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Emma's POV Wednesday, 9:45 am "Breakfast?" Maya asked as she trudged into the kitchen sleepily. I looked at her as she stood there rubbing her eyes with her hair all over the place. "Good morning Maya, yes I slept fine. Did you?" I threw at her sarcastically. Maya groaned, "Don't be like that please, okay I'm sorry. Good morning Em, did you sleep well?" I gave her a mischievous grin before sobering up and shaking my head no. To be honest, I have not been really doing fine and sleeping well with all the stress around me. I have to go to the porter's office today to do some signing and change my accomodations status so they can fix me somewhere else. "I'm not really fine Maya, I am so stressed about everything, accomodations, studies, love life...." Maya cut me off as she wrapped her hands around me from behind and she rested her chin on my head. 'yes, that is how short I am'. "You are not supposed to be letting all these things stress you out, settle down and sort them out. I also don't want to hear you talking about Asher stressing you out, I don't want to even see that boy because I'm sure I will break his bones". Maya snuck and stole a piece of pancake, I knew it had been on her mind all along. "What time are you going to the porter's office?" she asked me. "I don't know, let's say eleven or eleven thirty". "okay, there is no time again. You need to hurry up then". "Thanks Sherlock, if you'd gotten up early and helped me then I would have not been making breakfast by this time, I would have been preparing to go to school instead". "Help you with what?" Maya asked innocently before she looked around the kitchen and noticed that every thing had been put away and I had cleared up the kitchen. She ran up to me and hugged me tight, "oh you the best best". "let go of me please", I shrugged her off but smiled inside. I love my best friend to death. ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ "Have you seen sunglasses?" Maya yelled from the bedroom. I rolled my eyes, She always does this. We were supposed to be at school now but Maya was taking her precious time as usual. "No I haven't, can you please hurry up now?" Maya came running from the room, wearing the glasses she just asked about, I rolled my eyes at her. "You really need to get your s**t together Maya". "Oh honey, I have you to do that for me". With that she slung her arm over my shoulders and steered me towards the door, being at an advantage in height, she always does that. When we were in the car driving to school, I heard my phone beeped and checked to see who was messaging me. "Asher just texted". "With his half assed apology again right?" Maya asked as per she already knew the routine Asher and I always repeat. I nodded at her as I typed a response to him back. "No need of advising you then, it's just going to be the same circle". I looked at her and made sad faces at her, "don't say it like that" I whined. "you make it seem as if I don't listen to any advice from you at all". "You and I know that you don't". Maya concluded as she parked in front of the head porter's office. "Go on in, I will sit out here and wait for you". I gave her a quick kiss on her cheeks and opened the car door, then walked briskly to the office. "come in", a voice softly responded to me after I had rapped the door softly. I opened the door and stepped in quietly, the porter looked up and regarded me. "Ah, miss Daniels", he exclaimed. "Have a seat please". I did and he quickly pushed some papers my way asking me to read through and sign in the appropriate places. "We are so sorry you have to undergo through this stress, I thought the room was already marked as occupied but unfortunately I was wrong". The man blabbed on as I quickly scanned through the paper and signed at the designated spots I had to sign on. "Here sir", I pushed the papers back to him, cutting him off in the middle of what he was saying. "I am done signing them". "Ah ha", he gathered them up and placed them in a file. "Be back by ten in the morning on Monday, your new room will be ready by then". It'd better be ready, I said in my head as I thanked him and left the office. "That took just about twenty minutes", Maya commented looking at her wristwatch when I joined her back in the car. "Twenty painful minutes of listening to that man talk about his whole life and how they are sorry for the whole mishap". Maya laughed as she turned on the car ignition and reversed. "Where to now?" I asked. "Oh, we are going to go hang out with Courtney and the rest". I groaned and banged my head against the car seat headrest, not like I have anything against the girls but hanging out with them was stressful and I was not really in the mood for them. "Drop me off at home instead?" I pleaded with Maya. She regarded me from the top of her glasses that was placed strategically on her nose bridge and then shrugged. "But when I come back, we are going shopping for the party on Friday". Anything but hanging out with those girls so I answered her with a "deal". Maya let out an evil laugh and changed direction to drop me off at home instead, while she go hang out with her overly social friends. I shuddered at the thoughts of seeing them this early in the semester and shrunk into the car seat, putting on my airpods. 7:15 pm Maya stepped into the house in a dramatic way like she always does and asked me to hurry the f**k up so we could go to the mall. "Jeez Maya, don't you let go of some things like shopping?" I groaned at her as she was already pulling me up. I was comfortable in my joggers and comfy shirt, why does she want to break my solitude now? I faked sobbed and she rolled her eyes at me. "Seriously, the faster you get up and we get this over with, the better for you, because we will still need to go to the mall no matter what tonight". Maya said with with a finality that I understood so well. Grumbling, I stood up and followed her. Still dressed like the way I was. "Aren't you going to change?" "Nope", I replied childishly popping the p. "Well, you look like a hobo". I fake gasped, "why, thank you milady". I replied faking a heavy English accent. Maya just shook her head at me as she put her car in reverse, trying to drive out of the apartment. ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ We were at the store and Maya seemed like she did not know what exactly she was shopping for. I had already picked out a bum short and paired it with a sky blue bralette I had seen and fallen in love with. I had the perfect shoes for it, sneakers or heels do I wasn't going to buy anymore. After dragging me from racks of dresses to another, Maya suddenly found the dress that "matches her personality" as she would say. Quickly she dragged me to the dressing room and tried the dress on. The dress had a cut out in front, a ring was linking the part that covered her boobs to the down part of the dress. while the back of the dress was open, just connected by straps. It looked perfect on her, while I would never try to wear something like that because of my chest size, I love to appreciate it on my best friend's body. "Can we go pay for the dresses now?" I asked, already tired of the mall. "Just because you have been a good girl today, yes". I rolled my eyes at my best friend and followed her as we made our way to the payment counter. Suddenly she gasped, I turned around to check what was making her gasped there. "What is it?" I finally asked after not finding anything. "Well, if it's not the new captain of the basketball team Courtney was telling me about today". Maya angled her jaw straight ahead and I saw two boys? But the other was so pretty you could mistake him for a girl. "Which one of them?" I asked her because both looked athletic. "The one standing". Quietly we passed them and Maya noticed that the one standing was giving us looks, I sighed. Whenever I'm out with Maya, she always gets checked out which was energy draining because I always feel like punching some of them. "she is so checking you out", Maya whispered as she slid her card over to the cashier. I furrowed my brows in confusion, she? I turned back to look at the two carefully. No wonder I thought she was pretty before. We walked back after paying for our clothes and Maya decided to look over at their place again. When she did, she nudged me with her hips teasing me about how the basketball captain's eyes will undress me in the middle of the store there and then. I pushed her away and scowled at her, stomping my way out of the store. Maya laughed and ran after me, trying to pacify me and still finding a way to tease me still. Seriously, I don't know how I found this girl. ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** Jordan's POV Jake was still laughing even after we had gotten to the dormitory and I had parked my car properly in the dorm car park. " Dude it's not really funny you know, yes I saw a girl at the store today and I like her. I don't see anything wrong with that". Jake shook his head, still laughing. "No, absolutely nothing wrong with that. it's just the way you were looking at her, bro you were smitten by her!" "Fair enough, because she is gorgeous". Jake nodded and hummed, " or maybe you are losing your player's touch finally". I turned and glared at him, "shut up". " By the way, you haven't told me anything about her". Jake turned with a teasing look, but my blank face stopped him and he sighed. "Jeez, one can not even tease you. Okay, her name is Emma like I said, best friend to the other girl Maya. They are like peas in a pod but also very different, Maya is the very social one, While Emma likes to be herself most times. doesn't mean she is boring, she is far from being boring". I listened with rapt attention wondering how Jake got to know all of these. " Emma is a nice girl, witty too. But she has a boyfriend". Jake concluded adding the last part with a pointed look. "And how did you know all these about her?" Jake rolled his eyes at me and grabbed the bags with the things we had gone shopping for. "She shared a chemistry class with us last semester". With that, he waved goodbye in front of my face and left the car, heading to his own. I sat there in my car trying to process what he had said. So this sweet little girl I had seen today have been around me all these while but I never noticed?!
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