Warning Jason

1557 Words
Ann was so embarrassed with the type of sound that escaped her lips. Similar to the type of sound he made when she had mistakenly touched his rod. She struggled to pushed him away as he pinned her to the cemented cold floor and sucked on her n*pples heavily. "Ah!" Ann couldn't believed what he was doing to her, she felt her center dripped wet and she finally held his black short hair with all her strength and pulled his head away from sucking her bre*st as he bited softly on it and she couldn't withstand all he was doing to her innocent brea*sts. Jason stared to her face, he wanted more and Ann was shocked to saw his eyes glowed greener as it was late at night. "Stay away from me!, don't you dare to touch me again!" Ann warned, as she sat up on the floor and quickly moved away from Jason. Jason was amuzed as he hadn't thought of her n*pples to taste that sweet. He didn't wanted to scared her as his eyes got fixed on her b*ssom. He tried touching her again but Ann grabbed his hands away and moved completely away from him, as he sat to the floor. "Don't!." She stammered breathing heavily and Jason smiled to her instead. "Why?." He asked her as he meet her blue sparkling eyes on him but instead Ann stared away, trying to catch her breathing. "Don't you like it?" Jason asked, but Ann stood up and immediately ran back to her room. Jason caught her and gripped her back, making her to fell on top of him and she tried pushing him away from holding her, but Jason was stronger and she saw his fangs grew out making her to shuddered. "Don't bite me, please!" Ann begged and Jason nodded, still holding her closer to his chest as he loved the way her bare body was touching his. "I won't" Spoked Jason, and he touched her bre*sts again making Ann to shivered and Jason spoked to her ears as she sat on him. "I want to suck your bre*st again. I won't bite you, I promise" Jason said, and Ann shivered regretting why she hadn't worn her clothes. Ann never knew Jason was attracted to her in such sense. She had thought he hated her and she just rejected everything he gave to her including her clothes and underwear as she wanted to pissed him off to make him angrier and probably sent her away, now she was in a dilemma. "Turn" Jason commanded slowly but Ann shook her head instead not wanting to turn as she still sat on him, feeling his hardness poking her beneath. "Didn't you liked it?" Jason asked again, but Ann shook her head instead, feeling dread ran down her spine. "I don't. And don't dare to suck my bre*st again. Let me go now." Ann stood up harshly and quickly ran back into her room, shaking her butt*cks to his view and she jam the door locked, even as her both hands were chained. Jason didn't chased after her nor went back to her door to disturbed her. He decided to let her be as he walked back to his bedroom. Ann sighed heavily and walked back to her bed and sat. She remembered the feel of his hot mouth sucking her n*pples and she shivered. "He's a monster, no!" Ann spoked and Jason clearly heard her. Jason walked back to his bedroom and sat as he still didn't knew how to mate. He regretted why she wasn't a she-wolf, as he would've happily sent her to the mating school classes, to learn how to mate and to please him in bed as he didn't knew how to either. And he was dying of desire. Jason groaned silently and walked to his personal bathroom to bath as he was still feeling hot. He thought about begging Ava again to teach him how to mate, but he didn't wanted to made it obvious that he had someone to mate with, to avoided raising his family suspicion, or Ava claims related to him hiding something to be true. Jason sighed and took a cold bath to calmed his hot bronze skin as he was dripping hot sweat all over him, And he later stepped out and walked to his bed and slept. Ann paced up and down not liking the fact of what happened between her and Jason. "I cannot continue to be here. Is that why he took me away, To turn me as his wife, No!" Ann murmured as she walked back to her bed, still shivering and feeling his hot mouth on her n*pple. She walked to her clothes and took out a cloth and she dressed up quickly, wearing her pant first. She wore a long gown that he had bought and she breathed out in relieved not daring to parade herself bare to his view again. "What was I thinking? No. I cannot let him touch me again.. But it felt somehow" Ann frowned, as she didn't knew if she liked what he did to her or not. After much hesitation, Ann walked back to her bed and laid carefully on it and she drifted to sleep. *** The following morning in Gold city kingdom. Mia was fully awake and preparing to tour the street. She knew it was Council meeting weekend for all the chiefs ruling the villages far and nearer to visit gold city palace and the meeting hall and she anticipated to meet with Jason. Well she had grown into a beautiful 21-years old lady and she couldn't waited anymore as she had rejected a lot of proposals from eligible young men coming to asked for her hand in marriage. Josiah kind off helped her rejected them as he clearly told them she wasn't available and worst was he never even allowed anyone proposed marriage topic into the palace. Josiah was two years older than Samuel but Mia didn't cared and she didn't liked him either. She knew he cared for her more than his sister, but she would've appreciated if he wasn't interested in something other than siblings. She went to her bathroom and bathed quickly as she didn't wanted to missed when the ruling chiefs governing the villages would arrived... Thru with her bathing, Mia stepped out and her handmaid stepped into her room to assist her in dressing up. "Good morning princess." Greeted Esther and Mia smiled to her. "Oh, keep it with the formality Esther. I will like you to call me Mia, how many times do I've to remind you of it?" Mia asked as she stepped out bare, holding her towel to her hand. "Am sorry .. Mia." Replied Esther, with her head subtly bent lowered. "Is okay. Help me with my dress I want a blue beautiful dress. Very sparkling and charming enough to make a man go down on his knees and propose to me" Spoked Mia and Esther smiled sweetly as she walked to Mia's closet. "Sure my princess." Mia sighed and she walked to her mirror and sat on her seat placed in front of her mirror and she took up her body cream and started applying it to her palm. "Have you falling in love with anyone before?" Mia asked even as she knew she shouldn't be asking Esther anything personally related to her, but she was really nervous and anticipating to seeing Jason. She had told Samuel she loved Jason and would marry Jason, But Samuel never agreed to it and told her not to think of marrying a stranger. How was he a stranger when he was from her mother's village?. Mia knew Samuel hadn't fallen in love that was why he blamed her and she felt sad for Addison, As Addison really liked Samuel. Addison father was like a mentor to Samuel and she knew with how her brother hardly trusted anyone, he didn't loved Addison at all. "No my princess. I don't have the time to love" Replied Esther and Mia hummed. "Is alright. Let me see the dress you've selected." Esther pulled the dress up to Mia's view and Mia smiled wholeheartedly. "It's pretty. I just hope he will notice me and propose today" Blushed Mia and she applied her body cream quickly. "Keep it on the bed. You can leave" Mia dismissed Esther and Esther didn't argued as she exited the room. Mia smiled sweetly and she stood up and picked up her cloth. Dressing up quickly, she walked back to the mirror and picked up her hair comb. She hadn't cutted her hair since five years ago, when she saw how longer Samuel's and Jason's hair was. She had left her hair to grew longer and she was satisfied with how it looked. Combing her long hair quickly Mia frowned remembering the previous week, she saw Jason arrived. He had cut his hair shorter but he was still handsome , masculine, hot and charming. She even saw most of the maids and Ivy drooling over him and she sighed and applied her little lipgloss to her thin lips, and she finally walked out from her room, satisfy with the simple makeup on her face as she went out to observed what was happening.
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