Ann Pleas

1484 Words
While Jason was out with Tyler discussing, Ann was upstairs in one of Jason's room pacing up and down and thinking about her sister Mia. "Is it true that Jason truly meet with Mia?. How do I convinced Jason to bring Mia here. I really want to see Mia again, hmm," Ann continued to paced up and down in the room. As Ann had previously heard Jason discussing with someone in his sitting room but she couldn't clearly heard what they were discussing about. Ann thought to sat waiting for Jason to arrived so she would begged him the best possible way she could.. Jason stayed out for few more minutes discussing with Tyler and seeing the sun had gone completely down, Tyler stood up and left, while Jason went back into their mansion. Chloe was thru preparing dinner and she smiled to Jason as he stepped in. "Dinner is ready Jason," Chloe informed and Jason paused and walked up to their dinning room, while Ava and his father stepped out. Alpha Eli had an expressionless looked on his face as he sat down while Jason took his seat on the right and just beside his father's right whom sat on the head seat, but Ava was still upset that Jason refused to allowed her searched his room and so she frowned and walked to sat next beside her mother in her father's left. "Everything alright with you Ava?," "Yes father am fine." Ava eyed Jason as she pouted and soon they stated eating **** Ann continued to wait for Jason to returned and soon she heard the clicking sound of the sitting room pushed opened and she stood up wondering whom had just stepped in. Jason was thru but he didn't wanted to asked his mother for extra meal, beside he knew the beef sauce she had given to him at noon was much, and so he locked his sitting room door not wanting for any of his family members to disturbed him. Jason walked into his corridor and he unlocked the corridor door leading to all his personal chamber but still his mind was still fixed on thinking about the mating lessons Ava has thought him. As he couldn't stopped fancying about Ann making love to him. Jason unlocked his room door opened and he meet Ann standing in his room with only his white long shirt on her and he immediately strode up to meet her and grabbed her by her arm and back to her room "What're you doing standing in there in my room, what if someone else had followed me inside?," Jason questioned standing so closed to Ann and Ann knew there was no way anyone would simply stepped into Jason's room nor corridor, not when he had the keys with him. "I was just waiting for you to .." Ann tried to spoked but she rather saw Jason's arms encircled her waist and he he pulled her closer to himself while she tried to broke free away from him. "I will just return back to my room now," Ann said, wanting to got away from Jason's clutched, but Jason rather c****d his head to meet her gazed. "You were saying?" Jason asked her standing so closely to her and Ann tried to pushed him away from holding her, but Jason still held her closely. ""You haven't said anything yet?" Jason asked raising a brow and Ann replied, "Let go of me first." Jason remembered Ava's warning him not to forced himself on his mate and he calmed his urge to claimed her, as his wolf wanted to consumed him and he spoked to her calmly, "Just say what you want to say am listening." Jason let go off Ann and walked towards his wardrobe in the left side of his chamber and he searched his collection of clothes to took out a night robe to wore. "Is about my sister.." Ann began to spoked and Jason paused and stared back to Ann with green glowing eyes. If it were to be before, Ann would be frightened seeing Jason's eyes glowed greener like he wanted to consumed her, but she wasn't scared at all as she wanted him to save her sister's life. "Haven't we spoked about this before, I told you I will invite her over but you cannot see her," Jason dismissed and Ann frowned. "Why, but you said they're going to kill her if truly she's a wolf?." "Do you now believe me?," Jason asked as he left what he was doing and strode up to meet Ann whom moved backward a bit. "I told you your brother and sister are wolves, And maybe that was why your parent didn't left you with them." "I don't believe all that, But please I don't want my sister dead, I just want to speak to her," Ann begged and Jason smirked. "So what will I get in return if I allow you speak to her?," Jason questioned knowing even if he invited Mia over, he would never allowed Ann to saw Mia, not when he knew Ava was also lurking around to have Ann too. "I don't have anything to give to you now, maybe when I return back to Gold city palace," Ann replied but Jason laughed out, looking breathtakingly handsome but Ann frowned wondering what she said funny to him. "You're not going anywhere. So is best you stop daydreaming about meeting with your sister. Am inviting her here for my other personal reasons and that has nothing to do with you," Jason dismissed Ann again, but still Ann refused to left his bedroom as she watched Jason stripped. It had been long Ann lastly saw Jason stripped and ever since the day Jason lips had captured her bud and sucked on it, Ann hasn't been herself and seeing how shameless Jason was comfortable stripping to her view, Ann immediately stared away from him and he said, "Is best of you to rest for tonight as there won't be any food for you till tomorrow." Ann finally went back to her room to slept and no matter how much she tried to sleep, she couldn't stopped herself from thinking about her younger sister. "What would Mia looked like now?." "Pretty I guess," Ann continued to wondered about her younger sister and Jason clearly heard her but there was nothing he could do. Jason sighed and walked to his bathroom to bath, and he relaxed inside of his bathtub to sooth his hot body that has been thinking about Ann. Thru bathing, Jason stepped out and dressed up in a long white garment and he walked to his bed and drifted to sleep. **** The following day at Gold city Palace, Mia was more than excited after she had previously escorted Jason of to the gate. Mia actually saw that as a progress of her relationship with Jason and she was looking forward to more meeting and hangout with Jason. Samuel had been watching Mia's every movement in the palace mansion as he still wanted to told his sister the real truth that weren't truly humans but werewolves. Samuels saw that Mia even went as far as allowing her hair to grew longer after his released but with the fact that their mother used to cut it for them while they were younger, Mia wasn't able to kept up with the length, and so she went back cutting her hair short and not crossing her shoulder length and that gave Samuel some relieved, but then his only sister left with him in the ruthless Palace, as he knew most of the elders and council members were all eager to took over the throne seat from him or his uncle. And Samuel thought to saw Mia secretly, but not in her room as he knew even her maids weren't trusted. Mia woke up early and prepared. After taking her bath, she dressed up in a green light knee length gown that brought out her simple sexy shape as she was more than happy, and when she stepped out and saw Josiah whom smiled to her, Mia's smiled immediately faded and she frowned at Josiah. Walking up to the dinning room to joined the rest of her family for breakfast, as they all gathered early to had their breakfast in the dinning hall, Mia took her seat as she tried as much as possible to avoided Josiah direct gazed on her. And soon her uncle and aunt, with Ivy settled on their various dinning seat waiting for the maids to served them breakfast. Soon four palace maids stepped out carrying tray of food and they approached the dinning table and served the meals to the dinning table top . Mia smiled as she stared to Samuel, but she knew Samuel didn't liked Jason and she couldn't understood why.
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