Travelled To Gold City kingdom

1534 Words
Jason woke early knowing he had council meeting at Gold city kingdom as he had previously registered the previous week to filled in for his father's position as the new ruling chief of Greshood village He stood up from his bed and dressed up quickly as he had the council meeting to attend before noon. He walked to Ann's chamber door, remembering how he had sucked her n*pples the previous night and he tried not to think so hard about it as his body was reacting to only the thought of her soft sweet body touching his. He walked into his bathroom and quickly bathed and he sighed as he stepped out and knew he had to dressed like the humans. Their pack was far isolated away from the humans and no sane guards from Gold city had agreed to travelled such longer distance to arrived their village. He knew the travelled journey would take long so he obviously travelled through the forest in his wolf formed and when he was getting closer to the city or where few people was, closer to the forest, he would shapeshifted back into his human form and pretended like he was searching for something before he stepped out from the bushes and walked towards the city entrance gate. He sighed heavily knowing his morning rituals was to had something to eat first with his mother and received her blessings before he left to the humans kingdom. Breathing out heavily, he picked up a gown and worn it knowing he would took it off before shapeshifting so that his clothes wouldn't got torn and he would had to held it with his teethes in the polythene nylon he kept it while travelling thru the forest. He had protested with his father that the council meeting wasn't important but his father wouldn't listened to him He wore the milk coloured gown that was straight and reaching his knee length and he wore a black plain trouser beneath it. He walked to his room mirror and sat down to comb his wet black hair. "Ann dared to cut my lengthen hair" he murmured as he inserted the hair comb into his short hair. He had always admired how the females left their hairs to grew longer while the males didn't as most liked to cut their hair short except for some fews and he had allowed his grew longer, without cutting it since birth. Not until Ann showed up in his room one night and he actually sniffed her scent but ignored her to found out what she wanted. Not until she inserted the scissors into his long hair and cut it short, ensuring she cut a full length so he would had no other option than to harm her. He had chained her wrist since then and staring to her, he felt to unchained her, but she was stubborn and he knew the risk involved if he allowed her roam his chamber and scattering his things freely. Combing his short black hair satisfactory he stood up and walked towards her chamber door as she had locked it from within and he wasn't hearing any sound nor hearing her mumbling some words in her mind. He assumed she was still sleeping as the day was still early and he walked out from his chambers, locking the corridor, he turned and meet Ava in his sitting room surprising him. "Good morning brother" Ava greeted just before he could asked her what did she wanted. "Morning. What do you want?" He questioned and Ava smiled sweetly to him and spoked. "Fine, I've agreed to teach you on the mating lessons, but we won't get practical, I will only explain to you how it's done in a theoretically way while you find any she-wolf to mate with." "Hmm.." Jason hummed in silence and he meet her gazed as she wore a long yellow gown, hugging tighter to her sexy curvy body and he nodded. "Fine, but that's when I returned as am traveling now to the humans kingdom." "The humans?" Jason saw Ava eyes brighten and she licked her lips deliciously and stared to him. "Are you going to capture anyone and bring them home when you're returning back from their?." "No!." His eyes narrowed at her and Ava quickly frowned. "Why?. I heard their meat are delicious than ours" Ava pouted and Jason sighed. "You heard wrong sister. I have to be on my way now. We don't use clock here and am sure they would had started" Spoked Jason as he walked passed his sister and Ava followed him from behind "How about Tyler, is he following you today?." Jason paused and stared back to his younger sister. "No!. I won't waste much time, just to listen to their brief and to know what's up as I heard murmuring related to the new incoming ruler, whom was the former late Ruler's son. I heard some fractions doesn't want him to rule them, so automatically the kingdom might divide if the council meeting doesn't come to a final conclusion on him." "Hmm.. Okay, Am just asking to know if Tyler would followed you" Stated Ava, and Jason paused on the second flight of stairs and stared back to her highlighting the stairs behind him. "Why asking me of Tyler?. Why not go to his house to see him for yourself?." Ava smiled sweetly and quickly ran passed Jason, and Jason hummed, "Hmph.." And he continued his slowly walking coming down the stairs to the last floor. Chloe stood by the dinning table, arranging her family breakfast as she knew Jason was leaving to the council meeting and she saw her handsome son stepped down after Ava had ran out from the house surprising her. "Good morning mother" Jason greeted and he walked straight to the dinning and dragged out a seat and sat on it. "Son, I made roasted yam and tomatoes sauces as breakfast." "Nice mom. Jason washed his hands carefully and he wondered how his mother knew how to cook delicacies was she a human or had she been to the human kingdom before. He sighed and decided not to think much on that as his mother was dark bronze skin like every other female she-wolves in their packs. Picking up a piece of roasted yam, he started eating to be done with his breakfast quickly and he thought about taking some to Ann as the meal was delicious but he knew that would raised his mother's suspicion as he was leaving to Gold city. He didn't wanted to think about Ann as his mother would obviously listened to his mind talk, seated across to him in the dinning table. Thru with his breakfast, he stood up and pretentiously asked his mother. "Mom, is there any other yam remaining. I don't want it to finished before I returned back, let me keep it in my chamber, as I liked the meal?." "Sure son. Wait let me wash my hands and served you some extras, seems you father and sister ain't hungry" Spoked Chloe and Jason nodded, grateful Ava wasn't there to monitored his activities. Jason stood waiting for his mother to returned with and extra meal which she did as she smiled to him sweetly and he took it up with him to the third floor and kept it on his drawer. He didn't wasted much time and he unlocked his chambers door and stepped out and locked it back again as he left the mansion, while his mother didn't stopped up. Stepping out, he saw his father and some werewolves chieves stood far discussing with eachother and he didn't had the time to greeted them as obviously there was no fencing in any houses, and you can see the person stepping out from the next houses, just by stepping out from yours. Jason strode away and when he stared ahead to Tyler's Father house, He saw Ava and Tyler discussing outside and instead of Tyler to walked up to him, and greeted him, Tyler rather waved to him goodbye and bowed his head lowered to him, Making Jason's brows to knotted. Jason sighed and left Greshood packs as no werewolves were allowed to exit the gates. The had special trusted werewolves that were guarding the packs gate so no humans could entered neither would any werewolves exited their packs either All they needed was inside their pack and they were very creative creating the dresses they wore, the beads, the accessories as they were mostly barefooted. Some were even begining to create slippers and shoes and they were naturally blessed with the ideas and intelligence of creating whatever they needed. Their packs was rather peaceful unlike the humans city that the street were noisy with different sounds from cars, generators and a lot of higher electrical gadgets and instrument that were basically forbidden in their kingdom. Jason sighed and arrived the exit gate of their packs, that was built inside of the forest and not along the roads and the trusted male wolves working their pulled the gate opened for him to exit, while he exited their packs gate.
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