Searching His Room

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After the maids were thru serving them round, Lady Ella Maverick let out a short prayer and they all started eating. Their breakfast was a delicious jollof pasta made with fried fish, and after the palatable breakfast ended, with most of them wiping the corner of their mouth with the dinning table serviette. Josiah stood up and spoked, "Father, Samuel and the guards will be leaving the palace today, to inspect the town and villages and to knew how the market is going as well." "That's right Josiah. Samuel I hope you know better that being the next ruler of Gold city kingdom comes with a lot of responsibility. And it isn't all about just wearing the crown of leadership and sitting on the throne. A lot of responsibility comes with wearing the ruling crown and one of the responsibility is that which Josiah just stated now." "I know uncle," Samuel camly replied and Joel replied, "That's fine. You will be leaving today with the palace guards to inspect all the lands, markets and traders as well." "Okay uncle," Samuel didn't protested and he asked, "By what time?." "Let's say by 11am, then you will be back before 4pm as the guards will escort you and see you thru your tour," Joel said with a strict face and Samuel spoked, "Okay Uncle." After Samuel's response, Joel shifted his gazed to Mia and he asked her, "How is your relationship with Jason Tristan going?." "Uncle, we are not yet in any relationship. I only just escorted him off to the palace gate," Mia replied with a subtly smiled curved on her pretty dark face and Joel gave a simple nod. "Hm. Did you request of him that you will like to visit his village atleast to know where your mother came from?," questioned Joel, and Mia shook her head and immediately replied him, "No uncle. I only just escorted him off and didn't asked him anything further." "You should. Or not to worry, when Jason is here again I will let him know." Joel stood up and stepped away from his dinning seat and he didn't baited any eyes nor stared at his son nor Samuel, And just by stepping away from the dinning seats, Joel spoked, "Come with me Josiah. Samuel will be leaving soon after he's all set." Josiah frowned deepened as he stood up and walked away with his father. Josiah didn't liked the fact that his father wanted to sent Mia away to the far away village that they were having ongoing rumors about werewolves. Josiah silently walked away from the dinning hall following rightly behind his father and they went to his father's private office on the ground floor. Still sitting in the dinning hall, Mrs Ella Maverick spoked to Mia just as Ivy also stood up and left them too. "Mia.." "Aunt am fine, you shouldn't worry about me," Mia quickly replied, knowing what her aunt was about to said, and Lady Ella frowned as Mia didn't even waited for her to spoked first. Samuel finally stood up and he said to Mia, "I will like to have a word with you sister, outside." Mia stood up as she was still in an elated mood and she followed Samuel out from their royal mansion and they both walked out to the field and farther away from the mansion as Samuel wanted to spoked to Mia where no ears would heard them again, except for the butterfly and birds chirping around. "What do you want to discuss with me again brother as we have both been walking out for long now in silence?," Mia asked first and Samuel was still quiet as he continued walking. Samuel was wearing an ash coloured garment and it made him looked breathtakingly handsome with.his silver hair coloured. And he paused and finally stared back to Mia meeting her yellow eyes on him but Mia immediately stared away as she wasn't comfortable with meeting his gazed. "Mia, you shouldn't accepted to go out with Jason." "Brother, Why do you dislike Jason so much?, I like him," Mia frowned. "I know you do," Samuel said calmly and Mia asked him, "So why're you against me going out or accepting to see him?." Samuel paused not saying anything out and he spoked to her mind, {Because we're different.} "Hmm," Mia frowned and she stared away. "Don't pretend like you don't heard me in your mind sister. I can hear your mind clearly and I know you're in love with Jason. But he's not what you think he is." "What do you mean by that?," Mia asked as she turned to face Samuel and Samuel shrugged. "I don't know how to explain it to you. But I think from mother's village, they seemed to be different with the rear coloured eyes, and also able to mind communicate without having to speak out." "Yes I noticed that too. But I cannot communicate with anyone's mind except yours," Mia replied out and Samuel stared around the deserted field as they had walked farther away from the royal mansion and he said, "You can communicate with Jason's mind and he will hear you." "Really?," Mia looked elated and Samuel knew at that point advising his sister not to fall in love with Jason was a total waste of time. "Mia..* "Not to worry Samuel am an adult now so I can take care of myself. Am 21-years old and no longer a baby for you to be worrying about me. And Jason is just the man after my heart. When he comes I will follow him to his village as I've always wanted to see what mom's village looked like." Samuel sighed and he shrugged again as he had also wanted to knew why he was different. He wanted to asked Jason but Jason hardly came around except on meeting days and the next meeting had been scheduled till two weeks time when they would begin a new voting decision for a new ruler and certainly not by birth right again or being born into the royal lineage again. Samuel also knew that was why his uncle wanted him out of the way so as to took over the empty throne seat easily and he sighed. "Just be safe sister. I cannot afford to loose you too.." Mia understood the meaning behind Samuel's word and she replied him, "You don't have to worry much brother, I will be back safely but that's until Jason has arrived here." Samuel sighed and he said, "let's go back to the mansion and you have to be careful and more likely avoid Josiah. I have a feeling he's up to no good and as well forgetting that you're his cousin." "Hmm," Mia hummed silently as she walked back with Samuel. "I will be out by 11am and am sure this already 10am. I will see you when I return," Samuel spoked as they finally approached the royal mansion, And Mia replied to him as she climbed to the frontage carefully and she stared back to Samuel and said, "I will be just safe." "Okay," Samuel watched Mia walked back elegantly into the royal mansion and he knew no matter how he tried to talked Mia out of falling in love with Jason, he was only rather pushing Mia too deeply fall more into Jason's arms. Samuel thought it wasn't a bad idea for Mia to travelled to Jason village and to knew where Jason was from truly, if people lived there as that would lessen his worry and also thinking about his own characteristics. **** Ann woke up early as she didn't ate anything the previous night, after thinking too much, She had fallen asleep without even knowing it. Ann finally slided out from her bed, seeing she was still wearing Jason long white shirt, and he hadn't completely taken off her shackles away from her legs, And so Ann thought to asked him to unlocked it, since Jason was now being friendly with her and so she moved out carefully away from her room, which was Jason's innermost chamber, and as she steeped out into Jason's main bedroom, Jason wasn't there in his bedroom, as the room seemed empty with only the smoking scent of Jason lingering around. Ann frowned and decided to searched his room for the keys to unlock her legs as she needed to be free, and to exercise her legs. And so, Ann walked to his bed drawer and started ransacking the drawer once more. Searching the drawerone by one and scattering everything inside of it to the floor. Not seeing any keys, Ann switched to searched his wardrobe and also other locker that Jason had in his room. And just as Ann was searching, Ann heard the sound of footsteps walking into Jason's sitting room, And she as she has learnt to kept her ear alert, to knew when someone entered into the corridor as she was still afraid of the people living around, despite hearing their voices. Ann was familiar with Jason's mother and sister voices even as she hadn't seen them and she feared whom was there, unlocking the corridor door to entered into Jason's room. Just when Ann thought to ran away, Jason stepped into his bedroom and saw Ann had scattered everywhere upside down like a rat, making him to frowned.
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