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Jordan’s POV The dorm life is something I am still trying to get accustomed to, but deep down I know I’m not cut out for it. Admittedly moving around campus have been easier for me and I attend classes now. When I stayed alone in my apartment, moving out of the house was a major problem except if going out meant I was going for basketball training or I was hanging out with friends. “Hey Jay, what’s good?” I looked up and saw one of my teammates Kendall giving me a handshake. I shook them (Kendall is non binary and a very cool person I like very much among the guys on the basketball team) and we fist bumped. “Nothing much, practice today was thorough”. Kendall chuckled, “I know right? I don’t think coach wants us to lose like we did last year”. “I think so too”. “Yes, I mean you are our new captain. So yay for us”, Kendall winked and patted me on my shoulder, leaving me alone again in the locker room. I hurriedly packed up my stuff to also leave, the thought of going back to the dorm again hit me and I groaned. “I really hate it there”. I just got to my car when I saw my best friend waving and jogging towards me. “What’s good bro?” We fist bumped and did the bro handshake thing. Jake my best friend, from middle school. He shared the same name as with my eldest brother, at first they were not the friendliest of buddies because Jake my brother always thought that my best friend Jake was looking for ways to get into my pants. A ridiculous thought at that. It wasn’t till I came out to my family in 11th grade that he started warming up to Jake. I knew it was because they all knew that Jake and I could never happen, now they are the coolest ever. Whenever Jake comes around he is always at hip with his namesake, one would think they were best friends instead. “Hey Jake, nothing much. Just finished practice, I’m about headed home”, I caught myself at that and smacked my forehead. “I’m headed back to the dormitory now”, I corrected myself through clenched teeth. Jake doubled over and howled in laughter. Ever since he knew of my predicament, he never fails to seize any opportunity given to laugh at me. “Dude chill out, it’s not even that funny”. “To you”, he stood up straight, we stood roughly at same height. Okay maybe he had like an inch or so on me but still, same height. I rolled my eyes, “what’s up with you?” “Are you busy?” “I literally just told you that I just got finished with practice and I want to head back to the dorm”. “Okay, so aside the dorm you are free, great”. I noticed the way he stressed the ‘dorm’ and glared at him. “You don’t know how to take a joke Jordan”. “Sorry I’m not in the mood”. I replied sarcastically. “I’d wanted to ask you if you could follow me to the mall, I want to pick up some stuff for my girlfriend but I lack absolute sense in these female things”. I sighed deeply, two things Jake was definitely benefiting from being friends with me is the ability to ask me on fashion or stuff about females and also males. And he always says, “that’s on having an androgynous best friend”. “I will have to freshen up first”. “No problem, I’ll wait for you”. I shrugged, "then it’s fine. Are we using my car or you will drive behind me". Jake turned and looked at his car behind and back to me. “I think I’ll drive behind you”. “p***y”, I teased and laughed at him while I entered my car and he jogged to his. We got to my dorm and I quickly entered the bathroom to freshen up. “What do you have in mind for her?” “I don’t know”. I turned to look at the boy that was sprawled on my bed. “You are hopeless Jake, how wouldn’t you know what you want to get your girlfriend?” “That is why I have you dude”. I shook my head at his stupidity. “Hey, are you supposed to have a roommate?” He noticed the extra wardrobe and bed, basically everything that was on my side. “I guess, but I think dad fixed that. He should know I don’t like staying with strangers”. “Imagine if a roommate pulled up in front of your door”. “Stop saying weird things Jake”, I threw a shirt at him and got dressed up. “Miss steal your girl”. “Shut up and let’s go”. “My car or yours?” “Yours, I am absolutely lazy to drive”. “Oh Jake”, I shook my head as I grabbed my keys and jacket. “Let’s go”. I locked up after him and we went out to the car. “Look, before you get into my car. I need to remind you of the ground rules again”. I had not finished talking before he opened the door and sat on the passenger side placing his legs on my dash. I followed suit, but through the drivers side instead. “The earlier I throw you out of my life, the better for me”. “You are stuck with me for life, now shut up and drive”. ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** “What is her favorite color?” “Lilac, her favorite flowers are lilacs also”. “I only asked for her favorite color smart mouth”. “And I gave you the answer”. I shook my head again at him. “We are getting her a dress and shoes to match, I hope your card is well loaded”. I turned round and looked for shop attendant, before walking off to the dresses rack. After picking up few dresses, I took them to Jake. “Here you go, take a look at them. You know what your girlfriend likes”. “Okay, I’ll pick two and let you pick the final”. “Whatever rocks your boat, what’s her shoe size?” “Thirty seven”. “Okay, I’ll go pick out the shoes now. Be useful and make sure you do something with those before I get back”. I got to the shoe section and started looking for a shoe that will fit the dresses that I had selected and left with Jake. Hopefully that boy will be serious and actually be helpful in getting this gift for his girlfriend. I saw a pair that caught my attention and reached out to get it when I heard the voices of two girls arguing, I looked up as every human will instinctively do and met the eyes of the most prettiest girl I have ever come across. I looked away quickly and looked back, she had not noticed me. Then I noticed her friend that was with her, her friend was taller by few inches and she there, a short girl glaring fiercely at her friend with her both hands on her waist, I smiled, she’s cute. I looked back down and then looked up again, I was struck and felt the strong urge to make her mine. I haven’t felt this way in a long time, there she was in her cute joggers and hoodie, her curly hair up in a bun on her head. I stared again as she was talking to her friend now, my gaze drifted down her face to her mouth. How can a girl drive someone crazy without even knowing or being in the same space with the person? I shook my head and cleared my throat, picked up the pair of shoes and left the shoe section to join Jake. “Here”, I thrusted the pair of shoes to him. “What did you pick?” He showed me two gowns and I selected one, the back was open with just straps around it and it should stop around Lizzy’s mid thigh. “How tall is Lizzy?” I asked Jake. “About five seven”. “Okay, this should be around her mid thighs then”, I picked out the dress and stretched my hand out for his card. He was bringing it out from his wallet when I saw the girls walking towards our direction. I turned to Jake, he knows almost everyone on campus, when I say everyone I mean every elite kid. And for them to be shopping there, then one of them have to be among that class. So he might most probably know one of them. “Hey, Jake”. “Yes?” “Who is she?” I slightly jutted my jaw out towards their direction and he turned to the direction, he saw them and turned to me back. “Which of them, Maya or Emma?” “Who is Maya, who is Emma?” “Emma is the black girl..” “Yes that one, Emma”. I turned again to look at her and Maya caught me staring. She quickly turned and whispered something to Emma who in turn pushed her away slightly, I smiled and turned back to Jake who was staring at me with a big mischievous grin on his face. “What is it?” I queried. “You are so gone my friend”, he laughed. “Shut up”, I muttered and snatched the card from his hand and walked away towards the front desk to pay, he followed after me still laughing.
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