Taken off all his clothes, he walked to his bathroom mirror and picked up the scissors there to shave off. As he slid the scissors into his long silver hair and cut it shorter, cutting it to be very short on top of his head and not dropping to his ear or shoulder, he cut it off to look like every other male in the Gold City Kingdom. Samuel finally parked the fallen hair and decided to burn it by himself, as he didn't trust the palace servants either. Once betrayed, once wise, and he couldn't be foolish nor tricked into falling for them again. Samuel knew his training lessons as the new incoming ruler of the Gold City Kingdom would soon begin. And so he entered into his bathtub, which he had filled with sparking warm water, and he bathed quickly before stepping out to his room to get dressed up. **** Jason and Tyler left Greshood packs, but crossing the new border's gate, they knew they would be on high suspicion as they looked so tall and dark bronze. "We need to follow the forest path and not the main roads, in case of any hunters or humans lurking around," Jason spoke to Tyler as he turned to stare at Tyler. "Are you listening to all I have been saying?" Jason stopped and asked Tyler, who smirked. "I have. I'm just thinking about something different from what you're talking about. I don't seem to trust you, and I only agreed to follow you because I will be your beta and, more likely, because of your sister, Ava. So don't you dare to think I trust your stupid orders, as that was how you led my brother into his doom. If Evan hadn't trusted you, he would've been alive by now." "Hmm.." Jason stared away from Tyler, as he didn't trust Tyler either. And so Jason walked away, walking through the thick forest, and he held his sharp sword behind him like a perfect swordman. Jason knew Tyler was following rightly behind him through the thick forest too, but he didn't fret that Tyler would dare kill him as revenge for Evan's death, as Tyler also had his sword with him. They were to bring a human captured home alive, whether male or female, and Jason walked through the forest as it was both their first time officially leaving the border walls. They had shapeshifted back into humans as they got to the bodies and wore their casual hunters clothes—a black plain trouser, a white shirt, and black shoes—so as not to raise any suspicion. Jason's father had told him that the only way they could easily lure and capture a human was to be like the human. But Jason didn't want to kill any humans again, but he had long missed his hunt, as his thirst to hunt was previously quenched after he had killed Evan and Max and abducted the little Ann. Jason didn't even know Ann's name, but she was always on his mind, and he didn't have the heart to kill or eat her yet. Jason knew he normally threatened to eat Ann, but he knew he couldn't bring himself to bite her as he seemed to admire her cute, round face. Having thought about Ann's mother being related to Axel Marcus, Jason thought to ask Ann if she knew anything about her mother's family, but he knew Ann might not trust him to reveal the truth, as she was plotting to escape from his mansion, and Jason wouldn't let Ann go either. "What do you think of Jason, bend?" Tyler immediately grabbed Jason back, as Jason seemed completely lost in his thoughts and didn't even know when they arrived at the main roads leading down to the Gold City kingdom. "What's going on here? It seems there's a festive celebration ongoing in the humans town?" Jason asked as he and Tyler hid in the wood, behind the trees, staring at the fleet of cars driving past the main road. "I don't know, but we still have to focus on our mission," Tyler replied, and Jason agreed in silence. "Hm.." Jasson stared at the armed guards driving past the roads with mighty weapons like guns, and they awaited their target. "The last time I visited this road, I didn't see any guards here. You see why I told my father that humans are now very much aware of us. We haven't even gotten to the kingdom gate yet, and the guards are already everywhere," Jason said, hiding behind a huge oak tree too. "So what do you think we should do?. We still have to go into the human town and capture a human. The ceremony is only in three days, and we don't have time to wait any longer, waiting for the guards to leave," Tyler complained. "Hmm, you're right." Jason remained quiet, and he thought of an idea. "How about we keep down our swords and walk out like humans do?"" Jason asked, as Tyler also bent behind another tree. "No, that would raise suspicion. I think we should capture a goat or an antelope and pretend like hunters," Tyler suggested, and Jason agreed, and in a flash, Jason threw his sharp sword to flee behind Tyler's head, and it stabbed a lion to death, making Tyler scream out, "Ahh!" thinking Jason wanted to kill him too. But hearing the growling sound of the lion that died behind him, Tyler was shocked, as he didn't even know such a wild animal would be lurking around, but Tyler's scream had already alerted the soldiers, and they c****d their guns. "Whose there?!." "Now play along," Jason said to Tyler, and he walked to the dead lion and killed it properly before removing his sword. He carried the lion up to his shoulder and took it out, while the soldiers stared at Jason in shock, as they were surprised to see him carrying a dead lion.
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