
One Night Stand with the CEO

one-night stand
second chance
single mother
office/work place

His hair was jet black and his blue eyes were so mesmerizing and I could get lost in them any day. His jaw was so sharp I could cut someone with it. His beautiful pink lips looked so kissable. I ran my hand down his biceps and he groaned and closed his eyes reacting to my touch.

“Stop teasing me,” he said as he knelt in from of me.

He bent down and placed his tongue on my clit. I tried to use the pillow on the couch to cover my moans to prevent people from hearing me but he took the pillow from me and flung it to the other side of the room.

“Do not try to hide your moans. I want everyone to hear you as I pleasure you so they know you’re all mine,” he said.

“Look at me while I eat you out amor. I want to watch you c*m”

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The First Thing
The club was full of dry-ice smoke. Neon-colored lights shone all over the dance floor, turning it into a multi-colored ground of blues, greens, hot pink, and yellow. People were all over the dance floor, shaking their bodies to the rhythm of the music and at that moment, it looked like everyone left their worries at home. "Come on, drink more. The shots are going to loosen you up and maybe you'll get to lose your virginity tonight." "First of all, those shots don't taste good. Secondly, I don't plan on losing my virginity to a random stranger I met in a club," Angela said to her friend as she tried to pull her gown down to cover her knees. "Can you stop that? Show off those s*xy legs. If I had a body like that, I would never wear clothes," Louisa replied. "I don't know how you convinced me to put on this dress. It barely covers my *ss and there are a lot of creeps outside nowadays," Angela continued. Louisa rolled her eyes at her friend's statement. "Girl, I mean this in the best way possible but you my friend are going to die a virgin I on the other hand came to the club to get laid so I'll go find a hot *ss to dance with. If you need me, I'll be right over there," she said as she pointed towards the dance floor and made her way there. Angela sat back at the counter and wished she was in any other place except the club. Fridays were for her, her Netflix, and her pajamas. She wondered how Louisa managed to convince her to come out of the house. "I can see this isn't your kind of scene., "a deep voice behind her said. She turned to find the owner of the voice. "Ummm hi," she replied shyly. She was usually awkward when meeting new people. "Can I help you?" she asked. "No, I just came to the counter to get a drink and I noticed you looking so out of place so I guessed this isn't your kind of place. You look like the kind of girl who would rather watch some chick flick and have popcorn on a Friday night instead of coming to the club" he continued. She chuckled at his words. She noticed the man in front of her was very attractive. He looked like he came out straight from a magazine. Standing at 6'5 from her assumptions, he had a set of blue eyes that looked like the ocean, jet jet-black hair that made her wonder if he applied some dye or if the color was natural. "Well, you're wrong. I love to party but I don't want to dance with anyone here" she said. "Oh really, how about some shots then or you don't want to have shots with anyone here too?" he asked while looking amused by her earlier statements. "Why not?" The man signaled for the bartender. "2 shots of tequila, keep them coming," he said. Angela gulped at that. She didn't take shots. The only time she had a spot of alcohol was when Louisa was going through her last breakup and made her drink a little vodka to show her "solidarity and support". But she wasn't going to prove this man wrong. "So, what do you do for work?" he asked. "I'm a waitress at a restaurant," she replied. "Oh really, what restaurant? Angela was about to reply when the bartender placed 2 shots in front of them. "To Miss "I love to party," the man said as he raised his shot glass to meet hers. Determined to prove that she was a party girl, Angela downed the drink in one gulp. She tried so hard to hide the bitterness she tasted on her tongue but the man noticed it. "I knew this wasn't your type of life.," he said. "You don't know me. In fact, I will take more just to prove you wrong," she replied. She downed 2 more glasses of shots and smiled back at the man. "Okay, the point is proven. How about a dance then?" he asked. "Okay then," she replied. They made their way to the dance floor and both swayed to the music, their bodies merging as they both felt the rhythm. Angela felt so free. Maybe clubbing wasn't so bad after all, she thought. Dancing with this stranger felt so unreal, the way he breathed on her neck as he steadied her waist to match his moves as they danced together. "Mmm, you look so beautiful. I must confess, I saw you the moment you walked into the club with your friend but I waited to approach you when you were alone so I could have your attention," he whispered in her ear. She smiled at his words, suddenly feeling hot as a pool grew between her legs. "Do you want to get out of here?" he asked. She nodded in agreement and he took her hands and they made their way out of the club. He opened the car door for her on the passenger side and helped her get in. Settling into the driver's seat, he smiled at her and turned on the car's ignition. Angela was shocked to see the kind of car he was driving. She meant to ask him what he does for a living but she felt she was being too forward and decided to leave the questions for later. They stopped in front of a penthouse and he helped her get out of the car and she was in shock. "You live here?" she asked. "Something like that," he replied. Walking into the elevator, he pressed the button to the top floor. He smiled at her as they made their way to the top building. The elevator dinged and they stepped out. He led her in as she stared in astonishment. "Wow, what a sight," she said "Indeed" he replied. She turned to find him staring at her and began to blush when she realized he was referring to her. He walked towards her held her face in his hands and brought her lips to meet his. He kissed her with so much want, their lips began to fight for dominance but in the end, his lips won and he dominated her lips. His lips made their way down to her neck as he unzipped her dress making goosebumps appear on her skin. Her dress dropped on the floor and he carried her up to his bedroom. Fondling her breasts, he made his way down to her mold and began to tease her with his fingers. Pulling her red panties aside, he pushed two fingers into her. "F*ck, you're so tight and wet," he said. Angela could only moan as she had been taken to ecstasy by his fingers. He smiled, seeming pleased with the sight of Angela being a moaning mess. He knelt in front of her and began to lick her cl*t while simultaneously pulling his fingers in and out of her. "I need to pee," said Angela He chuckled. "I'm not letting you go till you come undone in my mouth princess". He kept sucking and Angela came hard. Grabbing a foil packet from his nightstand, he unbuckled his belt, and Angela widened from seeing the bulge in his boxers. Amused by her reaction, he chucked. "It'll fit princess,". Spreading her legs, he removed her panties and pushed in making Angela yelp in pain. "You're a virgin?" he asked in surprise. She nodded. "Why didn't you tell me? Should I stop?" he asked again. "No, I want this," she said. He began to move inside her and they both melted into each other while moaning. Soon, they both came undone and collapsed on the bed from exhaustion. Morning soon came and Angela woke up to a lot of messages on her phone from Louisa who wondered where her friend went to. She looked over at the man she went home with and felt ashamed that she let a stranger take her virginity. She tiptoed out of the room to grab her things and quickly hastened out of the penthouse. People gave her a strange look as she walked barefoot holding her heels in her hands as she hailed a cab. Collapsing in the backseat of the taxi, she wondered if she made a big mistake last night.

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