Rejected She-wolf

1528 Words
"I was only trying to look for a key to unlock my legs," Ann said as Jason strode up to meet her, And Ann took some steps backwards only to stumble and fell to her smooth round buttocks and revealing her smooth yellow thighs to Jason. "You what?. Can't you greet and more likely, why didn't you asked me about it yesterday if not that you're up to something?," Jason asked as he approached Ann and scooped her up away from the floor and Ann struggled to got away from him, seeing Jason was dripping sweat all over making her cheek to burned redder. "Am sorry, Good morning, let me go now." Ann wanted to got away from Jason quickly, but he quickly grabbed her back as he had been thinking on how to cajole Ann to mate with him. "Where are you in a hurry too?," Jason asked and pulled Ann back as he held her closer to himself and Ann stared up to his face as Jason was far taller than her and she was short and not reaching his shoulder height as her head only managed to reach his broad chiseled chest. And Ann gulped the hard lump that had formed in her throat as she hadn't thought of standing so closely to Jason. "You know what I feel like by standing so closely to you and staring to your pretty yellow face?," Jason asked, and Ann's face burned redder as she struggled to got away from him again, pushing his firmed strong hands that had encircled her waist down a bit but still, Jason gripped her tightly while beads of sweat continued to dripped down his head. "I feel to kiss you," Jason admitted, and Ann's jaw dropped. "No. I cannot kiss you and don't feel the same way. Get away from me you beast!," Ann cursed, and Jason laughed out still holding her and he asked, "Will you as well say that to your brother as he's like a beast, like I am?." "Shut up!, My brother isn't a beast, you're just lying to me." "Hmm.." Jason still didn't let go off Ann and Ann felt wrong to have said that but she just felt Jason was using her family to teased her and got hold of her. "Fine. Because of what you've said. I will visit Gold city palace tomorrow and invite your sister over, and you will see am not joking." Jason finally let go off Ann whom was breathing heavily due to their closeness and Ann frowned even as she knew Jason might not be lying to her. Ann still wanted Jason to released the shackles away from her legs and Jason rather walked up to his bed and started arranging all his things that Ann had scattered in her quest to found the keys. "Leave!," Jason voice was hard as he was controlling his wolf but Ann stubbornly stood there not wanting to scrambled away. Jason sighed knowing Ann was tempting him and he stood up abandoning all he was arranging and he asked her, "When last have you seen my beast form, I guess you want to see it now?." "No.." Ann shivered remembering she had fainted the first day she subtly saw him transformed to her view as ever since then she hadn't seen him shapeshifted in her presence. "Then leave," Jason stared away from Ann and Ann knew he was mad at her. "Am sorry," Ann said but Jason quickly approached her and grabbed her away, dragging her by her arm and he took her to her room and shut the door closed on her as he knew, spending one more minutes on her he would lost it. Jason growled loudly in pain and Ann shivered away from the door as she ran to hid behind her bed, wondering what was happening with Jason and she could felt her heart beating loudly in her chest. Jason calmed as he hadn't meant to scared her, but he assumed Ann didn't knew the level of effect that she had on him. Thru arranging all that Ann had scattered as he previously went out to exercise among their men, racing 500km away from their mansion, Jason stripped his long black garment and decided to took a bath. Few hours later, Jason was dressed in a white top and long black trouser and he went downstairs to check up on his mother as he hadn't seen her earlier, but instead he meet Ava in the kitchen, making his brows to knot. "Good morning," Ava mumbled out her greeting and Jason slowly walked into the kitchen wondering what Ava was preparing. Poison didn't worked on Jason, but he knew Ann was a human, and it would be more riskly thinking he could just served Ann whatever Ava had prepared and walked closer quietly to examine Ava's cooking. Ava didn't asked Jason anything as she continued frying the chicken eggs that she had broken. "Where's mother?" Jason finally asked but Ava didn't stared to him "Am asking you Ava?." "She's not here," Ava replied curtly and Jason stared at her in her long cream colored gown seeing Ava was still angry at him. "Okay. So what are you preparing for breakfast?," Jason asked and Ava continued frying the eggs she had prepared out separately as she had counted the eggs, two each for herself, father and Jason as their mother had left to Penelope house. "Can't you speak, know that am still your Alpha?," Jason questioned and Ava smiled and turned to face him. "You can see what am preparing by yourself. Fried eggs and we will have to eat it with bread. Am not your slave so am preparing only two fried eggs each, until mom comes back in the evening." "Mm.." Jason didn't replied as he wasn't hungry but still he couldn't trusted Ava. "Don't bother preparing mine, I will just go out and get something to eat." Jason didn't waited for Ava response to him and he walked away and left their mansion knowing by evening they would be having meeting with all their elders in their pack. Jason went ahead with his normal routine as the new Alpha of Greshood packs, And he visited a lot of homes they used for different purposes before he finally stopped in front of the pups school. Jason stared to the women's building and he sighed as he still wished Ann was a wolf, and he didn't knew if he could transformed Ann into one. Standing in front of the new school building that was built of recently for the younger wolves, just then Emilia saw Jason and she stepped out from the women's building and walked out to the gate as she was a senior student but Jason was rather lost staring to the new building that he didn't even noticed her. "Good afternoon Alpha Jason," Emilia greeted and just then Jason dark gazed fell on her and he examined her dressed sense, simple red gown that made her looked more attractive in her pretty brown skin. "Afternoon," Jason replied and he started to walked away but Emilia frowned as she wondered what she had done wrong by just greeting him. "Did you came around to see the young student, I can accompany you inside, if you want too," Emilia offered and Jason paused and stared back to her, as her long black hair was lose and dripped down to her shoulder, making Emilia looking more pretty. "No. That won't be necessary as am already leaving. You can return back to what you were doing before," Jason dismissed and he started walking away while Emilia frowned. Emilia saw some of her colleagues in the women's building staring to her as they knew she was making advances towards Jason to choose her as his mate, but then, they laughed out at her, seeing how Jason dismissed her and left like they were enemies. Emilia knew so long Jason lived with the guilt of what he had done to her elder immediate brother, they wouldn't be mate and she wiped the corner of her eyes as she decided to head home not wanting to head back to the mating school of she-wolves affairs. Jason felt Emilia walking rightly behind him and he sighed as he had expected her to knew better and to more likely hated him, but she was blindly deceived by lust and craving for him whom was supposed to be her enemy. Not wanting for Emilia to continued walking rightly behind him, Jason paused and waited for Emilia to passed and walked away from the street as he stood watching until she had disappeared into the next adjacent street and he sighed and resumed his walking home as he was thru for his days works, Anticipating the elders meeting that would soon be held in the evening. Just by arriving home in his father's living room, Alpha Eli called Jason to spoked with him, "Jason. Come here." Beta Nathan as usual stood in the grand hall staring to Jason as he stepped in and approached his father and Beta Nathan.
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