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Emma's POV Thursday, 11:02 am "Good morning Maya, Emma. You are going to be at the party right?" A random girl that I don't know walked past Maya and I as we were seated in a canteen trying to scarf down some snacks before heading to the next lecture for the day, I rolled my eyes. The party Sam was hosting has been the major talk on my side of campus and it was slowly driving me crazy. While Maya was an economics major, I was in biochemistry so that means we hardly see each other on campus and the little time we had together now is being interrupted with people passing by and dropping random comments about how they can't wait to see us at the party and stuff like that. "You look pissed", Maya giggled as she waved her meat pie in front of my face. " That is because I am", I replied and slurped on my soft drink. "And why is that?" "The fact everyone keeps hyping up this party is becoming high key annoying to me. Like just shut up and wait for the actual party to come for heaven's sake". Maya laughed and I rolled my eyes at her. " It's not funny". "Yes, it's not but the way you put it makes it so funny". I pursed my lips and considered not pouring my drink over Maya's face. “Give me a very good reason as to why my sting should not end up all over your face”. “Because you love me”, she had the audacity to reply in a duh tone, I rolled my eyes and glared at her. “Not good enough”. Maya looked constipated as she always looks when she is trying to hold in laughter. “Okay okay, because your body needs it more than my face does”. That sounded more reasonable as I picked up my drink and slurped on it again. “That works”, I replied and grinned widely at her. “Psycho”. “You love me like that”, I stuck my tongue out at her. “Come on, let’s get out of here”. Maya stood up and carried her backpack and I followed suit. “Where are we going to now?” “I have two free periods, I will just hang out at the basketball court. Besides I want to see Tyler you know”, Maya waggled her brows at me and I pinched my nose bridge. “You are such an harlot”. Maya swayed her waist as we walked out of the cafeteria. “The boys loves me, what can I do about that?” She retorted still swaying her waist. I shook my head, I swear this girl drives me crazy at all times. ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** Jordan’s POV “Sam’s party has been the talk all over campus”, Tyler said to me as we headed towards the dressing room. The party, of course I have heard about it and Bianca has been breathing it down my throat ever since the beginning of this week. “Yeah, I am not sure I’m interested in that party”. We got to the locker room and Tyler’s own was next to mine, so we basically walked together there. I know you are confused now, let me clear that up. My college is an LGBTQIA friendly school, that is why I am on a guy’s basketball team also, my pronouns are he or she, I really don’t get annoyed when people call me a pretty boy before finding out I am a girl. Hence the he in my pronouns. Also there would be a provision for a non binary team but that was still undergoing plans and all, it’s not easy for young athletic people coming out since the outer world pose a lot of challenges. That is why we have Kendall on the team for now too, so I am the only female on the team, a non binary and two transgenders on the team. That is why I have a locker in the dressing room too, no segregation here. Talk about why I love this school. “It’s going to be lit I promise you”. “I don’t want to know Tyler”, I replied him as I changed into my kit. “But you are going to be there, I know it”. I sighed because he might just be right. “Whatever”. “Ah ha!” He laughed in my face and we both wore our kicks and headed out into the court to meet the other team mates. “Where is your captain band, captain?” Josh yelled and I flipped him the middle finger. “Okay guys, I don’t know why but coach asked us to practice for some time before he arrived, apparently he has some news for us”. I ran my hand through my hair as the other team members murmured between themselves. I looked up to the bleachers and saw a pair I never expected to see here, there on the second row was Maya and Emma. With Emma looking like she would rather be anywhere but here. I smiled, she always have a bored look on her face, I wonder what interests her. Maya caught me looking and smirked as she elbowed Emma. Before she could point me out, I quickly turned away and clapped my hands as I gathered up my team mates and started warm ups. ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** Emma’s POV “I still don’t understand what we are doing here”, I said in a bored tone as we walked up the bleachers to the second row and sat down. Down at the court, some basketball players were there discussing among themselves. I brought out my phone, plugged in my earphones, opened my music app and started playing music and also began playing a game to pass away time as we waited for Tyler. Suddenly I felt Maya’s sharp elbow hit my ribs and I turned to give her my deadliest glare, instead of her to cower she rolled her eyes at me instead. The nerve of her! “Calm your pants missy, there is your secret Admirer”, she jutted her chin out in the court and eventually pointed the girl we had seen at the boutique we had gone shopping at yesterday. “She was just staring at you now”, Maya said a little too excited and I gave her my ‘really?’ Look. “Not like I care”, I looked out into the court and saw that she was putting the team together and started a mini game of some sort, maybe practice. I am not familiar with all these sports things if it’s not about running. “Keep lying to yourself”, Maya said before she stood up and began cheering Tyler up. I shook my head at my dramatic friend and plugged in my earphones again and got lost in the video game again. Someone poked my sides and I looked first into the court to see if the player girl was looking at me. Sure she was looking at me and I smiled awkwardly at her and turned to glare at Maya again. I turned and saw that Courtney was seated beside her too. Great, this bimbo is here too. I won’t stop hearing about this party now. I thought as I smiled at her and greeted her. I returned my gaze to Maya and saw her making cute eyes and kissy face at me. “Aw, Emma has a new crush now”. I glared at her and ignored her as she began telling the story of what happened yesterday to Courtney. “But I think she have a girlfriend, Bianca? I don’t know but Bianca always talks about her”. “Not like I care, I also have a boyfriend. I don’t know why Maya is hyper about what is not real”. I replied to Courtney with a tight smile. Thankfully, Tyler joined us and Maya’s attention was somewhere else other than frustrating me. “Are you ready for the party tomorrow?” I heard Courtney chirped excitedly and I rolled my eyes while plugging my earphones back in. God help this party flops, I wonder how Courtney and the rest will be like. “Jordan!” Tyler yelled and I saw the girl turned and waved at us. Her gaze trailed to mine and lingered for a while before she looked away to someone else calling her. I saw a girl walking into the court and opening her arms for a hug. That must be the Bianca. Tyler confirmed my suspicions as he laughed and told Maya, “I swear Jordan hates Bianca but she is always throwing herself all over Jordan”. Maya faked as if she was interested, “how?” “Simple. Jordan is a player, she doesn’t do feelings”. I looked over to Maya to give her a triumphant look and she rolled her eyes at me. I looked back into the court and saw that Jordan was excusing herself and walking towards what I guess might be their locker room. She ran her hand through her hair and I was captivated. I shook my head, “you have a boyfriend and you are straight”. I said sternly to myself and changed my playlist, while waiting for Maya to get ready so we could leave there.
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