A Mother

1364 Words
Three months later... Angela walked out of the hospital clutching the results of her ultrasound scan to her chest as though her life depended on it. She had been sick for a while and Louisa had teased her a lot during her illness. Her mind flashed back to when she was hunched over the toilet, vomiting her lungs out while Louisa was rubbing her back. ''What if you are pregnant?'' Louisa asked. She remembered laughing out loud at her friend's statement. ''Come on Lou, who is pregnant the first time they have s*x? Besides, I think we used a condom'' She said as she wiped her mouth clean. ''If you had paid attention in s*x ed. class in high school rather than covering your ears anytime you hear the word ''p***s'', you would know that one time is all it takes for you to get pregnant and what do you mean by 'i think we used a condom' You had s*x with a stranger and you are not sure he used a condom?'' Louisa asked in surprise as she held Angela's hair up. ''We were both tipsy Lou,'' she replied and rubbed her forehead in frustration. ''I have a pregnancy test strip somewhere around here somewhere. We are going to do a test right now just to be sure there is no bun in your oven' Angela gave her friend a look as to why she had a pregnancy test strip just lying about the house. ''What?'' Lou asked. ''Nothing,'' She replied. ''You know I love being laid but I don't want any accidents,'' Lou said as she left to get the test strip. Angela hadn't considered the possibility of being pregnant but now that Louia had mentioned it, what if she was pregnant? She was barely able to afford her basic needs not to talk of providing for a baby. ''Okay, let's do this then,'' said Louisa as she returned with the test kit in hand. ''Now, all you have to do is pee on this. After 10 minutes, we will know if you are pregnant or not. A single line shows you are not pregnant while a double line shows I am going to be an aunty,'' Louisa said as she handed the kit to her friend. Angela took the kit with a bit of hesitation but she did as Louisa had instructed her. They both waited for the results of the test. Those were the longest 15 minutes of her life as she stared at the little strip that could decide her future right now. Two lines. ''No, no, no, no. This can't be right,'' she told Louisa. ''Sweetie, this clearly says that you are pregnant and if you think about it, this could be the reason for all the puking earlier but these things aren't 100% accurate so we could go to the hospital tomorrow morning to get checked by the doctor,'' Louisa said. ''Why wait till tomorrow? The day is just starting, we can go now,'' Angela said. ''Sorry Hun, I have to be at work in 40 minutes. My boss is such an asshole so I could get in trouble if I come late,'' ''Fine, I'll go myself. I need to figure out what is wrong with me,'' Angela said as she grabbed her toothbrush. ''Hey, look at me,'' Louisa said as she placed her hand on her friend's shoulders. ''Whatever happens, we will deal with it together okay?'' Angela nodded as she watched her friend leave the bathroom to prepare for work. She sighed as she remembered how she walked into the maternity section of the hospital and asked to see a doctor. ''Here, please fill out this form. It's just a basic procedure, nothing serious,'' said the nurse as she handed a form to Angela. True to the nurse's words, it was all just basic information; Name, Address, occupation, etc. She came across a column for partners, if any and she almost laughed. She had never had a boyfriend not to talk of a 'partner'. She just wrote down Louisa's name in case of emergencies and handed the form back to the nurse. ''Okay follow me to this room so we can get your bloodwork done'' the nurse said. Angela nodded and followed behind the nurse. She felt a little pinch in her arm as the nurse inserted the syringe and withdrew some blood. ''Your results will be ready in 30 minutes miss. You can wait in the lounge or you can come back later for it," the nurse said. "Okay, I'll wait," Angela replied. She left the room and went to wait for her results in the hospital lounge. The pictures of the babies on the wall did nothing to ease her nervousness instead it made her more tense. After waiting for what seemed like forever, the nurse approached her. "The doctor will see you now miss," she nodded and walked towards a door that was labeled 'doctor's office'. She knocked anxiously on the door as she waited for a response. "Come in," she heard from inside. She opened the door and walked inside to meet the doctor as she closed the door behind her. The doctor was a young lady probably in her 30s. She had her hair in a slick bun. Her face was free of any makeup except for the lipgloss that stained her lips. She looked like she had Latina features with her thick eyebrows and full lips. She had a nametag just above her right breast that read "Dr. Camilla". Had Latina heritage," Angela thought. "Hello, Miss Angela I have your test results with me. Please have a seat," she said as she gestured at the seat opposite her Angela sat down and waited to hear what the doctor had to say. "According to your test results, you are three months pregnant," Dr.Camilla said as she looked at Angela. "Three months pregnant? But I haven't even missed my period once in the past three months, how's that possible?" Angela asked in shock. "It is very much possible to be pregnant and still see your period. It is called cryptic pregnancy. Some women don't get to know that they are pregnant until they go into labor," Dr. Camilla said. Angela did not know what to say as she was filled with anxiety. How was she going to take care of this child? She didn't even know how to find the father of her child because he was an absolute stranger. "Hello, Miss? Can you hear me?" Angela broke out of her thoughts and faced the doctor again. "Are you okay?" the doctor asked with concern. "I'm okay. Sorry, I zoned out a bit," she replied. "That's okay. Well since you're almost at the end of your first trimester, I would suggest you go for an ultrasound to be sure your baby is healthy," the doctor said. "What if I don't want this baby?" She asked the doctor. "Well, umm...the option for abortion is always there," "Okay, I want to abort this baby," Angela said without haste. "Are you sure? I mean you mustn't raise it alone. There are options for adoption and..... "I'm sure, I want an abortion," she replied. "Okay, sign these consent forms," the doctor said as she handed a paper to Angela who signed them without hesitation. "Come with me," the doctor said as she stood up from her seat. Angela followed her to a room that smelled of disinfectant and baby powder. "Lie down on this bed, please. I'll be right back," she said and left. As Angela lay on the bed, she kept thinking of how life would be for her as a mother and she began to rethink her decision. Maybe I shouldn't do this, she thought as she climbed down from the bed. "Okay, let's begin," the doctor said as she came in. "I'm sorry but I don't think I can do this," Angela replied. "I have to go," These memories were evergreen in her head as she clutched the ultrasound scan picture in her hand and rubbed her still bumpless stomach. Her baby was healthy and that is all that matters right now.

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